Tag Archives: MegaAnon

A few recent “MegaAnons” (from 1-13-18) that correlate with other recent Kp blog posts (well, at least one of them!)

Found these on at the ToddWhiskey MegaAnon collection, which I was guided to check out today (1-21-18). I’m only posting the parts that resonated and connected. The rest may be viewed at the relevant ToddWhiskey MegaAnon collection pages, in the … Continue reading

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MrFusion RMN 1-9-18… “MegaAnon from last night and this morning”

There may be some data here a few may be interested in. Honestly, I’m posting it because I had fun reading it! (I also find that reading these helps me clearly understand that following these “chan boards”, etc., are not … Continue reading

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MrFusion, RMN 1-7-18… “MegaAnon on 4chan last night. Evidence that Q was established by ShareBlue to larp against MegaAnon”

There were a few points, which I’ve highlighted, that “stuck out” for myself in this one. This connects also with this prior Kp blog post with TracyBeanz interviewing Jerome Corsi, about all of the Q stuff, the LARPing, etc. The … Continue reading

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MrFusion, RumorMillNews 1-1-18… “MegaAnon answers a critic about what is to come in the Moore election fraud case “

This kind of “popped up” from a browsing of RMN, and something urged me to post it. It does have something to do with the rampant-ness of election fraud in the US elections processes, in particular about the Roy Moore/Doug … Continue reading

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David Wilcock New Article 12-25-17, Section II… “Mega Anon excerpts”

At one point this past week, I felt drawn to look through the MegaAnon portion of DW’s latest article, section 2.. So I finally got around to it, and although most of this has likely been read by many, I … Continue reading

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David Wilcock New Article [section II] 12-25-17… “Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure”

[Kp note: as many of you certainly know, whistleblower Emery Smith lost pretty much everything he owned, plus many of the valuable things he had related to disclosure. A PayPal site has been created for those who wish to assist … Continue reading

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David Wilcock FB Update 12-8-17… “Fire Update… and more”

There are several excellent (in my view) messages here, and points to consider. [Note that David has two Facebook pages: DivineCosmos and DivineCosmosConvergence (from which this FB post comes). Apparently now he is posting on both at the same time.] … Continue reading

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MegaAnon as compiled by ToddWhiskey’s Reddit archive… “A Daily Rundown on what’s Going Down”

Here is the link… https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/ This has been mentioned in several places, by several people, including David Wilcock. I will say no more about this, unless something really major pops out. I am not watching this every day. But some … Continue reading

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A Few MegaAnon postings from December, 2017 (recall that DW finally had “contact” with her)

These are a few selected of the many from this Reddit feed and this 4plebs feed. These were mentioned by David Wilcock in his FB posting of yesterday (Kp blog post). [12-1-17] “It’s gonna be beautiful, y’all. The MSM and … Continue reading

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REPOST… David Wilcock FB Update 12-4-17… “David speaks with MegaAnon” (with highlights)

[Kp note: I’m reposting the original article with highlights.] Right now I’m in no position to highlight this [that was at the first time of posting, 0242 HST], but I wanted to get this brand new FB update out there. … Continue reading

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David Wilcock FB Update 12-4-17… “David speaks with MegaAnon”

Right now I’m in no position to highlight this, but I wanted to get this brand new FB update out there. ————————————————————————— DW FB Update MEGA ANON TALKS: I can confirm that I did have a conversation with the one … Continue reading

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Update from “MegaAnon” and the “Q Clearance” (and another video update from Tracy Beanz) (11-5-17)

Well, MegaAnon just recently (11-4) reappeared. So I’m separating this into 2 parts: 1) Highlighhts from the new MegaAnon and recent Q clearance posts, 2) the Tracy Beanz video. These are all just a taste, and I recommend those interested … Continue reading

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171105 Kp Live Message… “Solar Codes Coming In” and “Stuff Going On”

Solar Codes coming in, baby!! Prior Kp blog posts re: MegaAnon, Q Clearance (in chrono. order): https://wp.me/p1dHgy-gZc, https://wp.me/p1dHgy-gZs, https://wp.me/p1dHgy-gZB, https://wp.me/p1dHgy-gZU Mark Taylor/Greg Hunter video: https://youtu.be/uQF1II-_xTE . [youtube=https://youtu.be/V8XOuAx3fzk&w=600] https://youtu.be/V8XOuAx3fzk

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More information about the “PatriotAnon Q Clearance bread crumbs” data (11-4-17)… a video from Tracy Beanz

[Kp update: please note my comments below the video, which includes Tweets from DJT just prior to taking off for Hawaii/Asia. Also, here is the Wikipedia link for the term, Q clearance.] [and I corrected the YouTube video, so it’s … Continue reading

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For those interested in “MegaAnon” postings (and some other called “PatriotAnon Q Clearance bread crumbs”), here are Reddit compilations… (11-3-17)

Related to this Kp message from yesterday, someone pointed these out to me and I feel drawn to pass along. The second one I saw yesterday at RMN, and although it looked promising, I know a couple of BEings who … Continue reading

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David Wilcock Updates on his 10-22-17 article…

These were posted at the end of Part 4. As before, I’m only posting the text, but please view the images by going to the original. “[quoting Fulford] One senior Pentagon source who has been consistently reliable in the past … Continue reading

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The Latest “4Chan archive” (10-16-17) as posted by David Wilcock (with a Kp highlight or two)

These have been posted as highlighted by DW from his latest article, part 4. I’ve highlighted a couple of bits that stood out for me, especially as it points to the value of having the DJT (aka, Trump, and the … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 10-22-17… “Something Very Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?”

Just saw this via JW’s FB post (mahalo, Joan!). This is apparently a big one (now, let me read this thing before I post the article!). David said in his FB post, Drop everything and RUN to read this RIGHT … Continue reading

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David Wilcock Updates to his 10-10-17 article… (and why I’m not posting any of them)

Okay, in this Kp blog post of David’s article, I mentioned I’d be posting the updates separately. But I’m just linking below to… Part 4 …of the article and suggest going to the end. There’s synchronicites and more data and … Continue reading

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David Wilcock 10-10-17… “Vegas Terror and Disclosure: Is Something Very Big About to Happen?”

While I was on Maui/Lanai for the last mission, I published only the link to this article. In this posting, I am including text only, and no links or images. I will post David’s updates to his article separately. I’ve … Continue reading

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Sather Illumination Channel (aka, “Destroying the Illusion”) 10-8-17… “The Calm Before the Storm”

Another excellent teaching and illumination video by Jordan. Related to some of what he mentions (namely, the title, “Calm before the Storm”), is this RMN post about a 4chan poster called MegaAnon. I’ll say nothing more about that right now, … Continue reading

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