Utsava, Answers to Questions 9-24-21, 10-2-21

These are from two separate posts that Utsava made on her Buymeacoffee blog. I felt they might be helpful for some, at this time.

In contrast to prior Utsava updates, I felt moved to go ahead and put out the full article (which are always available via subscription). Feel free to discern for yourself regarding this information.

The full articles are available to those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.


Answers to the questions
Sep 24, 2021, 4 mins read

I will make some posts the next days to answer as many questions as possible.

The mask mandates are still in place in Democrat run states.  Will the mask mandates end this month?

They will be ending in the weeks to come. Before end of this year all is done. If you want to wear a mask, it is up to you but they cannot make it mandatory any longer.

I live in Switzerland and I am non-injected.  How concerned to I have to be about predictions of food shortages, particularly among the non-injected?  Should I be purchasing Prepper Packs? 

I think this issue is short-lived and will pass. I don’t think that there will be major food shortages.

Will the Covid-19 Apartheid (separating the injected from the non-injected) mandate be overturned in the November 28 election here in good old “neutral” Switzerland.

I see people go on their usual business soon. The Apartheid idea will not work out. It all will change soon and come to a halt also in connection with the EBS. Things like these will stop and things will come to a halt in regards to corona mandates in general. The hoax is at its end. A new phase is near.

Will we have a nuremberg 2 trial?

What is coming up is the EBS where videos of the confessions and the tribunals will be aired. It will be the scandal of the century. It will shock the nation what these traitors have done. It will be like nuremberg.

Also wondering if these restrictions will continue with travelling?

It depends where world wide. Not as much in the USA but some countries will still insist for a while, but most will not.

I have followed you for several years and I love listening to you and your predictions are always spot on! I guess the only question I have is if you know when the med beds will be available to the general public and if they will be expensive to use?

It is important to the White hats that the med beds are going to be FREE of charge. This is important so that there will be no excuses not to provide this service to everybody. Trump already said by end of the year the med beds will be available. I see them in the next four to six months.

Will the stock market recover after the crash? Thank You!

The stock market crash is tight in with a major price adjustment in connection with the Reset. The economy cannot sustain itself further and the prices have to come down. I do not feel that the stock market will simply recover as things will change all together that is beyond the single stock market prices. Some stocks will dissappear. Others will suffer major price adjustments, while some stay the same or won’t go down much.

What is suicide weekend?

When they talk about suicide weekend this usually means that there are major arrests and some criminals, instead of going through the judicial process, will commit suicide.

I am struggling with doing the necessary things to raise my vibration.  Eating more raw fruits and vegetables, eating less meat (or no meat) and getting proper exercise seems to be a battle.  The waiting for things to happen is more and more difficult but I’m still a believer.  I always will be, no matter what.  I don’t understand though, why I must battle my ego self to become a better person.  I’m tired of fighting.  I’m always okay and very grateful for what I have but I am tired of the battle and sometimes wonder if I’m going to make the grade for ascension.

We are identified with ego/mind while we, are soul. The mind cannot get rid of itself. If you try to ‘get rid’ of something you are in the mind. You want to reach ascension. But you as a soul you just are. You are unconditional awareness not really wanting or pushing anything. There is nowhere to go. Conciousness is the same everywhere. To be in the very moment is the key and be mindful. I would look into mindfulness, mindful meditation, zen meditation etc. The very ‘wanting ascension’ will hinder you to obtain it. Instead of beating yourself up, being impatient or otherwise desperate, be aware of what is really going on in your own head. If you are impatient, be present to that. If you are sad, be present to that. Be more of a watcher than a doer. If you exersice mindfulness and create space from your own mind, you will get closer to what people call ascension. The more you worry about it the less you are there. Self awareness is the key. There is nothing wrong with the situation. What is wrong is to think that there is something wrong. Even this is not wrong but only a situation, not a problem.


More answers to the questions
Oct 02, 2021, 6 mins read

“Hello Utsava. So little housing is available for rent or sale anymore; so many people displaced. I have heard that BlackRock and other huge companies are buying up. houses, and people have little options left. Cost of housing so high. If they are buying places up around the world how will the regular people ever find adequate housing to live.  Thanks so much.”

Again the Patriots have a ‘plan’. When Nesara becomes official, there will be all sorts of solutions. A lot of these properties, which have been bought up by the Deep state, will be seized. There have been lots of arrests behind the scenes. Housing prices will come down. For renters they will have the oportunity to have the rental property they are lving in, be bought by Nesara or those who have a mortgage could see the mortgage forgiven. There will be price adjustments and since more people can afford real estate, this will support the prices. there will be moves and counter moves. I see lots of moves and price adjustments when it comes to real estate. A lot of people have not put their houses on the market due to the corona virus. In the end everything will adjust and more housing will be available again. Our entire system will change.

“Q: How do you receive your spiritual info? Do you hear words, feel words, see spirits? Do you see with your mind’s eye? Do you just “know” things? I’ve personally mentioned this before on here, I have spiritual gifts but I’m nowhere close, not even a smidgeon close to having the spiritual gifts that you have. So everything you do is incredibly interesting to me. You speak the language, God Bless you, Utsava!”

I receive information by hearing, seing and feeling, at times by knowing. It can be helpful to observe these senses in order to recognize the information come in. The best way to receive accurate information is to practice mindfulness. Knowing yourself is the key. By using self observation you will learn to distinguish between your own thoughts and desire, and the information that comes in. You cannot push the information, if it does not come then the best is to let it be and wait until it does come. The less you push and want it from an ego perspective, the less it works. The more you are open and put the ego aside the more information you will receive.

“Four different remote viewers have seen mushroom cloud in Sept/Oct this year in USA, possibly Gettysburg.  Do you see something similar?  Will there be an EMP?”

Honestly I do not want to deny a person’s ability but I have not found remote viewers to be very accurate. Remote viewing can be helpful for some people, for me I do not need to use this tool. The ‘mushroom cloud’ has been appearing before in Colorado; it is interesting after the fact how people talk about it. There has been a nuclear threat. I would not worry. Worry hinders the progress to the New Earth. People need to stop worrying about these things. I already said that there will be no EMP attack.

“Hello, I’m currently in the military and I declined to take the Jab. Because of this, my leadership is taking legal action against me. I am so confused at this point. you’ve mentioned the dangers of the jab and how the military is in control but yet they are forcing their own members to take the shot. Can you please give me more insight into this situation?”

President Trump has been signing the discharge papers for military personel who wish to be discharged if they don’t want to be vaccinated. Not all jabs are bad. Some are placebos or contain hydroxychloroquine or similar. This issue with the jab is to have people stand up for themselves and just say ‘no’. Things are also going to change soon. People need to learn to stand up for themsevles; this is the lesson for a lot of us, not to let them intimitate you. Remember this is an experimental vaccine. You have the legal right to decline it. If they try to force you this can be subject to a lawsuit where you can sue them for damages. I would try to stick to your guns.

“Is Silver and Gold still planning to go up this year, if not when? Will the numbers be substantial?”

Things are a bit delayed. With Nesara and the upcoming gold standards gold and silver will rise. It is expected this year. Gold and silver will go up substantially. I expect silver to be at $ 400 for 1 oz soon.

“Will there def be a lockdown then blackout? What should we do to prepare please sweet lady?”

We are right now in a ’17 days’ phase. It has started with the Arizona audit, followed with mass arrests . I expect personally the EBS soon. You want to have enough food at home for ten days, have your car filled up with gasoline and have cash at hand. What I see is that everything will change soon. We will have a new system before we know it. It will feel as if time lines shifted as a new reality will occur. It is important to stay positive. Because of negative thinking we had major set backs and delays.

“Thank you for your willingness to answer our questions Utsava! I have a question. I have a Roth IRA that is linked to the stock market. Will that be protected when the stock market crashes or should I be worried? ” Donald Trump always said that the IRA’s and 401 K’s are safe. This does not mean that the value fluctuate but it will not crash to nothing when the stock market crashes. If it was me I would put my money into physical gold and silver. The stock market and these financial systems are part of the old ideas and will change.

“Thank you! I live in Sweden and nothing seems like Nesara/Gesara. The Prime minister talks about that we going to the new world order.. nurses are treating unvaccinated people really bad.. sometimes they even deny to help.. They are pushing vaccines for children now! I have some Vietnamese Dong and some Dinar.. do you think it will work with the RV here too? I know.. Gesara is global.. but it just seems impossible that it could happen here.. ”

Remember the swedish royals have been executed…the queen and the king. There might be clones out there in the public eye and it may seem nothing has changed….But Sweden will change too. There will be lots of positive changes next year and I see the money system change as well. Militaries world wide are taking their countries back. The curiculum in schools will change soon. Changes are coming regardless if they are announced or not. People need to stop watching TV as you cannot believe what the mainstream news reports.


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