Author Archives: kauilapele2

Jetson White VIDEOs… “Synopsis of This Channel’s Message”… parts 1-5

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[Kp update : I altered the post a bit because the thumbnail from Part 1 (with a cartoon picture of George W.) kind of “freaked me out”; so now the first image one will see is that of Part 2.] … Continue reading

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Jetson White VIDEO 5-25-21… “The Players in the Universal D Game”

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This YouTube person (some are also on this Rumble channel) may be someone a few will care to keep an eye on. I’ve been “sucked in” to his videos ever since a co-Light-worker type told me about them. Watch this … Continue reading

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210608 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist Click to view individual videos

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210606 Kp Driving Messages VIDEOs playlist Click to view individual videos

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210604 Kp Message… “Driving to Viator (in the fields of green)

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Kp Message 6-6-21… “The Illuminations Come Strongly”

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It’s become quite clear to me that the Five Keys Mission opened up something significant on (and for) the planet. It has for myself, at least. I’ve been directed to a few short videos (I intend to post later) that … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-5-21… “Extreme ‘Flattening’ Energies Right Now”

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I have felt exceedingly “flattened” by the current energies incoming onto (into, throughout) the planet. Just very, very challenging. Hard to arise, hard to move throughout the 3D layers, hard to just go anywhere. Perhaps others are feeling the same. … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 6-1-21 THREE VIDEOs… “What to expect in June”, “Truth about Fauci”, “Governors and what are they up to”

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These are ones I watched today (6-1-21) which I enjoyed, and from which I received some new data. . Check out Tarot by Janine’s new video where she does a reading looking into the month of June and … Continue reading

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Kp Message 5-26-21… “Where to from here…” (and “I’m away from the blog for (at least) a few days”)

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Much of the “following this, following that, watching this, watching that” is very entertaining, for me at least, but I am taking time to BE what I am… an Energy Worker. And I’m just really feeling the need for a … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 5-26-21… “Truth About The Gates/Epstein Friendship! + Deep Rumors Around Trump & What’s To Happen Next!”

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I viewed this earlier today, and am posting for awareness, as the “T arrested” scenario may be part of this movie by the White Hats. . Check out Tarot by Janine’s new video where she does a reading … Continue reading

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A Few Items of possible interest 5-25-21… (and then I’m off)

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I’m listing these just by links. They unveiled some things to me. After this post, I will not be doing too much for a few days. If I do post, it will be on the blog and/or YouTube channel and … Continue reading

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James Gilliland ECETI VIDEOs… “Gene Decode show[s] #1 & #2”

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These I found quite illuminating, as always from Gene. I found the combination of their energies quite refreshing, and James added his insights about things, as well. These were done a few weeks apart, so they were able to talk … Continue reading

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Kp Message 5-23-21… “Another 5-5-5″… “Stepping to a Higher Frequency Beat”

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Yes, today is a 5-5-5. I’d really not intended to write anything about that. So I won’t. But my mind and body have been undergoing some massive illuminations, exposures, of old patterns calling for release, and as I took one … Continue reading

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“HO – LEE CRAP!!” Just saw this video, which syncs with the last post (Many work ‘in the shadows, in the silence’)

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As the moments today unfolded, Guidance moved me here and there, and finally back to the house, where I strongly “got” to rest in the horizontal position. Well, one of the Telegram channels I follow is called JFKJrIsQ (@HSRetoucherQ) (and … Continue reading

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Kp Message 5-20-21… “Emotional outbursts… This path has continued to be, many times, not so easy”

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Sometimes I move through this current journey with Light and Love and Faeries and Rainbows showing up all around me. Today has not been one of those times. I’ve spent about the last 10-15 minutes crying, and crying, and crying, … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 5-19-21… “Truth behind identity, nanotech… [etc.]”

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I viewed this earlier, and received some possibly helpful data from it. We are protected, apparently, by T and the White Hats. .–4ng–4ng Check out Tarot by Janine’s new video where she does a reading looking into some … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 5-18-21… “Truth Behind Leaked Lists + Update on White Hat’s & ‘The Take Down Op'”

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Watched this earlier in the day, and really got quite a bit of data from this. I’ve read about the “list of operations”, etc. (I believe may have come via RMN), and her cards imply that this take down may … Continue reading

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210518 Kp VIDEO Message… “Things are dissolving, Lightning is cracking”

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Kp Message 5-16-21 (2355)… “At this moment…”

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Well, I’ve been out and about most of the earlier part of the day, then came back to watch/listen to David Wilcock’s Ascension Mystery School (or whatever the title is), which I did… for 5 hours!! Actually, I feel it … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 5-13-21 VIDEO… “Interplanetary Climate Change 2021 — Evidence of Solar Flash?” (and MP3 & MP4 downloads)

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I found this to be a very helpful and timely video from David. Particularly I’d suggest watching the first 30-40 minutes for general “breaking news” information. And another important part was at around 55 minutes, where he discusses the “dangers … Continue reading

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The Sun(flower) was Shining at Luau Coffee shop today (5-12-21)…

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Very much enjoyed this day in the sun at Luau Coffee (in Wasco).

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210512 Kp Driving Messages… “Things are Poppin'”

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Some may “get” something from these short messages. I also discuss a bit about my parents (which I’ve seen as tall Sirians). . Click for a list of individual videos

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Today, May 12, 2021 (5-12-21) is the one-year anniversary of my Father’s passing…

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Today is the 1-year anniversary of my Father’s crossing over. I will likely be spending the day quietly, and since my Mother’s birthday is 5-14, within these three days I will have a ceremony for them to celebrate their lives … Continue reading

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Short note about the blog… If you see “kauilapele2”, that’s also me, Kp…

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Yes, this is also me. There are two names I’ll be using for awhile, kauilapele and kauilapele2. The first one is an “admin” and can (apparently) use a lot of resources, leading to “blog is down”. The second one I’m … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 5-11-21… “Truth Behind David Wilcock and his Intel about Bill Gates Switching Sides! (Facts Or Fiction?)”

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Related to DW’s recent livestream (related Kp blog post), I thought this one was a fascinating look at DW (and BG), and where she sees from the cards that DW is indeed a “good guy”, but BG is apparently doing … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 5-9-21 VIDEO… “Ancient and Modern Prophecies Converge on Current Events HI-RES REUPLOAD!” (from 5-11-21) (plus MP3)

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This one I viewed live, on 5-9-21, and found the “tuning in” and the meditation quite appropriate for that day. This video is supposedly improved over the original video. I was unable to download an mp4 or mov of this, … Continue reading

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