Jetson White VIDEOs… “Synopsis of This Channel’s Message”… parts 1-5

[Kp update : I altered the post a bit because the thumbnail from Part 1 (with a cartoon picture of George W.) kind of “freaked me out”; so now the first image one will see is that of Part 2.]

As I mentioned in yesterdays post about Jetson, these are from someone a few might wish to keep an eye on. I definitely am.

There’s something connecting within me via these videos.

I started watching these “synopses” and found them extremely mind expanding. Looking at them via a “get” perspective (i.e., what do I “get”, instantaneously (cf. to what do I “think” about it)), these definitely opened a gate into my “Higher Innards”.

Someone I spoke with today, mentioned that if they were to just view one of these, it would be Part 4. Feel free to find your own.
Click to view Part 1

What I’ve received about Earth’s History and the game Humanity is playing in. Links referred to in vid have been temporarily removed.


Part 2 addresses why this channel’s view of Osiris differs from 107’s. Links referred to in vid have been temporarily removed.


Music: Tracks from the Celestial Awakenings CD. ‘Kodoish Hymn’ by Heede, Thomas, & Hurtak ‘Ose Shalom’ by Heede, Thomas, & Hurtak​.


Contains previously-covered ideas about the Mark of the Beast, new revelations surrounding the questions of why Technology must be used for the Rapture, and how Citizens of any Nation can start taking their Country back.


A two-part synopsis of the 3-6-9 teachings that were brought forth on this channel. Reveals the physics behind achieving Zero Point in your fields.


A two-part synopsis of the 3-6-9 teachings that were brought forth on this channel. Reveals the physics behind achieving Zero Point in your fields.

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