Utsava Update 11-11-21… “Updates”

This just came in today. Felt it was something to pass along. Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information.

I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available to those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.



“We have stated over a year ago that there will be a new structure in government. The new system also, we had mentioned, will remove all congress and senate members. New congress and senate members will be elected. Many polititians have been arrested, others are resigning. As arrested people are singing like birds this then led to more and more arrests.

“Instead of getting hang [hung] up on event dates, among patriots we believe that we should be focused more on the events themselves and not get hang up on the dates. I also have received the information that the White hats decided to do the EBS. They have been debating the past days if it is really necessary or not.

“We are seeing all of the signs that we are in the final stage before everything will be changing officially.

“There is also intentional bad news coming to the surface of the Biden administration. This is intended to prepare the population and create acceptance of the general population when Donald Trump is back.

“…CA governor Gavin Newsom has been arrested. Again the Deep state is panicking. The governor is singing like a bird providing information about who he has been working with. Involed are drug cartells, a mafia, other countries including China etc… The Deep state wanted to kill the governor and make it look like suicide so the White hats arrested him. He is in protective costudy and for a reduced sentence will turn in his crime syndicate he is part of.

“We have mentioned before that we are going back to Constitutional/Common law. The legal system will be and already has been in some form, taken over by the White hats/military.

“The main stream news media is for the most part controlled in some form, by the White hats. There is a case in the news right now where a victim of a crime got charged criminally for shooting an attacker, a shooter, who said he wanted to kill him… the shooter, who fired the gun in self defense to protect himself, was accused of crimes.

“This case is made an example of as to how our constitutional rights (for instance to defend yourself) are violated. This case is presented in the news in a manner to prepare us for the take-over of the judicial system and serves as a legal precedent for future cases.”


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