Tarot by Janine 9-15-21 VIDEO… “Guidance on how to Lovingly Act & Resist the New World Order while Staying Peaceful & Calm!”

This one resonated for myself. She sets out four different Tarot decks, and asks viewers to “tune in” to the deck that resonates to receive their message. This came at a “perfect” time for myself.

“…Tarot by Janine… does a reading looking into the world situation by sharing her special gifts and talents and giving us a “pick a spread” reading for our times. She has prepared four different decks, each with its special emblem, and we can either pick one for our own personal reading. Or all four spreads can be own message and guidance! “

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here’s a “Buy Us A Coffee” link – https://ko-fi.com/janine12
Thank you for the Love and support!

All our videos are for entertainment purposes only, just our opinion as we see in the cards-intuitive-psychic interpretation- and not presenting as fact! Enjoy!

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Wanting to book a Reading with Ashley?
Website- https://linktr.ee/ashleysageesoterics

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