Kp Message 5-23-21… “Another 5-5-5″… “Stepping to a Higher Frequency Beat”

Yes, today is a 5-5-5. I’d really not intended to write anything about that. So I won’t.

But my mind and body have been undergoing some massive illuminations, exposures, of old patterns calling for release, and as I took one of my (seeming) 23 walks today, to help clear “dark spots”, I realized how very very few people around this neighborhood have any deep connection to my current Self. None.

Right now, I can tell you, I am fumbling around here and there, trying to do this or that (around/with) this house and/or its things. And I’m sensing that I’m doing as well as I can, but I do not like doing many of those. They grate against my BEingness’s knowing that I want essentially nothing, need nothing, and now the last two days I’ve been packaging things up to give/send to others in the “bloodline family”. I do not care for doing those things. And there won’t be much more of it.

Mainly, though, it’s the pattern on which many of them (both bloodliners and other people I know around the neighborhood) base their lives. None match mine. None.

I’m not here for things, to accumulate stuff, to have thousands, millions of (take pick) [dollars, euros, dinars, yuan, silver, gold, companies, children, etc.], and currently I’m viewing and releasing (and occasionally finding more) “stuffs” that parents considered worth holding on to. So that’s still a challenge. But we’re (Higher Self and God/Universe) moving through it.

We’ll see where it goes.

There are a few things to finish today, related to old family items, and then I’ll be on to items that bring the 3D experience to a close (whatever that means… I just “got” the message to write it that way).

Most of the time, on the 3D levels, I do not know what I’m doing, I do not know where I’m going, and I do not really care about it.

The Higher Inner Guidance path is all I’m concerning myself with. That is all.

Aloha, Kp

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