Tag Archives: Duterte

Jonas Alexis VT 10-21-16… “Rodrigo Duterte: I am officially through with the New World Order” (or, “America does not control our lives. Enough bullshit.”)

This is another in a series of articles I’ve been posting about President Duterte’s statements opposing the NWO. I am enjoying Jonas’ writings about these things. Hopefully others are, too. ““I announce my separation from the United States. America does … Continue reading

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Jonas Alexis 10-18-16… “Rodrigo Duterte to New World Order agents: “I’ll humiliate you””

This goes along with the first article cited in this recent Kp blog post. The world is waking up and are standing up for themselves, individually and collectively. I do believe that what is happening around the planet with “smaller” … Continue reading

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Lada Ray FuturisTrendcast 9-27-16… “#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)”

This is a short but pointed piece by Lada Ray, particularly noting that THE USA CORP is loosing (losing?) it’s hold on several of it’s colonies. This is, I believe, a prelude to the eventual relinquishment of the USA CORP’s … Continue reading

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Veterans Today 9-12-16… “‘We’ll never have peace’: Philippines leader Duterte wants to boot US troops out of country’s south”

Surprise, surprise… yet another country wants to “get rid” of THE USA CORP and their military… along with Okinawa and quite a few people in the Kingdom of Hawai’i. One step at a time, the cabal is losing it’s strongholds. … Continue reading

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