Kp Message 11-10-21… “Challenging Energies, Challenging Visuals”

You know, I’m feeling it. Lots of it… Challenges, that is.

I’m seeing some comments by a few that I follow, laughing at certain “dark characters” as they are exposed and “taken out “. Sorry, that’s not my game.

A lot is happening, I’m sure. But for myself, it is extremely important to remain free from those reactions. Calmness, while going through this time is a key. Staying grounded and tuning in to the Light is key.

The exposure energies seem very strong right now.

I’m not posting much, even though a lot is being brought out. I’ll get around to it. I have a few personal items to “deal with”.

All is well, and we’ll get through this with the “nose up” attitude.

Aloha to all,

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