Message from Alexandra Meadors 1-11-15, Part 1 of 2… "Background"

alexandra_meadors_headshot_b_4This message from Alexandra I feel is very important. I am posting this in two parts, as I feel it wants to be posted in this way, and I really sensed that the 2nd part wanted to stand on its own.
Alexandra gives some background in this part. As many other messages are coming in that are implying “an End” to something, I feel this fits right along with all of it.
Click this link for Part 2.


ANOTHER Wow Moment For Us All!
Sun, January 11, 2015
Wow! More realizations continue to bathe me with an awestruck awareness of what was actually manifested in Africa!!! I have so much information coming in, it is difficult to get it all down to share with you.  With the risk of sounding redundant, this is some really significant messaging coming through and it is my oath to get it out to all of you.
Before I begin, I really need to share more details. Firstly, when Steve and I did our mission across the United States, in particular Arkansas and Oklahoma, we received “our clarion call” on Independence Day, July 4th, 2012! As many of you around the world may know, this day commemorates our supposed freedom from The Crown.  The bottom line is when one thinks July 4th, one thinks FREEDOM.  If you haven’t read about our journey, click here to read about this amazing adventure.

Now I really would like to clarify a few specifics about the missions and ceremonies performed in South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. The ENTIRE time I was walking on the rich fertile soil of this magnificent continent, I knew that what I was about to do was HUGE and rarely did my mind migrate away from that knowingness.  An immense amount of preparation went into each mission, which may sound contradictory to those of you who do a lot of planetary and mission work (one typically goes with chance or arbitrariness) BUT there was something about this trip that was “exceptionally different.” After all, my life had been threatened just in the decision to take a much needed “vacation,” so I really knew something was up. Just so you all know, I should be releasing a video shortly on the entire experience.
My conscious being was alert to how much was riding on our undertakings, and a portion of me was never quite there.  Sandi and Chris constantly told me I was asking the same questions again and again, not remembering the questions I had already asked them, and seeming to not be present.  I had to really contemplate as to where was I? With concern for appearing like a proverbial dingbat and airy fairy new-ager, I made the excuse that I had been losing my memory as of late, or so I thought.
Now that I am on the other side of the world, arriving home safe and sound and having some down time through this latest “purification process” this last week, I have become keenly aware of one thing: my intense desire and yearning for ALL living beings and things to become completely free of intrusion on their freewill.  This wasn’t just a desire however, this is who I am.  Does that make sense? If not, let me explain.
I arrived into this realm with my feet backwards.  My mother did not want another child and attempted to privately “abort” me by mixing two pharmaceutical drugs in her second trimester, which had successfully gotten the job done in past situations.  With me, through regression and healing work, I literally “fought” with every fiber of my being to stay alive.  I had a purpose to perform and I was committed to fulfill it.  I uncovered that the last trimester was absolute hell for both mother and fetus, as she was furious I clung onto life, and I was anxious to be born.  I was induced a day before my father’s birthday, and within 6 weeks of my first breath here, I was already in a cast and donned with corrective shoes and a brace for the next 2 1/2 years. From my oldest sister, I have been told that I spent my days in a crib crying with pain from regular weekly or bimonthly visits to the doctor, where a mere slight turn of a screw on the braces triggered another tsunami of agony.
I had maybe 3 major disagreements with my father throughout my life, who many of you who have read my blog know to be one of my core mentors growing up.  He was a Guardian of a Guardian, and without him I truly don’t know if I would have made it (and in fact it was my father who noticed my backwards feet, not my mother).  But with that said, the most impressive argument he ever had with me was demanding why I was so g******* tenacious? Well now I really know.
The authentic desire for ALL to have their freewill to be, choose, and live as they want has been my driving force.  I can remember countless experiences from youth on where I was triggered when I saw an animal abused by a person, a girl picked on because she wasn’t pretty to them, a friend stalked because they just didn’t like the way she was, a male comrade not pursuing his art because his family was making fun of him, a slew of girlfriends being knocked up and beaten up because they didn’t know how to escape safely, and the list goes on and on.  At that time, I thought my threats and protection were the answer.  The point is, a replaying thought almost haunted me of “why can’t we just leave people alone? why can’t we let everyone and everything be?”
A release of relief, joy, and intention all in one!
Fast forward to today…I received another amazing message from my dear friend Jeff, as we worked together on these portal openings – he from a perspective of above and me from a perspective of below (you” get what I mean if you look a zero point diagram). It brought tears flowing down my face because I had never shared any of these details with him – what my core preparations were, what my commands to The Universe were…which was FOR ALL LIVING THINGS TO LIVE WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCES AND THAT NO INTRUSIVE FORCES BE ALLOWED TO PREVENT THE FREEWILL OF THE ALL – ANYONE OF US. I COMMANDED THAT ALL PSYCHIC ATTACKS BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR REALITY AND ALL FREEDOMS BE RESTORED, AS LONG AS WE WERE NOT TO INJURE ANOTHER LIVING THING. This was solely well let’s just say, an obsession of mine. I have had the honor to receive countless emails from so many of you who have not been able to do their work without constant impediments, agony, or psychic attack. As you all know, because we are renown for our 3 step process beginning with the Implant Removal Series, any parasitic relationship trips my trigger to take action.
Well, here is the message that came in from Jeff this morning…

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