A Few MegaAnon postings from December, 2017 (recall that DW finally had “contact” with her)

These are a few selected of the many from this Reddit feed and this 4plebs feed. These were mentioned by David Wilcock in his FB posting of yesterday (Kp blog post).

[12-1-17] “It’s gonna be beautiful, y’all. The MSM and FBI/Mueller investigation will never recoup after Flynn is done with them. HE and his formal testimony will be the beginning of the end… Flynn knew what was coming and cooperated for a reason. MANY pending indictment KNOW what is coming and SOME of them have cooperated for a reason.

“So enjoy watching the MSM completely blow this SINGLE charge up, based on the conversation you ALREADY knew Flynn had with Russia and the accidental “lack of detail” and honest “miscommunication” he had with Pence… Flynn, like Manafort, will walk and when this shakes out, all you’re going to be talking about is THE TRUTH you got from all his TESTIMONY that came from these “charges”.

It’s not these charges that matter, IT’S THE TESTIMONY BEING COLLECTED and the establishment, Hillary, DWS, McCain, Obama, Podestas, Holder/Lynch, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. AREN’T CELEBRATING THIS SHIT! They’re f—ing TERRIFIED. They know what’s coming too and Manafort’s indictment? Flynn’s “plea” on shit he ALREADY PUBLICLY ADMITTED and resigned over?! It all ONLY MEANS WHAT’S COMING FOR THE REST, is just ONE DAY CLOSER, y’all. Enjoy it!

[12-3-17] “Don’t worry about the CIA. You’re gonna get all you specifically wanna know about it sooner than later and you won’t need me for that.

He [presumably, Trump] IS trolling them. He is literally “shitposting” like you say here, ALL TGE TIME!! He literally (and strategically) baits them into attacking him so when he PROVES them wrong, THEY HAVE TO ADMIT THEY WERE!… He’s letting you share the satisfaction and vindication of winning too. He posts NOTHING he “can’t” or “shouldn’t” and you don’t have to get it understand everything today… but you bet your ass the minute you DO get it, you’re the first ones pulling and sharing caps of his tweets and quotes with him, in a big “fuck you” to “them”, right?

No 10 days of f—ing darkness. No predictive happenings on the 3rd and 4th. No need for POTUS to be insulated and NO NEED FOR YOU TO WORRY, when you legitimately have NO NEED, to worry.

“…on Friday… I found myself getting a call back from David Wilcock on Ancient Aliens, who I ONLY CALLED IN THE FIRST PLACE because he first thought I was a man, who’s posted a lot longer than I have and then told tens of thousands of people all the things HE “thought” I was. I’m vague, but I DO NOT mislead. So, when he called me back, I answered, we chatted and that was that. He now knows and can personally confirm I am an actual woman like I say and not exactly who he thought I was. He’s not a bad dude, BTW. He’s nice, well-spoken and quick-witted. So if you see this, it was nice to chat with you, Mr. Wilcock! ;o)

“Todd Whiskey is a brah on reddit who has literally and ACCURATELY not only found but has documented in dated order, almost every single fucking one of the posts I’ve ever made, back through May. It’s incredible. Especially because I’m not an “archiver”, I’m not really interested in digging through a ton of shit, etc.

” I think it will be a whole lot funnier when y’all realize I’m as normal as you might have hoped I wasn’t. I think it would be a real reality check for people to personally see what really does come here and compare your perceptions to how right or wrong you are.”


From https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/ (all from 12-1-17)

It’s gonna be beautiful, y’all. The MSM and FBI/Mueller investigation will never recoup after Flynn is done with them. HE and his formal testimony will be the beginning of the end.

Like I’ve said for months… Manafort cooperated and knew what was coming and he did it for a reason. Flynn knew what was coming and cooperated for a reason. MANY pending indictment KNOW what is coming and SOME of them have cooperated for a reason.

So enjoy watching the MSM completely blow this SINGLE charge up, based on the conversation you ALREADY knew Flynn had with Russia and the accidental “lack of detail” and honest “miscommunication” he had with Pence. Remember Pence’s public statements about this. Remember how much the MSM is blowing this out of proportion right now… even Fox. All desperate to save their assets and look like they’re “working” this story.

Flynn, like Manafort, will walk and when this shakes out, all you’re going to be talking about is THE TRUTH you got from all his TESTIMONY that came from these “charges”. It’s unitonic that they blew up Manafort on technicality charges no one will EVER really care about, but AFTER he testified, he walked out with a gag and you haven’t heard SHIT since. THIS IS ON PURPOSE.

It’s not these charges that matter, IT’S THE TESTIMONY BEING COLLECTED and the establishment, Hillary, DWS, McCain, Obama, Podestas, Holder/Lynch, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. AREN’T CELEBRATING THIS SHIT! They’re fucking TERRIFIED. They know what’s coming too and Manafort’s indictment? Flynn’s “plea” on shit he ALREADY PUBLICLY ADMITTED and resigned over?! It all ONLY MEANS WHAT’S COMING FOR THE REST, is just ONE DAY CLOSER, y’all. Enjoy it!


From: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/88k0bQCO/order/asc/ (all from 12-3-17)

Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 20:33:42 No.151892424 ViewReport
Mueller isn’t really anyone’s “guy”. He’s just a “guy”, like many guys and gals in DC who’ve been pretty fucking worried about how all this shit would shake out for them since candidly, the DAY Trump won the GOP nomination. Mueller is /hisguy/, just trying to work a deal and save himself knowing he’s neck deep in everything he’s supposed to be “investigating”. Lots of them are for themselves. But Kushner is as “worried” as Flynn and Flynn isn’t really “worried” at all so… why would YOU be so “worried”?
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 20:40:11 No.151893138 ViewReport
Don’t worry about the CIA. You’re gonna get all you specifically wanna know about it sooner than later and you won’t need me for that. In fact, it’s why I don’t feel like I need to say more right now. We aren’t looking at months and months away for a lot of this to explain itself so I don’t feel like I need to bang on a lot of it as hard as I have been. I like everything that’s happened and will happen through the new year.

Enjoy the holidays… really.
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 20:47:20 No.151893998 ViewReport
He IS trolling them. He is literally “shitposting” like you say here, ALL TGE TIME!! He literally (and strategically) baits them into attacking him so when he PROVES them wrong, THEY HAVE TO ADMIT THEY WERE! He’s literally dickslapping the swamp, including the MSM, in real time, fully thinking you already know EXACTLY WHY he’s doing it and get to laugh right along with him…

He’s letting you share the satisfaction and vindication of winning too. He posts NOTHING he “can’t” or “shouldn’t” and you don’t have to get it understand everything today… but you bet your ass the minute you DO get it, you’re the first ones pulling and sharing caps of his tweets and quotes with him, in a big “fuck you” to “them”, right?

Keeps those on the train, enjoying the ride. That’s all…
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Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 20:51:37 No.151894470 ViewReport
You’ll see. Just keep these tweets on hand. McCabe is gonna wish Jill never took that $700k campaign drop from m the Clintons… makes piles of shit really start to stink.

Oh and this YouTube link… you’ll want this too.

Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 21:30:28 No.151898781 ViewReport
Only if you let it, friend.

And not for nothing but this is why I like coming here and posting. It’s why I called the Q kids out who literally moved fuckibg boards, knowing I knew EXACTLY who THEY were.

No 10 days of fucking darkness. No predictive happenings on the 3rd and 4th. No need for POTUS to be insulated and NO NEED FOR YOU TO WORRY, when you legitimately have NO NEED, to worry. I don’t know what MORE I can do or tell you. I’ve posted pretty frequently since May. Even when I’m vague, I still give a shit ton of detail and stick around a thread to discuss so I don’t feel like I left y’all hanging. I’ve posted my fucking feet, on same tile, even once with a timestamp and y’all turned it into some sexual fetish muh, I POSTED PICS FROM WH LAST WEEK for fucks sake, and then on Friday… I found myself getting a call back from David Wilcock on Ancient Aliens, who I ONLY CALLED IN THE FIRST PLACE because he first thought I was a man, who’s posted a lot longer than I have and then told tens of thousands of people all the things HE “thought” I was. I’m vague, but I DO NOT mislead. So, when he called me back, I answered, we chatted and that was that. He now knows and can personally confirm I am an actual woman like I say and not exactly who he thought I was. He’s not a bad dude, BTW. He’s nice, well-spoken and quick-witted. So if you see this, it was nice to chat with you, Mr. Wilcock! ;o)
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 21:35:30 No.151899308 ViewReport
Yeah sorry, I’m hopping IP’s a little. Still me. All still me. Should only be between 2 IP’s though, so only 2 ID’s. Thanks for pointing it out so I could see and confirm though. Poor Todd Whiskey. I feel such pressure now because I feel like if I’m careless like I used to be w/ IP flip flopping, I’m letting him down or setting him up for failure for his thread – Haha.
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 21:36:36 No.151899437 ViewReport
Yes, I am me.
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 21:40:17 No.151899862 ViewReport
Yeah sometimes. Not always intentionally though. I think I have blue and pink ID colors in this thread. Sorry.
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 21:49:21 No.151900939 ViewReport
All me. Not sure how I talked different though, but all me…
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 22:00:02 No.151902090 ViewReport
Haha, no! They weren’t in a trap, they were riding the coattails of a GOOD poster who picked up traction from 10/28-10/31, then sadly played everyone else, even kinda including me because I’d missed a lot and didn’t think to go back through it all, until I realized where they were getting the twitter stack/queue short codes, related to twitter automation. Then I sucked it up and wasted an hour proving myself right because if you read my posts, you’d know I had actually started questioning that shit like 2 weeks before as I saw things that were suspicious to me. I even tried to get them to address me by directly calling them out. Not a peep…

I mean if these fake “Q” people are posting today and people are still believing and spreading this shit, why won’t their “Q” chat it up with me?! I’m more than happy and willing to call them out again and I’m absolutely more than capable of doing so. Nothing though. Crickets. Because THEY KNOW who they really are and who exactly they aren’t and they know addressing me, will not help it continue because only I KNOW who I am, too and their NOT KNOWING, scares them.
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 22:15:57 No.151903745 ViewReport
Todd Whiskey is a brah on reddit who has literally and ACCURATELY not only found but has documented in dated order, almost every single fucking one of the posts I’ve ever made, back through May. It’s incredible. Especially because I’m not an “archiver”, I’m not really interested in digging through a ton of shit, etc. I come here when I can and I post in the moment which is why I end up repeating a lot of the same things or points I’m making over and over instead of trying to find all the archives to link. But this guy? I don’t know how he does it but I appreciate it. It’s all on a reddit page.

Oh and WAIT!!! While we’re talking about Mr. Whiskey, if you see this, I did see your message when I had to use your page again about McCabe so wanted to respond. To be honest, you might not have missed an additional Levy post. I think I actually might not have gotten to posting the rest of what I’d meant to say about Levy/Condit and Lisa K./Morning Joe. See here’s what happens. Because I post in the moment when I can, if a thread dies out, or I get caught up mid post and then it’s archived before I can submit, I don’t post it somewhere else unless there’s a continuation of the thread i can copy/paste it too. There are LOTS of things I’ve written or half written up that get scrapped because it archived or because I got side tracked on or another thread/topic/question or point I want to make and scrapped it to move on to. So I don’t think you missed that one, I think it didn’t even get posted. It’s here now though so thanks!
Anonymous ID:88k0bQCO Sun 03 Dec 2017 22:31:14 No.151905238 ViewReport
I think it will be a whole lot funnier when y’all realize I’m as normal as you might have hoped I wasn’t. I think it would be a real reality check for people to personally see what really does come here and compare your perceptions to how right or wrong you are.

To be honest, it’s pretty surreal watching people confirm you’re a larp, then watching those very same people larp to others about who you actually are. Like as if it’s based on real fact. You never realize exactly how wrong people are until you watch it for yourself. It’s weird watching people commit so hard to their assumptions about me because it only shows me how easily they’ll commit to other things, and fully believe/spread that bullshit around, too.

I honestly used to think posting here was in some way helping to stop bullshit being spread on here…

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