Disclosure Data from Corey’s FB 7-9-15… “Some of ‘Them’ are Quite Upset” (and a “Thank You”)

GoodETxSG_gravatar_150_73This is from Corey’s FB page.

“…with the info I and others are presenting is to use your own discernment… Work daily on becoming more Loving, Forgiving…, working to become service to others… and work to raise your consciousness and vibrations on a daily basis…

“The info I am presenting is fully angering the Cabal/Illuminati/Draco Overlords in a HUGE WAY!!!! They are working on those with weaker character and spiritual fortitude to use as tools to lash out and attack myself and those who work with or support me in any way (Bloggers and Forum Posters mainly)…

“This information comes from and is all about LOVE & FORGIVENESS which is not from the Cabal or the Negative Forces as all of you well know/feel. This is not their philosophy or way of controlling humanity. It is through Division.”

[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence]


Facebook Post, 7-9-15

Thank you for all of the supportive comments. Remember what it all comes down to with the info I and others are presenting is to use your own discernment… Work daily on becoming more Loving, Forgiving (Of self and others stopping the wheel of karma), working to become service to others (While NOT becoming a doormat to others, stand up for yourself in a loving/forgiving way) and work to raise your consciousness and vibrations on a daily basis…

Remember We are ALL ONE, No one more important than the other. Loving others is loving ourselves!

The info I am presenting is fully angering the Cabal/Illuminati/Draco Overlords in a HUGE WAY!!!! They are working on those with weaker character and spiritual fortitude to use as tools to lash out and attack myself and those who work with or support me in any way. (Bloggers and Forum Posters mainly). Remember the 3 D’s of a disinfo campaign when a disclosure initiative has an effect: Decoy, Distraction, and Deception. I think a 4th D would be added “Division”.

It is not about ME (The messenger)… It is about the message!!! Please focus on the message and apply it to your lives and lead by example. Leave the Karmic Energy to those who are behaving with dishonor and knowingly in a reactionary and emotional way.

Forgive and love them as you would want done to yourself. I was recently given a poster that had the same golden rule for 9 groups including the Maya “You are myself, We are all ONE” by Popol Vuh…

Learn it, Live it… Love it smile emoticon

This information comes from and is all about LOVE & FORGIVENESS which is not from the Cabal or the Negative Forces as all of you well know/feel. This is not their philosophy or way of controlling humanity. It is through Division.

This IS how we will defeat the opposition,


Gaiam TV link (with credit (support) given to Corey): http://www.gaiamtv.com/?cid=aff%3Aamb%3Acg%3Aal000

Corey’s Sphere Being Alliance Store: http://spherebeingalliance.com/store

Donate to GoodETxSG’s work (to cover travel expenses, etc.); click the “Donate” button on any page. Website: SphereBeingAlliance.com

Twitter: SphereBeingAlliance (@BlueAvians) Corey’s TOT Forum Thread (now closed)

Questions for Corey: http://spherebeingalliance.com/faqs. Click the “Ask Question” button at the top of the page.

David Wilcock: DivineCosmos.com (Donate to David’s work)

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