Kp Message 7-6-21… “Are we really ‘Going to make it’?”

Maybe that’s really more of a question I’m really just asking myself, from time to time. But I’m sure we’re all getting this.

For me, in the personal surroundings, I occasionally have the thought, “Is all of this stuff in and from the house really going to get transferred out of here?” Even though a lot has transpired, and a lot has been moved out to their new home(s), there’s like a continuing SoS (Stream of Stuff) that is in front of me, behind me, to one side of me (garage), below me (the house has a basement), and, possibly, above me (still have yet to look into the attic). All I’m doing is to take one or two or three small bits of that SoS at a time, sort through it, or toss it, or give it away, or… whatever else the Higher Self guides to do.

Then there’s all of the lot of things that are continuing to “process” out there on / in / above / below this planet. CV19 this, so and so that, now there’s CV19 variant here, CV19 variant there, all weaker and weaker than the original (according to those who may know), but being played all the time as “fear cards” by the msm. The great thing for myself is, I pay absolutely NO attention to msm.

It seems my path is to return to Hawaii (at least it feels that way), but occasionally I hear and/or read about continuing CV19 / vak-seen BS that’s still pumping out there on the islands, so I know it is not yet time to return. Also, I’ve had some significant addressing of “dental items”, and that will continue through the next few months. So I’m clearly directed to stay here in the Midwest for now. We’ll see how it plays out.

I’m not really writing much about anything here, just pointing out my own facet of the “planetary issues” diamond we are all facing. And it is certainly important, I feel, for each to play their part, and care for their own personal “facet”.

I signed up for a TPRS (Trans Personal Release Session) with ECETI and James Gilliland. That was based on Higher Guidance, and I found it very much helped release many items from my timeline(s) and clarified the path I’m currently travelling.

There’s definitely a lot going on many places. But I like to remember, the most important “place” to take care of is the Inner place. Whatever the process is, I feel time in solitude and/or in Nature, and/or at a delightful coffee house with mocha, or whatever, is very, very helpful and uplifting to the Spirit.

All the rest will pass.

Aloha to all,

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