Lada Ray FuturisTrendcast 9-27-16… “#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)”

lada_ray_photo_a_52This is a short but pointed piece by Lada Ray, particularly noting that THE USA CORP is loosing (losing?) it’s hold on several of it’s colonies. This is, I believe, a prelude to the eventual relinquishment of the USA CORP’s grip on Hawaii, an admission of its illegal confiscation and occupation of Hawaii, and the reinstatement of the Kingdom of Hawai’i.

Stay tuned, baby!!

“Slowly, but surely, The Great Global Balancer is rebalancing our formerly severely lopsided world away from the US Empire. Slowly but surely, the former hegemon is loosing its grip on former colonies and vassals. The latest and pretty resounding defection is the Philippines.

“Another recent semi-defection to Russia is Turkey. A key NATO ally in the Middle East, Black Sea and Russia’s soft underbelly, the loss of Turkey is devastating and irreparable to the US/NATO plan to build a new Iron Curtain between Russia and Europe.

“The process of defections is just beginning, so hold on to your seat and prepare to be awed! As The Great Global Balancer rebalances the world to a new reality, the wisest rats will be abandoning the sinking ship and countries will be looking for greener pastures.”


#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)

Slowly, but surely, The Great Global Balancer is rebalancing our formerly severely lopsided world away from the US Empire. Slowly but surely, the former hegemon is loosing its grip on former colonies and vassals. The latest and pretty resounding defection is the Philippines.

This is the reason US elites are so confused and not sure how to proceed, this is the reason the in-fighting among US elites will continue intensifying, as I explain in my latest Earth Shift Report 11: 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS. Listen to Free Part 1 on YT. Order complete ESR11 HERE.

Incidentally, stay tuned for some really great future shows we plan on China and Hong Kong, Japan and Asia in general, as well as Russia’s & USA’s prospects with Asian countries!

RT VIDEO: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated his intention to distance his country from the US, its former colonial master, saying he is about to pass “the point of no return” with the US.


Another recent semi-defection to Russia is Turkey. A key NATO ally in the Middle East, Black Sea and Russia’s soft underbelly, the loss of Turkey is devastating and irreparable to the US/NATO plan to build a new Iron Curtain between Russia and Europe. The problem of Turkey won’t just go away, contrary to how much US hopes it will. I wrote about all that at length in my recent top-rated bestseller ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (read TESTIMONIALS).

  1. We don’t care if Americans approve of our close ties w or not: ex-prez:  READ:

The process of defections is just beginning, so hold on to your seat and prepare to be awed! As The Great Global Balancer rebalances the world to a new reality, the wisest rats will be abandoning the sinking ship and countries will be looking for greener pastures.

The Great Earth Shift is underway! Be ready, be prepared!



Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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