Author Archives: kauilapele2

A Couple of great (in my view) VIDEOs about “the CV (of the 19th variety)”

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Well, these two popped out from somewhere, and someone(s) (thank you for that), and I found them extremely illuminating about the CV. First one is more all encompassing (and sometimes, humorous)(and the short title helps it be easier to share … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of Interest (as of 10-23-22)… Titles and Links

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There are a grande load of videos I’ve viewed, so I’m just posting the titles and links for anyone who might attune to these. fully-unvaccinated-proves-to-be-the-safest-defense-against-contracting-covid THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI! Ismael Perez Discusses Putin Ending the Deep State with … Continue reading

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Kp Note 10-23-22… “Posting will be limited… My priority is preparing to return to Hawaii”

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This image represents how I feel about the islands, when I’ve allowed the “freedom” within to manifest. That’s about it. There’s a lot of items that continue to come up which I know are “post-able”, but it has become clear … Continue reading

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221020 Kp Driving Message… “Living with the Intent of Light and Joy”

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 10-19-22…”Trump & Kash Decode | China Preparing for Blitzkrieg War in Taiwan | C19 Justice is Coming” [plus notes from Barbara]

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This decode from QNewsPatriot speaks for itself. Barbara’s notes are below the video. Thanks much for those!! “[Anon Audio File 19]… SGAnon breaks down comms from POTUS45 in real time, cross referencing them with gematria and other comms from Q-patriots; … Continue reading

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Kp Message 10-15-22… “Releasing expectations”

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Yes… I’ve been doing quite a bit of that lately. When I’m going to leave the house. How I’m going to leave the house. When to ship things out. What things to ship out. Which house items to take with … Continue reading

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BeyondMystic 10-13-22 VIDEO… “The Jean-Claude & Janine Rumble Show”

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This show is from yesterday. Around 15 minutes they look at Tulsi Gabbard (stuff going on with her, but will bring many into the Light). They look into the DC FBI explosions, and a number of other items,

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Utsava VIDEO update 10-11-22… “Accurate prediction bridge bombing-Russia-Ukraine president has surrendered-Royals-Media”

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I found this illuminating…

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Kp Note 10-11-22… “Massive collapses and changes on many levels”

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This was going to be a “just about my body’s condition” post, but now I see it is about much more… perhaps to bring awareness to other things. Yes, my body is healing, recovering (whatever you call it). I still … Continue reading

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 10-10-22…”<45> & FLOTUS Comms | Putin’s War is Only Just Beginning | Justice is Coming”

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More decodes and intel from QNewsPatriot. “[Anon Audio File 17]… SGAnon gives a short breakdown of American-Alliance comms, as well as examining Russia and Ukraine, the looming energy crisis, and the banking collapse. All is well. Trust the Plan.” … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 10-10-22… “AMA [Ask Me Anything] – October 10th, 2022” (plus NOTES from Chip)

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I listened to this tonight. Personally, I found the notes easier for getting the information. Go to about 25 minutes to skip music and prize winners. I suggest listening at 2x speed. Chip’s notes are below the video links. “Phil … Continue reading

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 10-7-22…”Supreme Court Cancels USA Midterm Elections | 45 & Scavino Pointing us to US Military Domestic Ops”

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More decodes and intel from QNewsPatriot. “Anon Audio File 16… SGAnon discloses information related to the Supreme Court of the United States, and it’s involvement in the suspension of the US November Midterm Elections, as well as the coming financial … Continue reading

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BeyondMystic 10-6-22 VIDEO… “The Jean-Claude & Janine Rumble Show”

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Found this rather fun to listen to. Finally they’ve chosen to do a FREE Rumble live show. At about 40 minutes they look at DeSantis, and find out he is not who most believe he is.

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Kp Note 10-7-22… “The Body is currently ‘out of it'”

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Just a short note to let you know that I have been “under the weather” for the last 3 days. It feels like a cold or flu. There’s no temperature, just uncomfortability… The “sense” I got from is that it … Continue reading

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A beautiful day, at Viator Way…

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…with a Mayan mocha and beautiful tree in the background…

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 10-4-22…”Goodbye McDonalds | “Russian” Sub Goes Missing | 45 Comms Highlighting W. / HW / Clinton / Obama”

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More decodes and intel from QNewsPatriot. He draws many illuminating items from recent drops, from various sources. Note from Beverly: “Listen to the end to hear about McDonald’s going bankrupt & why!!!” “SGAnon discusses recent comms from the commander in … Continue reading

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Kp Message 10-4-22… “Where we ‘belong’… Honoring ‘the Path’… Honoring ‘the Process'”

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The image at left indeed expresses where I feel I am headed (Big Island (image is of Kilauea)). But I’ve been going through a lot of emotional and spiritual releases since I returned from the last journey to the islands, … Continue reading

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221003 Kp Driving Message… “We’re passing through an Amazing time!”

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Via Nick Veniamin 10-2-22 VIDEO… “Everything is about to change”

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Thanks to another Kp who sent this to me!! Collection of video snippets about what we are going through… And encouragement to stay “in the Light” with all this!

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 10-2-22…”US Military Commanders Planning National EAS | 45 Comms on Red October | Strap In”

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More news and intel from QNewsPatriot. “Anon Audio File 14… SGAnon breaks down comms from the Commander in Chief regarding censorship, Red October, and Russia, and also discloses that the military white hat command is nearly ready to implement a … Continue reading

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HawaiiFreeSpeechNews3 10-2-22 (4) VIDEOs… “From the Freedom Rally in Honolulu”

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Watched each of these short videos today, and perhaps this gives a flavor of what’s happening on the islands. BJ Penn, candidate for State of Hawaii Governor, is very well known and respected in the islands, and has stood up … Continue reading

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221001 Kp Driving Message… “Energy updates (Janine msg)… Turmoil about the move”

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HawaiiFreeSpeechNews3 9-17-22 VIDEO… “Jessica Priya” (@Jessica4staterep)

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Worth watching, in my view. Things are happening on the islands, for the people. One step at a time. . @Jessica4staterep

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220928 Kp Driving Message… “Channels Disappearing… BEing at Peace in the Solitude”

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) VIDEO 9-28-22…”Cabal-System Economic Collapse in Progress | Xi and Putin | RED October Next Month”

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Another illuminating video by QNewsPatriot. I continue to align with his “measured” approach to what is going on. “Anon Audio File 13… SGAnon discusses recent intel, POTUS45 comms concerning Russia, Election Fraud, and FBI conspiracy-connections, as well Chinese internal struggling … Continue reading

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220926 Kp Driving Message 2… “Illuminations… more about those”

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220926 Kp Driving Message 1… “Releasing the ‘Derangements’, Embracing the Illuminations”

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Just a note (9-25-22)… “I will be deleting the FB page”

[Kp note 220925 1300 CDT: the FB page has been deactivated.] The only reason I started the FB page was because a few years ago, WordPress would automatically connect only to pages, not profiles. But FB has changed … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 9-24-22… “BLACK – September 24th, 2022” (plus NOTES from Chip)

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I’m only going to suggest listening to this. I found the communication helpful to my Self. However, I recommend only following one’s own Higher Inner Guide with all of this. Especially the “taking all money out of the banks” idea … Continue reading

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Kp Message 9-24-22… “Release ALL fear scenarios & Stay IN the Light”

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I’m quite sure many are feeling this (these)… Fear scenario 1… Fear scenario 2…Fear scenario 3… Fear scenario 4… Not going to specify what those are. My sense is that each individual is being presented with their own, each aligned … Continue reading

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