Tag Archives: Sergei Lavrov

Lada Ray FT 5-15-17… “Lada Ray analysis: @realDonaldTrump tweet on Russia and Ukraine causes Twitter storm”

I enjoyed this article by Lada as she, once again, presents what is happening not only in front of the scenes, but behind them as well. This definitely appears to show that planetary progress is happening. One note: I’m quite … Continue reading

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“Calling Out” the MSM… 5-11-17, RT video… “‘Russians tricked us’: US media outcry over exclusion from Trump Lavrov meeting”

This video was included in a Lada Ray article, which I post following this post. Anyway, it certainly goes along with the theme of “‘Calling Out’ the MSM” (the US MSM), and it is quite evident to me that pretty … Continue reading

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How Russia is assisting the Planet, 3 of 4… Jonas Alexis, VT 3-28-17… “Lavrov: New World Order Domination Is at Its Twilight”

Another masterpiece by Jonas, by way of Sergei Lavrov. And I totally agree with the title of this one. The old ways of THE USA CORP dominating and overtaking other countries (including the Kingdom of Hawai’i) are finished. They cannot … Continue reading

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How Russia is assisting the Planet, 2 of 4… Jonas Alexis, VT 3-27-17… “Lavrov: No force on earth can compete with NATO and US’ drug trafficking business in Afghanistan”

[Kp note: somehow this got posted, but I must have overwritten it by the third part. My apologies!!] This piece certainly brings out how the CIA has been funding “the cabal” by using drugs and drug trafficking (of course, we … Continue reading

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Three RT’s about the current political/MSM “Full Court Press” using “The Russia Card” (from 3-2-17, 3-3-17)

There is definitely a full court press* going on around anything Trump, administration, policies, cabinet appointments, etc. Although this game has been played for decades, apparently now it is being “ramped up” to new levels, even as “attacks” (restrictions, etc.) … Continue reading

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A Couple of Lada Rays 2 of 2… 1-5-17… “Lada Ray Predictions: Erdogan-USA Rift; Vanga’s Prophecy; Turkey-Russia War and End of Turkey?”

Lada brings in some predictions in this one, along with some analysis of Vanga’s (seer from Bulgaria). One of my favorite parts was in the video, starting at around 1:11, where it shows a musical back and forth between Turkey … Continue reading

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A Couple of Lada Rays 1 of 2… 1-2-17… “Lada Ray Reveals Putin’s Secret! Why Putin Did Nothing After US Expelled 35 Russian Diplomats?”

In my view, an excellent analysis by Lada Ray. This is what also resonated with me and many others I know. Some may wish to read this prior Kp blog post about this (also this Jim Dean and RT ‘dominated’ … Continue reading

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Russia Insider 1-26-16… “Russia’s Had Enough: No More ‘Business as Usual’ With US”

This is a fairly long read, but essential, in my view, so see the contrast between the Russian government and the Western governments, particularly, the USA (CORP). [article] “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave a remarkable press conference that was … Continue reading

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State Department Doublespeak? Kerry, “US not after regime change in Syria, but Assad must go”; Lavrov, “Fight against terror must not be held hostage to future of Assad’ “

These two seem to highlight the way “THE USA CORP” representatives continually try to spin the conversation so they get what they want. Never mind that Assad was elected with 90% of the popular vote. Anyway, all of these things … Continue reading

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VT 12-15-15… “Kerry to Putin: US Grateful to Russia for Cooperation on Syria – Updated”

There seems to be a crack in the (BS) denial of the US State Department about Syria. And perhaps this indicates a softening, of sorts, which is a very direct result of Russia’s “invited intervention” in the Daesh situation in … Continue reading

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Veterans Today 11-25-15… “Russia Cites US Violation of Flight Memorandum in Turkish Air Piracy”

As has happened very, very often in the past, it appears the U.S. (corporation, of course) has violated one of its international agreements (just ask the people here who still support the Kingdom of Hawai’i, who know well what the … Continue reading

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BRICS Post 1-21-15… "Russia criticises American exceptionalism speech of Obama"

I’m just posting this to illustrate the fallacy (and lunacy) of promoting the “We are Number One in Everything” idea. It is truly an ego-driven thing, and in the US (especially MSM and politics), it’s put out there all the … Continue reading

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Sputnik News 12-9-14… "Lavrov's Big Interview" (and notes from Stephen Lendman (and Kp))

Not sure the exact date of this “Big Interview”, but I saw this today, and felt it important enough to post. Stephen Lendman pointed out several key items from it (in his piece, “US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia?“), so … Continue reading

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RT 8-12-14… “Lavrov: Ukraine ready to accept Russia’s humanitarian aid”

I have a feeling this is a very strong sign of relenting by the West and upward movement in this whole situation. “The truth about events in eastern Ukraine has started to appear in the Western media, Lavrov said, and … Continue reading

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Lavrov to RT 4-23-14… “Americans are ‘running the show’ in Ukraine”

This is the first time I have listened to Foreign Minister Lavrov. My own sense from him is that he is one of the voices of “sanity” in the world situation right now, and he is telling it “like it … Continue reading

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