Kp Message 11-2-21… “Out of ‘the hole’ and into ‘the Whole'”

I’ve been viewing so much in the “data realm” and the “this is happening here and that is happening there” and the “unveiling of planetary ‘crap'” realms, that occasionally I just feel “extremely full” from it.

Actually, a lot of the information may be helpful to one’s (my) development, but eventually, I’ve found that it can feel so overwhelming.

So today, I’ve stopped.

At some point, I feel I must allow the planet, and it’s inhabitants, to take care of themselves, and go through their own processes, while I go through mine.

And although I’ll still connect with “data sources” from time to time, I’m also connecting with other things of a “Higher Inner Nature”, like the video I’ve posted below. It has become one of my “going to bed” videos, which I play before the horizontal position comes.

So, with that, and with the video below, one might see that I am connecting with “the Whale” (yes, Hawaii is still calling). Interesting that the message with the video is, “Stop Overthinking – Slow Down An Overactive Mind – Calm Down And Relax – Meditate”. And so I shall…

Aloha, Kp

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