One More for Today…Lauren Gorgo, 9-20-11…"Leaders of a New Humanity: the emergence"

This post by Lauren was something that seemed right for this day, which is the end of the 1st day of the 6th night of the 9th wave of the Calleman written Mayan calendar. Which ends, of course, on October 28, 2011. So what the Seven Sisters have stated here is we are coming to our “Homecoming”. Coming home.
Many of you may align with what she has to say about “Navigating Split Realities.”

“Those who will be stepping out as the beacons of light in a time of darkness will experience a vastly different reality than those just beginning to look within…
“This split is becoming REALLY noticeable, and it can feel alienating to not be able to relate to so many who are still living out the old-paradigm. For that reason it is becoming increasingly more important to understand how we operate within this new perceptual field of awareness because it is tremendously different from the old.”


Leaders of a New Humanity: the emergence
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
“We are so delighted to be a part of something so magnificent, that which you call ascension, and what we call “homecoming”. We say home-coming because each of you who is leading the planet to her destiny carries the activated vibration of home, of Source energy within…and though many of you have had to dim your light to fit into a world that was once unfit for such magnificence, you are now emerging in the fullness of pure-heart radiance. Pray tell.” -Seven Sisters of Pleiades
So much has shifted since the last update! As soon as I started to reorient myself to this new mental space, the unseens started hammering me with boatloads of information…and as long as this article will probably be, it is only 1/3 of what they have to share with all of us…compliments of the integration of the eclipse sandwich that took place back in June/July. Which sort of feels like forever ago…and yet a day.
The many multidimensional shifts that have taken place since that eclipse portal are starting to avail themselves both within the human (collective) mind and in the resulting external structures in our world. These internal changes being felt by more of us now are breeding contempt in the collective psyche, rendering an emptiness in so many who previously felt fulfilled within the 3d dimensional paradigm structure. (think family & friends) These uncomfortable feelings now surfacing within the many sectors of human society are successfully starting to threaten all remaining global systems that continue to uphold separation over unity.
The Flowering
Just in time for the 6th day (the flowering phase of The Tree of Life), in the 11th heaven of the 9th (& final) wave of the Mayan Calendar… which ends on 10/28/11, according to Carl Calleman… and as a result of the rising discontent in those around us, the time has come for the way-showers to honor and share our deeply held & hard-earned wisdoms with more of humanity. For those leaders of the new world who have been held back, unheard, thwarted from complete self-expression or deterred from sharing full-truth with others, your time has come. The unseens say that this group of souls has received the clarion call to come out of hiding, to stand up in personal truth with honor & integrity, to bear witness to the changes that are taking place all around us, and while holding the vastness of our wisdom and knowledge with authority, with sovereignty, but most importantly…without fail. This will mean different things to different people, but I am hearing that each of us will be tested in some way to apply the full strength of our light.
“Now, we realize that this may be a bit of a struggle for those around you…in the sense that the changes in you will require changes in all those close to you, and to that we say…be not afraid. Be all you came here to be lest you risk losing an opportunity at magnificence. The time for shining your full light is now and you will be presented with many situations in the coming days which will require this of you. We are not saying that this will present challenges by way of discordance, but by way of displaying your inner-strength in a manner that can be definitively seen, felt and heard by others. Many of the new leaders have been hiding behind the cloak of unworthiness for far too long, waiting for the final reconnection to your genetic excellence…for these souls, a great opening is upon you, a shift in the way you participate with your truth and display it to others.” -Seven Sisters
For those who have begun this transition into full-truth, into authentic being-ness, and are arriving on the “other-side”…a congratulations is in order! Your world is already beginning to shift in magnificent, supportive & awe-inspiring ways. And this is just the very beginning.
The true measure of our authentic self-expression is realized by the level and amount of reciprocation from the world around us now. Our external world is always an accurate depiction of our inner-dwelling, so as we participate with the physical world from our singular point of truth, the reflections of our light now shining back at us can be eye-opening and heart-expanding…revealing/reflecting not only the accuracy and alignment with our authentic core-selves, but the physical evidence of our unmistakable inner-beauty that has been…for so long…quashed under the weight of our self-perceived limitations.
In other words, we are being de-cloaked and as a result the outside world is beginning to see our divinity…our pure-heart radiance… because, ultimately, we are now more aligned with and operating from divine LOVE. These experiences of being “seen”, for who we really are…and as if for the first time…can be jolting after so many years of hiding our true selves and being discounted or judged by conventional thinkers steeped in doctrine.
Coming out can be off-putting because, lets face it, we’re gun-shy…and even when we do need to use our guns, they are always cocked with a string of defenses…some from rote memory, some completely made up: like when you run into an old friend from yoga whom you haven’t seen in 5 years and after a very thorough once over, you get asked the fateful & dreaded question….“so what have YOU been up to?” And in that very moment…you’re presented with the sobering reality that it a b s o l u t e l y looks like you’ve done nothing…except age…and your faced with the depressing double bind decision of…Do I lie to her, or to myself?
This is that moment when all the blood from your limbs pools in your ears, noise fades, and someone from deep within you emerges with an interesting and “creative” story about’
We’ve all been there and wondered who we can & can’t tell that we’ve actually spent the bulk of the last 5-7 years in fetal position waiting to be (re)born.
But that’s over now. According to the unseens…no more hiding. We are being called forth by those who need us and we will be received with love. Not only that, but once we move past the insecurity of being judged or laughed at, the unexpected warm reception by others can spur a knee-buckling level of gratitude.
You may be noticing these true heart-based connections emerging all around you…even with strangers…a feeling that suddenly everyone’s light has been turned on. But the truth is that these are just the reflections of our own internal light shining so brightly now that the world can finally see it.
This is how you really know when its your time to shine. Not only because you have something to share, but because you are being beckoned to share it.
Navigating Split-Realities
“The realization that some of you are leading this brigade, and even more are following, is an important distinction to make at this juncture.” -Seven Sisters
In the last update the unseens mentioned a changing of the guard ….”as the collective world consciousness inevitably cascades into greater levels of fear… and their overall sense of security is rocked, there will also be those of you who will be simultaneously rising to meet great success”…and they have more to share about that today.
What they want to make clear is the fact that only those who are complete in their spiritual maturation process are in the preparation period to lead. They are saying that….“Those who will be stepping out as the beacons of light in a time of darkness will experience a vastly different reality than those just beginning to look within”, and they would like to offer some assistance with regard to handling the split in reality structures that we are beginning to witness.
This split is becoming REALLY noticeable, and it can feel alienating to not be able to relate to so many who are still living out the old-paradigm. For that reason it is becoming increasingly more important to understand how we operate within this new perceptual field of awareness because it is tremendously different from the old.
For those stepping into leadership roles, I am hearing that there is coming a more deeply-felt sense of liberation than those around you will experience, in addition to a more visceral understanding of timelessness due to the level of expansion that this group of souls has achieved. Juxtaposed against this reality will be those who are just beginning to awaken to their divinity, and for this group there is coming a profound shift in consciousness that will, or already has begun to rapidly deteriorate the 3d dimensional reality structure that they have been participating in.
For these peeps, and most likely it’s no one reading this, it may seem like the rug is being pulled out from under them as their whole world shifts on its axis. Those at the front of the parade are well-versed in this matrix dismantling process and so the leaders/wayshowers will be stepping into position simultaneously as the 3d bubble begins to burst for these awakening souls. In other words, some of you will be to the next wave what our invisible spirit guides were to us…in some cases, and depending on your role in the plan, you will be the “physical” guides who will be escorting these folk over the bridges to 5D that we have been constructing for years.
For those of you who are leading, you are coming to really know who you are and what your role is in the bigger picture now…it is becoming feeling-based…meaning, what you have “known” was true now “feels” true. For years, this group in particular has been awakening to the greater part of themselves, the part that is here to lead humanity to its destination…but without a context to apply that information. The sisters share with me that the context is now formed, and the result of this will be much greater clarity and a keen understanding of what we are physically here to do at this stage.
“In a sense this information is not new to you, but it may feel new…and we realize that there are those of you reading this who have little understanding or clarity around what your role is in the greater plan, and to this we say: everyone is in the process of awakening to much greater personal truth…all at different and varying levels of consciousness…and all in the perfection of the divine plan.” -Seven Sisters
Lastly, I am hearing that for the teachers of new-humanity (teaching is a very broad term), the matter of how we receive information and share it with others is changing in a big way. The Pleiadians say that it is important to understand that there is no longer a gap between what we are here to experience and what we are here to teach. The example that they give is if we are here to teach others about healing, there is no longer a gap between our personal state of health and the information that we teach about healing…in other words, we are stepping into embodied presence and so our own healing IS the teaching.
This means that instead of teaching from a future perspective of what “will be”, we will be teaching from presence of “I Am” or “what is”. We are becoming integrated teachers by experience (heart) over teachers by knowledge (head) …the difference is in integration versus concept.
Time is folding in on itself and so we are finally becoming that which we are here to teach. This is pretty exciting because it means that we will finally have credibility are anchoring into real-time awareness and are beginning to discover the many joys of operating from the realm of oneness.
Physical Happenings
“No longer is the physical body merely a space for your soul to sit in, but it is enlivened with christed-intelligence and has a “mind” of its own, so to speak.” -Seven Sisters
And finally, the sisters want for us to understand that our bodies are undergoing major, major changes…most of which we can feel, but not mentally grasp yet. We are adapting and conforming to the new system (light) intelligence that now sustains us and yes, there are many symptoms associated with these changes…especially appetite/digestion oddities as we alter the Source of our physical nourishment… but I am hearing that we are soon to notice things that we haven’t before.
One of the things that they mention in addition to deeper psychic development, is that as we become self-contained in our energy field, we will begin to feel that our body is functioning on its own accord, seemingly independent from the world around us. This is exhilarating in the sense that we will begin to feel the freedom from lower dimensional dross as we are released from the discordant planetary matrix that presently houses us….however, without awareness, the unseens feel that these changes could cause confusion or stress and so they want to palliate any potential fears.
This disconnection from 3D is already noticeable in small ways, like the inability to feel the discomfort that others are going thru or even feelings of alienation since nearly EVERYone around is experiencing some form of chaos and it can feel odd and lonely to be blissful and excited about the falling world.
“Keep in mind that with the acceptance of your divinity comes the realization that those things that are still deeply-human, that is to say…still operating from a place of separation or limitation…will seem very far away and foreign to you. You will feel a disconnect from much of the life that still surrounds you, however, this detachment is necessary and required to move into your new dwelling space. What we recommend is that you focus less on the disconnect you feel between your new awareness and the awareness of others, and more on the connection that you feel between your head and heart. This is where the magic is happening and all else will eventually fall away to reveal the essence of full truth.” -Seven Sisters
For me personally, this has meant a great deal of exercise for my compassion muscle. Connecting to those who are hurting thru love, and not suffering, requires discipline…I find it to be a delicate balance between validation, holding a safe space, and reflecting higher truths…all at once. It’s a lot like juggling. And what I have found really odd is that we have worked so long and hard to move beyond the (e)goo, that you would think it would be easy to access all those years of struggling so that relating would be effortless…but we are so presently focused now that this doesn’t seem to be the case at all. It literally takes effort to relate to things we have been fighting thru for years and years and years. It’s that higher-dimensional amnesia, I tell ya… pretty peculiar stuff.
Mostly, the sisters want to make clear that any disassociation we are feeling is normal, healthy and that we will find it very helpful in assisting others. It’s not that we are exiting the matrix of human life, just the matrix of human suffering. The difference is mostly in perception, and we are simply rising to meet a new outlook. Consequently, this “release” will ground a feeling-based understanding that we are not our body, but that we are participating within a body, within a life, and within a divine-human context. Again, not new information, just a deeper integration of it.
“There will be so much more to share on this in the coming days, but for now all that is required is the understanding that you are beginning to identify with your divinity…not your egoic perception of divinity, but the actual presence of it. You are getting glimpses of what it means to be spirit in human form…the phase of embodiment that we refer to as “the realization of your divine body” and it merely requires the understanding that you are changing from one form to another. We assure you that this is not the aggrandized version that you would see, perhaps in movies, but more of a subtle shift of expression from limitation to limitlessness.” -Seven Sisters
We have had to literally dis-identify with every aspect of being a so-called human in what the sisters have termed the “release of the pain/fear-body phase” in the Phases of Embodiment article… which is why it took so freaking long…but the divinity phase they say, is much more natural to us and will feel more seamless in its unfoldment.
So, are you ready to shine?
Copyright © 2008-11. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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