Kp short post 10-16-21… “Got to separate and look away”

Yes, all I’m going to say is that I’ve been observing several videos and a couple movies I’ve watched before (all related to current things going on), and I’ve just got to turn away sometimes. I can’t keep seeing all this stuff and being caught up in all the “deep state ending” deals that are visible.

Also I see “ideals” being put out there by many, like those are supposed to be what I’m supposed to go along with.

There’s no new paradigm to “create”. It’s just there. It’s what it will be. I don’t have to physically start this or that or build buildings or make profits to “Help lift up America” or anything like that.

I’m reminding myself that many of us do NOT do that kind of thing. That’s NOT why we came here. We came here to work with energies. Clear them, transmute them, channel then, so this planet may open up and move upward and forward.

Just saying this because I’ve got to clear this stuff out of my own BEing space.

I’ll BE what I AM, and not what others might say I should be.

Aloha, Kp

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