Author Archives: kauilapele2

Important development VIDEOs 7-7-21… “Il Presidento Is Suing Facebook, YouTube, Twitter And Their CEOs” (& a “Tarot by Janine” look at this)

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This is certainly a “big” event, I feel, and these are the only two videos I’ll be posting on this. The Il Donaldo one is my favorite! Tarot by Janine throws a lot more light on this in her video. … Continue reading

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210707 Kp Message… “We’re all going to make it through this… Enjoy the view”

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Kp Message 7-8-21… “Being Kind to Higher Inner Self… and Kind to ‘the Body'”

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That’s been a particularly “pointed” lesson recently. Particularly with all of the CV / CV-vaqs deals that have been going on. For myself, Times of Solitude are most helpful for my Higher Inner Self, and I honor that within myself, … Continue reading

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Kp Message 7-6-21… “Are we really ‘Going to make it’?”

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Maybe that’s really more of a question I’m really just asking myself, from time to time. But I’m sure we’re all getting this. For me, in the personal surroundings, I occasionally have the thought, “Is all of this stuff in … Continue reading

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A Few “Informational” VIDEOs of possible interest… with Nicholas Veniamin, Michael Jaco, Tarot by Janine

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These caught my interest. The first one was very fascinating discussion between Michael Jaco and Nicholas Veniamin. . [Also on Rumble:]

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Tarot by Janine (with Michael Jaco) VIDEOs re: the “Wild Weather”

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The first one covers quite a few things, besides the weather. The second one is one that is more focused on the weather.

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Mark Bajerski 6-15-21 VIDEO… “Shedding Spike Protein! Can it affect YOU? Energy Attack – Emotional attack & Physical Attack”

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Somewhere along the line this person’s approach to the CV19 vaqqine side effects situation came into my field. I’m not recalling any memories of his work, but I found the short video quite illuminating, and I feel others may find … Continue reading

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Kp Message 7-4-21… “Celebrating ‘Higher Inner-dependence'”

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Never really celebrated the 4th of July thing since moving to, and living in, Hawaii. Of course, now I’m not there physically, but same goes for myself over here. On the islands, after becoming aware that the Kingdom of Hawaii … Continue reading

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Kp Message 7-2-21… “Waves”

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The image at upper left is one I’ve posted before, but it is definitely reflecting what I feel like right now. The new summer weather and the items (inner and outer) I’ve been releasing have left me feeling as if … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-30-21… “Sometimes the ‘Planned Path’ must be Released”

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Yes, Sometimes the “Planned Path” must be Released, so the “real path” (the Path of Highest Good for the Planet (Cosmos) and for all concerned) may unveil itself. At some point I may go into this more, but for now … Continue reading

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny VIDEO 3-21-21… “A Shot in the Dark”

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This video was the first thing I watched today (found somewhere on somewhere from somewhere), and I know others may have sent this to me, but I very much got more clarity about how these vaqs operate. She does point … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-27-21… “More ‘focus’ on clearing than anything else”

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I could have said, “More ‘focus’ on clearing old stuff out of this house (HAH*) than anything else”. Or I could have said, “The Kp blog is now more about ‘Essence’ than quantity (of ‘news’ items)”. That’s really the way … Continue reading

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Another Lightworker has been “banned” (from FB)… now find “Joan Wheaton” on Gab (and MeWe)

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Joan mentioned this to me earlier. Unbelievably (to me, at least) she was taken off FB. Here’s what she wrote in an email: “…dear friends, after almost fifteen years of daily posting on Facebook, my account has been permanently disabled, … Continue reading

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A Few “Informational” VIDEOs from today [one more added]… David Rodriguez, Michael Jaco, Digital Warrior Productions, and Santa Surfing

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[Kp update: well, I just saw Santa Surfing’s part 2 video from today, so I’ve added it to the end. Especially check out around 9 minutes… looks like things may be moving in the DC area.] These are a whole … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 6-22-21 VIDEO… “Takes a look at our world situation & what’s really going on”

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I watched this right before going into my “dream work” time, and it really had some uplifting points (for myself, at least). So I felt was helpful to pass along right now. . Sending Ravens With Tarot By … Continue reading

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Charlie Freak VIDEO 6-20-21… “PFP Radio Episode #11 Becoming the Mast Star” (this assisted my Higher Self greatly)

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This was of great help to my Higher Self quite a bit a few days ago. I mentioned it in one of the many videos I’ve done in the last few days (soon to be posting those playlists, but now … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-22-21… “Living ‘in the moment’ is not always easy”

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…That became evident tonight as I packed up a few more items from the house to take to Salvation (Army). Just a challenge letting go of items which I know my parents used, but sometimes I have no idea what … Continue reading

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via Charlie Ward 6-17-21… “The Nuremburg Code (1947)” (and how the CV v– violates all of them)

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This was quite illuminating. Also I understand Dr. Fuellmich and others are filing charges against the v– makers.

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Project Veritas VIDEOs illustrating that the msm (“fake news”) is being exposed & falling & dissolving (6-14-21, 6-21-21)

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These reporters are doing it, baby!! Fox, CBS, and the rest are following. These are exposing to the main public that the msm channels are pretend news places. . .

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Three views about the CV and the CV-vaqs (and solutions?) from Dr. Judy Mikov—, some doctor (whose name I don’t know), and Tarot by Janine

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The first link goes to a Dr. Judy video (which is the one I was “bemoaning the brain-ness” messages (this Kp blog post)), which has a tonne of information and is positive about being around the vaqs-ed (just love ’em … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 6-17-21… “Planetary Situation Update” [full article]

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Here is the full article for all to see. I’m highlighting what I felt were strong points from this article. There is a lot going on, and opportunities for participation are abundant. “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The war … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-19-21 (early AM)… “Feeling the Dense Energies of the ‘brain world'”

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God, those who spend their time in the brain world and share their brain-ness are just grating in my Spirit at this moment. I just listened to a video with someone talking about viruses and vaccines and taking this and … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 6-17-21… “Planetary Situation Update” [link and summary only]

This is a very quick post, with linked title only, and I’ll post the full article later. I felt it was important to get the link out there right now. Planetary Situation Update Clearing of the Chimera group continues. … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible interest 6-17-21 (including a Tarot by Janine (6-16-21) and a (possible) “cut & paste” of a 4 year cycle of time??)

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These are all ones that “fascinated” (and resonated) my Higher Innards as I went around yesterday and today (driving, walking, running, space travel, dream travel, etc.). These might be starting points for research for some. For me, I “got” what … Continue reading

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il Donaldo Trumpo VIDEO 6-17-21… “Preacho!!!” (starring Ty Smith and Catturd!)

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This was a highlight video (for myself, at least) from the last couple days. Someone passed the article with the full video along to me earlier. Yes, there are quite a few “awake ones” here in Illinois. “Ty Smith, a … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-17-21… “Attuning to the Light, and the current, now moment path”

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This one’s been churning for awhile (a few days) and I felt I was to finish the short message before I go horizontal. My energetics at this moment are requiring that I remain free from energetic “turmoil and soap operas”. … Continue reading

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Tarot by Janine 6-12/14-21 TWO VIDEOs… “Dismantling the MSM Fear & The Negative Reports Preparing the Next Narrative!” & “Truth Behind the [MSM]! – Maxwell’s Info! Arizona! Situations with Bad Batches!”

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Well, I very much enjoyed these two short readings, particularly in that she addresses some of the reports “out there” that millions will pass away due to the “Jib Jab”. In the 2nd video, she refers to a video by … Continue reading

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A song about how I’m feeling right now… “The Brothers Cazimero – ‘Home in the Islands'”

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Thanks to S.A.M for sending this link to me. It’s “tough” to listen right now without tearing up… but I feel strongly the INspiration… .

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Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter VIDEO 6-12-21… “Sequel to Fall Cabal, Part 14… The Era of Depopulation”

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Somehow I discovered that sequels to the “Fall of the Cabal” video series (related Kp blog posts) was put out, and they are at this Bitchute channel, as well as the website, (which has links to videos in several … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-12-21… “Continuing ‘the process'” and (one more time) “I post what I get to post”

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There are times when I wonder what I’m doing here, and what I am to continue doing by living in a place, and earth location, that does not feel like it is “mine”, does not feel like it is “home”, … Continue reading

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