Two "France" Articles via VT 1-11-15…

veterans_today_banner_NEW_26I’m posting the titles and links to these, with a few highlights from the first one, primarily Jim Dean’s editorial. The second article has a “large bunch” of forensic data and analysis about “The Paris Event” from Gordon Duff and team.
RT – French Jews ‘Come Home to Israel’ pleads Bibi (Jim Dean)

[Jim Dean] “I have yet to see a word in print by our pitiful media about what a disgrace it is when the orchestrators of the crimes against humanity in Palestine are not only given a stage like this to do their standard victim hustle, but insult Spanish Jews by having the gall to tell them where their home is.
“While the Gazans shiver in the cold, with their utility infrastructure destroyed and being rebuilt at a snail’s pace, the Jews of France and Europe are welcomed to Israel to help fund the ongoing horrors against the Palestinians. Only a few, such as myself, will speak of this publicly.
“Will Bibi show remorse for his early nuclear espionage against the US? Will he confess that VT has the proof that he was a key planner of the 9-11 attack, and — confirmed in our Able Danger exposé this weekend — of their New York team having the Dancing Israelis and art students under surveillance in Ft. Lee, New Jersey, along with alleged 9-11 mastermind Mohammed Atta who lived a few blocks away, and was seen visiting the Israelis?
Two successive US governments have withheld this information from the American people, an attack on our democracy itself. But they will not be able to keep it so. Too many know, more are finding out, particularly those who can do something about it if they see public support for what is needed.

Fiasco France: Lie to Me Once (updated) (Gordon Duff)

“The recent events in Paris, whether hateful and obnoxious leftists were shot, and few on this earth begged for it more, or police were killed by terrorists now conclusively proven to have been shooting blanks, we simply don’t care. We are sick of the comic opera of carelessly staged false flag terrorism.
“Is it extremely likely that this “event” was staged to take advantage of these social stresses in order to destabilize France and to promote an anti-Muslim agenda during a time when Europe is turning away from Israel, with many seeing it as a criminal state?”

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