Message from Alexandra Meadors 1-11-15, Part 2 of 2… "Jeff's 'Look into the Portal Status'"

alexandra_meadors_headshot_b_5This has what I consider a vital message about what is occurring energetically with the portals on this planet, via Jeff G. I add this comment from Alexandra:

“What I have converted to red [click the Read more and go to the bottom] I explicitly expressed at the times of the ceremonies and portal openings. I am crying with tears of joy because you see, when you want something so badly, so selflessly, so much for the common good of ALL people, does come true. And it now unfolds…
“Jeff and I both agree that all 6 portals are now fully operational and a 7th is on its way but we can not discuss any details on that at this time. All I can say folks is this – MAINTAIN JUBILATION RIGHT NOW because it lightens the load for all of those who work behind the scenes to assist in this transformation and new world.”

Click this link for Part 1.


ANOTHER Wow Moment For Us All! (continued)
[Alexandra] Well, here is the message that came in from Jeff this morning [1-11-15]
“The portals are octavized now and translating the spaces of our fields into harmonic resonance light coves.”
To me it looks like most people, but not all, are having their awareness fields flushed and washed with a harmonizing resonance of light.
“This is disallowing the invasive aspects of consciousness to exist in the fields of those beings who are not accepting of it.”
So all the negative entities that create the negative influences coming into our fields will no longer be allowed.
“This will have the effect of clearing all consciousness grids throughout the heliosphere”
I am getting it will take four more days or somewhere around January 15. This will usher in more openings and change. ( I received a message that it would be after the 18th.)

“Next it will have effective clearing all consciousness layers of our awareness for transcending the sectioned harmonics placed here by others upon this heliosphere.”
So removing the limiting ability of the structured frequencies placed on the planet designed to keep us separate.
“Also, it will disallow the resistant entities aggression for limiting our abilities and expansion protocols.”
So it looks like more opportunities for expansion are at our doorstep now. There are more steps up the road for the eventual complete freedom on this reality plane, but these portals represent a flinging the gates open for sudden shifts to occur now. No wonder the psychic projection emanating from the chemtrail dump yesterday said, “A sudden shift of awareness would be detrimental to you”.
Yes, they are getting nervous!
Back to your question about the portals and your relationship there. So from my perspective the portals are basically a frequency bandwidth that is being brought into this time/space that was previously not manifested. And within this bandwidth, receptivity to higher dimensional inputs can now occur and be brought into this dimension that could not before.
It looks like you Alexandra, in your fourth dimensional expression, along with other 4th and 7th dimensional entities (8 total) have co-created the intention and expression for the portal opening to occur. So your harmonic signature is a component within the dynamic structure that created them. You wanted this for all.
Your higher expression is saying “I want all beings to be free and live in their oneness state free from control and separation.”
Your wish is your command!
Abundant blessings,
Jeff G.
[Alexandra] What I have converted to red I explicitly expressed at the times of the ceremonies and portal openings. I am crying with tears of joy because you see, when you want something so badly, so selflessly, so much for the common good of ALL people, does come true. And it now unfolds…
Jeff and I both agree that all 6 portals are now fully operational and a 7th is on its way but we can not discuss any details on that at this time. All I can say folks is this – MAINTAIN JUBILATION RIGHT NOW because it lightens the load for all of those who work behind the scenes to assist in this transformation and new world. Ignore the drama and dissension on the web and do everything in your existence to MAINTAIN YOUR BALANCE OF YOUR BEING. This is a most glorious month and just doing that alone will prompt things along expeditiously.
As always, in your service


[Alexandra] Well, here is the message that came in from Jeff this morning [1-11-15]
“The portals are octavized now and translating the spaces of our fields into harmonic resonance light coves.”
To me it looks like most people, but not all, are having their awareness fields flushed and washed with a harmonizing resonance of light.
This is disallowing the invasive aspects of consciousness to exist in the fields of those beings who are not accepting of it.
So all the negative entities that create the negative influences coming into our fields will no longer be allowed.
“This will have the effect of clearing all consciousness grids throughout the heliosphere”
I am getting it will take four more days or somewhere around January 15. This will usher in more openings and change. ( I received a message that it would be after the 18th.)
“Next it will have effective clearing all consciousness layers of our awareness for transcending the sectioned harmonics placed here by others upon this heliosphere.”
So removing the limiting ability of the structured frequencies placed on the planet designed to keep us separate.
“Also, it will disallow the resistant entities aggression for limiting our abilities and expansion protocols.”
So it looks like more opportunities for expansion are at our doorstep now. There are more steps up the road for the eventual complete freedom on this reality plane, but these portals represent a flinging the gates open for sudden shifts to occur now. No wonder the psychic projection emanating from the chemtrail dump yesterday said, “A sudden shift of awareness would be detrimental to you”.
Yes, they are getting nervous!
Back to your question about the portals and your relationship there. So from my perspective the portals are basically a frequency bandwidth that is being brought into this time/space that was previously not manifested. And within this bandwidth, receptivity to higher dimensional inputs can now occur and be brought into this dimension that could not before.
It looks like you Alexandra, in your fourth dimensional expression, along with other 4th and 7th dimensional entities (8 total) have co-created the intention and expression for the portal opening to occur. So your harmonic signature is a component within the dynamic structure that created them. You wanted this for all.
Your higher expression is saying “I want all beings to be free and live in their oneness state free from control and separation.
Your wish is your command!
Abundant blessings,
Jeff G.

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