Author Archives: kauilapele2

Utsava Update 11-17-21… “More Updates” (highlights)

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This just came in tonight. Felt it was important to pass along. Her updates I find to be uplifting to my (sometimes) “worn out” spirit. Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information. I’m only posting highlights. The full … Continue reading

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Two (2) VIDEOs I’ve viewed today, 11-16-21 (Santa Surfing / Clif High)

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I’ve seen a ton of videos recently, and these two resonated to post today (11-16-21). Please note that I did the Clif High one was to be posted, with the caveat that his messages are often seemingly “darker”. Yet I … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 11-15-21… “Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared”

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New weekly report from Ben. In addition to this, Tarot by Janine brought this up in this video, and the cards got that the declaration by the Queen was a dark hat “surrender” statement (covered in the first 15 minutes … Continue reading

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Found this one fascinating. And somewhere in here she addresses the actors playing the roles of politicals, that they’re getting “fed up” with the whole scenario. Similar to what I was feeling this morning in this post. .

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Well, this is better!! A Mayan mocha at Viator (11-15-21)

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Yes, I did make it to Viator today, where I received this outstanding Mayan mocha by Riley!! Excellent foam, flavor, and design!!! Life is truly outstanding as well, with Mayan mocha in hand… Aloha, Kp

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Kp Message 11-15-21 (early AM)… “Some times it just feels like it’s ‘too much'”

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I’m sometimes feeling like this whole process, whatever it is, is just too much to bear. I had such a day today. This was supposed to be a mocha day, but when the day started I realized that there were … Continue reading

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il Donaldo Trumpo VIDEOs 11-14-21… “People Standing Up, all over the Planet”

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These seem to point to “People waking up and taking back their sovereignty”. I enjoyed watching a few of them. .

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Kp Message 11-13-21… “Sending forth the Raven”

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I had a visit to the post office today, and noticed these Raven stamps on display. They didn’t actually have them, but I felt a strong connection to their energy. The stamp’s description says, “Inspired by the traditional story of … Continue reading

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211112 Kp Driving Message 2… “The High Vibrational Crystalline FIRST SNOW (Part 2)!!”

211112 Kp Driving Message 2… “The High Vibrational Crystalline FIRST SNOW (Part 2)!!” .

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211112 Kp Driving Message 1… “The High Vibrational Crystalline FIRST SNOW (baby!)!!”

211112 Kp Driving Message 1… “The High Vibrational Crystalline FIRST SNOW (baby!)!!” .

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211110 Kp Driving Message… “Countdown… Hold the Light (where you’re at)”

211110 Kp Driving Message… “Countdown… Hold the Light (where you’re at)” From two days ago… .

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Utsava Update 11-11-21… “Updates”

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This just came in today. Felt it was something to pass along. Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information. I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available to those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page. ————————————————————– Updates … Continue reading

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Kp summary post 11-11-21… “The EBS… Is it happening? A few videos… (perhaps it’s useful to ‘Be Prepared’)

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Wasn’t sure how to do this, but I’ve watched several videos, read a few Utsava updates, and continually (one day at a time) kept my own supplies and other things updated so that I’d have enough for a several days … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-8-21… “Global warming faction sues for peace as Khazarian mafia purge intensifies”

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Full weekly report from Ben. From this report, it’s pretty clear that the purge of the planet is underway. “There were big moves last week at the top of the worlds’ secret power structure, Asian and Western secret society sources … Continue reading

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Kp Message 11-10-21… “Challenging Energies, Challenging Visuals”

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You know, I’m feeling it. Lots of it… Challenges, that is. I’m seeing some comments by a few that I follow, laughing at certain “dark characters” as they are exposed and “taken out “. Sorry, that’s not my game. A … Continue reading

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211108 Kp Driving Message 2… “The ‘Holding Mode’ (and releasing from it)”

211108 Kp Driving Message 2… “The ‘Holding Mode’ (and releasing from it)” .

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211108 Kp Driving Message 1… “Claiming the Sovereignty (in what I post)”

211108 Kp Driving Message 1… “Claiming the Sovereignty (in what I post)” .

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Benjamin Fulford 11-8-21… “Global warming faction sues for peace as Khazarian mafia purge intensifies”

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New weekly report from Ben. From this report, it’s pretty clear that the purge of the planet is underway. “There were big moves last week at the top of the worlds’ secret power structure, Asian and Western secret society sources … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski (Patriot News & Updates) 11-6-21… “Ten Days. Darkness.”

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Very much appreciated this video by Phil, where he really explains about the 10 days and Darkness. Q did not write “10 days of darkness”, but rather, “Ten days. Darkness.” (see Q post #88). The main part of this begins … Continue reading

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Mark Passio 3-27-13 VIDEO… “‘New’ Age Bu//—- And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine”

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Mark Passio (in 2013) This was a major “Whoa” moment for me and my mind today. Through a variety of circumstances and this and that, I connected with someone on the islands (we’ll call them “Basil Fawkes (Falk)”), our discussion … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 11-6-21 VIDEO… “Did a Big Pharma CEO get Busted? + White Hat/Black Hat Plan! Breakdown or Buildup?”

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I’m sure many have heard of this by now (here is a link to one article about this). Well, Janine’s cards have a very “fascinating” view on this (it’s part of a White Hat op!). Enjoy the show! …Tarot by … Continue reading

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Kp Message 11-5-21… “BEing who / what I AM here to BE”

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Every time I watch things, videos, someone’s “life story”, or whatever, and I see implications like, “Well, this is the way you must live”… because it’s the “right” way to live. And so on. I do sometimes have to remind … Continue reading

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Maybe it’s just time to…… “DANCE”!!

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I just loved the first video (who sent to me? Not sure.) and just felt the resonance with my current state of BEing. Love the motion and the smooth movements of his body. The second one is another from the … Continue reading

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New Jersey “Election-anigans” 11-4-21 VIDEOs, via Project Veritas and Stew Peters

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These might be of interest to a few. Really… voting irregularities in New Jersey? I find that “Hard to believe”… More exposures coming our way! {View on YouTube] [Highlights from next video: “This week’s elections in Virginia and New … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 11-4-21… with Catherine Edwards, “Elon Musk, Iceland, New Zealand, Julian Assange, La Palma”

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I very much resonated with this video, and the “reading” that TbJ received from the cards. At 46:30 Catherine asks about travel restrictions ending, and she (and the cards) got that they’ll all be ending in about three months. Another … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-1-21… “G20 Slave “leaders” pose for photos while their masters struggle to survive”

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Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. As with last week’s report, this one is full of “items of interest”. Feel free to use one’s own Higher Discernment with all of this, and to Hold the Light for the Planet. … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 11-1-21… “Flash Overtura Update”

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This new update contains much information (much of it is helpful for the “grasping” of the whole picture). The process appears to be moving along. One point that did stand out (for myself, at least) was this line: “Cintamani stone … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski (Patriot News & Updates) 11-2-21… “The Meeting – November 1st, 2021”

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All I will say here is that I felt very “drawn” to listen to this today, and I did resonate with his messages, and his story about “the meeting”. Suggest using one’s own Higher Discernment when listening. I suggest listening … Continue reading

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Kp Message 11-2-21… “Out of ‘the hole’ and into ‘the Whole'”

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I’ve been viewing so much in the “data realm” and the “this is happening here and that is happening there” and the “unveiling of planetary ‘crap’” realms, that occasionally I just feel “extremely full” from it. Actually, a lot of … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 11-1-21… “Breakthrough November” (and a couple of “confirmations” by REK, and Jaco)

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Yes, I know there’s been a lot of TbJ’s videos recently, but the ones that resonate, I post. Also I listened to two Randall Earl Kaiser videos, where he notes that he has other sources that say the same as … Continue reading

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