Kp Message 7-9-15… “The Strangeness of this ‘Disclosure’ Thing”

140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_79I am not a “long as hell” kind of poster. So this will be short.

This whole disclosure thing is really individual. Yes, I am aware that some of the “Corey/GoodET/DW” recent informations has perhaps brought forth a bevy (yes, that’s a real word) of responses from other “disclosure sources” and commenters. They may or may not be viewed as “freaking out”.

Is that any of my business? No. Do I make it any of my business? No.

As far as I’m concerned, Corey’s “full of it”, Tolec’s “full of it”, David Wilcock’s “full of it”. Kp’s “full of it”.

And what is “it”? For myself, “it” is “DATA”. All of them are data sources for me. Which do I “attune” to? Do I “believe” one over the other?

I check my “na’au” (gut, navel, solar plexus, Higher Innards), and see what rings the bell… with ME. And no one else.

What have my own “disclosure” things been? Well, a quick summary: 2008, lights moving around in the sky when I talked to them; 2009, Lake Titicaca riding back on a putt putt boat coming back from the island of Qoa, seeing diamonds of Light coming down from the sun, and forming in the water (crystal beings, we called them); being on top of Qoa the night before, finishing a ceremony, then all of a sudden the wind almost blasted us away, after being completely still (the ship had come to us in the form of wind).

But the greatest form of disclosure in my case has been this: the growth of an inner knowing that there is all SORTS of life I am connected to, and they are all facets of my Self. The One.

So I better stop this before it’s much longer.

Aloha, Kp

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