Kp Message 6-17-21… “Attuning to the Light, and the current, now moment path”

This one’s been churning for awhile (a few days) and I felt I was to finish the short message before I go horizontal.

My energetics at this moment are requiring that I remain free from energetic “turmoil and soap operas”. There’s a lot of them out there, but I sense that more and more beings are discerning their ways around them and getting off those rides.

I’m not really interested or concerned about “whose right about the EBS”, “how is the military going to do this or that”, which “Light messenger and /or reader knows what’s going on”. Everyone can read things and discern things for themselves, by themselves.

The last thing I am tuning into are the “doom and gloom” / “fear porn” messengers. What help is that? It is certainly not for myself.

The intent for a Higher Pathway, a Light centered Pathway, a Pathway traversed without any fear or doom or gloom attached, is where I am at this moment.

All I will say is what I am doing, and that is, “dealing with”, addressing, one item at a time in my current, now moment world… whatever is directly in front of my nose to address… whether it’s the house, the yard, the this or the that. To me, that’s all that matters.

Yes, I’m still fascinated by things, messages and reports and “news” from others, but these don’t push into my world anymore nor do they take me off my current, now moment path.

Like it or not, I’m staying IN the Light, walking WITH the Light, and following my path OF the Light.

If that resonates with anyone else, that is fine. If it doesn’t, well, no matter.

That’s all for now.

Aloha, Kp

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