Author Archives: kauilapele2

211018 Kp Driving Message… “It’s going to get smoother”

Can’t say exactly what “smoother” means, but that’s what came through! .

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Mentioned in the video in the last post… “Real Raw News”

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In the last post (video link), Tarot by Janine took a look at this site: As I recall, she read that this was a site that was being used to put out articles about things that were really happening, … Continue reading

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JeanClaude@BeyondMystic 10-18-21 VIDEO… “Livestream: Tarot Readings by Janine”

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Found this one to have lots of information which I personally “resonated with”. They also reference a couple of other recent videos, one with Jean-Claude and Penny Kelly, another with Penny Kelly and Kim Goguen. I listened to both of … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 10-18-21… “Asian elders reject Khazarian mafia $150 trillion survival boondoggle”

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New weekly report from Ben. “The owners of the US Corporation and stage managers of the fake Biden presidency appear doomed after their $150 trillion plan to stave off bankruptcy was rejected by Asian secret societies. The West now faces … Continue reading

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Jetson White 10-17-21 VIDEO… “‘Red October’ – Jaco & Juan Presentation Excerpts”

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This one by Jetson assembles several points from Juan O Savin’s discussion with Michael Jaco about what is (likely) to occur, shortly (whatever that means). I found it very interestingly illuminating. Jetson always brings in his own decoding in his … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible Interest (as of 10-16-21)… (incl. Tarot by Janine, Project Veritas, Randall Earl Kaiser (who dat?))

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Several videos I’ve viewed recently. This “Randall Earl Kaiser” is a guy who goes around Calgary Alberta, and talks to people on the street. The discussion between him and Tarot by Janine (first video) was interesting, to say the least. … Continue reading

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via Simon Parkes 10-12-21… “Q-Phones are coming!!”

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This came out and was sent to me by someone (Thank you!). Pretty fascinating idea, and likely will be “spyware free”, etc. We shall see. Q-Phones (Telegram post link) Q-phones are coming. Say goodbye to iPhones. Q-phones are already developed … Continue reading

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Kp short post 10-16-21… “Got to separate and look away”

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Yes, all I’m going to say is that I’ve been observing several videos and a couple movies I’ve watched before (all related to current things going on), and I’ve just got to turn away sometimes. I can’t keep seeing all … Continue reading

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Juan O Savin with Rosanne 10-15-21 VIDEOs (short and long)… “Discuss the “Red Sea Moment””

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I’ve only listened to the short version. The long version is below it. I felt it was to be posted. There are comms in here, and gives context about what is to be coming (and “key” dates). The “Red Sea … Continue reading

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The Kraken has been released… in Seattle…

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Well, this showed up when I was watching a few NHL highlights. I’ve watched the NHL for a number of years (because I love the sport (and not the political BS some of the teams have got into)). Anyway, this … Continue reading

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Nicholas Veniamin 10-14-21 VIDEO… “‘The Fall Of The Cabal’ Producers Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Speak to Nicholas…”

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This one I watched in full tonight, and am very impressed by what they have done with their videos series (CabalSeries 1-10 (Rumble) and FallCabal sequels (Bitchute)). They describe their stories about how they came to “wake up”, then felt … Continue reading

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VIDEOs of possible Interest (as of 10-13-21)… (including Tarot by Janine, Santa Surfing, x22Report, Stew Peters)

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These are a few of the 5,223,496 videos I’ve watched recently, and honestly, I’m enjoying many of these, but am not trying to post every single one of them. So see what resonates, and leave the rest. The last two … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-11-21… “First shots of WWIII fired on Polish/Belarus border as collapse of EU begins”

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Full weekly report from Ben. I include in the highlights the quote about Donald Trump. I do not align with Ben’s apparent view that Trump is “compromised”. In my (and others) view, the Alliance would never have asked DJT to … Continue reading

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Is 10-15-21 a “key” date? Check these screenshots…

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These are from a wonderful person named “BP”, and I’d not seen any of this. Although I’m not really into figuring out “dates that stuff will happen”, there’s a lot of synchronicities here. And these are from all around the … Continue reading

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Kp Message 10-12-21… “The Calling of Mauna Kea”

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There was something that connected within myself today, connected with Mauna Kea… All of a sudden, the song, “‘O Mauna Kea” (Brother Noland and Tony Conjugacion) was playing on my iPhone. I’d actually purchased that song quite some time ago, … Continue reading

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Cobra Update 10-2-21… “Hold the Light II”

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There’s a lot of other things I could post, but I felt this Cobra update, from ten days ago, should be posted now (on 10-12-21). The information about upcoming timeline nodes I feel is helpful. Also the data about EIG. … Continue reading

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Benjamin Fulford 10-11-21… “First shots of WWIII fired on Polish/Belarus border as collapse of EU begins”

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New weekly report from Ben. I include in the highlights the quote about Donald Trump. I do not align with Ben’s apparent view that Trump is “compromised”. In my (and others) view, the Alliance would never have asked DJT to … Continue reading

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Utsava Updates 10-7-21, 10-10-21… Highlights from “The countdown is on! EBS is on… Everything is go” & “It’s happening!!!”

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I’m getting these out right away, as I’ve sensed we are very close to big things coming into view, and these two updates share some “Utsava data” about what we are entering into. Aligns with the last 107 interview (related … Continue reading

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Utsava, Answers to Questions 9-24-21, 10-2-21

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These are from two separate posts that Utsava made on her Buymeacoffee blog. I felt they might be helpful for some, at this time. In contrast to prior Utsava updates, I felt moved to go ahead and put out the … Continue reading

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Right Side Broadcasting (RSBN) 10-9-21… “President Donald Trump Rally Live In Des Moines, IA”

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[Kp note: the Youtube video link does not work anymore, so I’ve replaced it with the Rumble video.] There’s a bit more time left in this talk (well, there used to be), and Juan O Savin mentioned there might be … Continue reading

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Red Pill News VIDEO 10-7-21… “Juan O Savin on China’s Unrestricted War with America” (very important update piece) (“October is the month where everything begins to flip”)

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I’m posting this now, after just returning home from important meeting at Viator (with local Light Healer person), and then Costco, then gas station. I mention the latter because of the mileage number the car had… 70.7. In this video … Continue reading

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Kp Message 10-8-21… “Staying True to ‘the Cycle’ and ‘the Higher Inner Path'”

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Two years ago this day (10-8-19) I arrived in Illinois. Thought it might be a “short” trip, but here I am, still. So many times I’ve tried to “keep this thing going” and stay nose-up in attitude as I was … Continue reading

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JeanClaude@BeyondMystic 10-5-21 & 10-6-21 VIDEOs… “Spotlight Australia with Teymara & [Tarot by] Janine & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic” and “Tarot Readings by Janine”

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These two videos I viewed during the last two days, and although both were “fascinating”, the first really illuminated some points that helped me, in regard to the “fall of the deep state”: 1. ds players are on a timeline. … Continue reading

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FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-4-21… “Biden regime defaults; is given until October 18th before all hell breaks loose”

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Full weekly report from Ben. Much activity is going on, for sure. “The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, … Continue reading

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Project Veritas VIDEO 10-6-21… “PART 5: Pfizer Whistleblower LEAKS Execs Emails EXPOSING Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public”

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More exposure of Pfizer by PV (Rumble link). There is also a PV article about this video some may wish to read. For myself, the primary point here is that Pfizer appears to want to suppress this information (that HEK … Continue reading

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Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian 9-22-21… “30 facts you NEED to know: Your Cov_d Cribsheet”

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Don’t recall who informed me of this article, but I found it a very informative read, full of data, links, and items (30 of them!) about the famous “CV-19” theater we have been in… I’ve reformatted this quite a bit … Continue reading

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The GoldFish Report No. 777 II (10-2-21) – “Blogger Kauilepele & Holding the Light”

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Yes, I was on the Goldfish Report. Louisa asked me to be part of the “777 show” (of which there were 2 parts, Part 1 (“The New Quantum Financial System and Digital Currency”) and Part 2, on which I appeared). … Continue reading

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Project Veritas VIDEO 10-4-21… “PART 4: Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [C..V..] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] V………..'”

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Exposure of Pfizer by PV (Rumble link). YouTube (Rumble) Links to: Part 1 (Rumble) Part 2 (Rumble) Part 3 (Rumble) . Rumble link Have a tip, email: [email protected] Get emails: Support our mission:

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Simon Parkes 10-4-21… “Urgent – Social Media Down Over 75% Of The Planet”

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This was passed to me by someone (thank you, whoever you were). And it’s significant, I believe, and is what I clearly “got” and mentioned in the last Kp blog post. Let’s be prepared and see what happens. Some may … Continue reading

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Social media sites down… FB, Instagram, WhatsApp…

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I’ve noticed that both FaceBook (as of 11AM today) and (as of yesterday, in the afternoon) are down. Just now I saw a Tweet that stated Instagram and WhatsApp were down as well. My sense is that the Alliance … Continue reading

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