Kp Note 10-23-22… “Posting will be limited… My priority is preparing to return to Hawaii”

This image represents how I feel about the islands, when I’ve allowed the “freedom” within to manifest.

That’s about it. There’s a lot of items that continue to come up which I know are “post-able”, but it has become clear that I must take care of the preparations for leaving Turtle Island, and returning to Kona.

Many items remain which I’ve told myself that I felt I “needed” to go through, thoroughly. But as I’ve asked for Guidance about all of, this FB post from Josh “showed up”. It expresses quite precisely what I have felt about my completing this current journey.

This house, and the items in it, have become a great weight after 3 years. I am releasing this weight (and thus releasing the weight for many, many past bloodline generations). And I am simplifying.

Aloha, Kp

Here’s the text of Josh’s post.

“Cutting Energetic Cords & Anchors

Some of y’all tryna “manifest” your “divine counterpart” when you still have pictures from your last 9 dysfunctional relationships plastered all over every one of your social media accounts.

A photograph is a photonic representation of you that carries an energetic link to whatever activities you were doing (you know those drunken pics at the bar) and whatever people you were doing them with that will continue to affect you from the past unbeknownst to you.

If your life isn’t moving forward the way you you’d like it to, you might wanna take a scroll through your public pics on social media, your camera roll, and old photo albums and get rid of those pictures that no longer represent who you desire to be in the present.

This goes for memorabilia and “keepsakes” as well. All of these things are energetic anchors to past versions of you, that will keep you from fully stepping into the new version of yourself you desire to become, as long as you are packing them around.

If you’ve truly completed with past relationships and activities this won’t be hard for you to do.

Much Love, Josh Sorenson”

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