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SolarisModalis 1-14-18… “Photographs Taken During Hawaii Missile Incident” (and possible Light Craft presence during that ‘event’)

Solaris sent this link to me and I found it quite amazing that someone captured the photos of what appear to be Lightships (or something like that) during the time of the “missile event”. Were they involved in the deactivating … Continue reading

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Roy Potter 11-17-17… “Trump Attacks NWO With Counters Of Its Own Language and Symbols”

This 30 minute video was amazingly illuminating (for myself, at least). Roy Potter is someone I found out about via Jordan Sather (see this FB comment). He disseminates a lot of material about what is going on right now, including … Continue reading

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The Comey Hearing 6-8-17… “Here’s what I’m throwing at it: a Pair of Dice and an Infowars [which I just removed]” [and now there’s another Infowars that I just added]

[Kp note 2: so here is a 10-point summary video from Infowars that is absent “Alex Jones, et al., male ego”….] [Kp note 1: I actually listened to the full Infowars video, and it was so full of “male (false) … Continue reading

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The Matrix is Unravelling, baby! 1-12-17, by Kp… “Why Donald Trump calling CNN ‘Fake News’ yesterday is such a wonderful thing!”

Well, this is one that’s actually written by me, rather than a re-post of one from someone else. I got quite wonderfully amused by The Donald calling out a CNN reporter who continually (and rudely, according to Donald) interrupted as … Continue reading

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SOTT.net 11-28-15… “Actually Russia is winning in Syria”

“The Russian response to the shoot-down of the SU24 has in fact been carefully calibrated. The Russians have cancelled the visa agreement with Turkey – which will hit the Turkish tourist industry… They may use their food standards agency to … Continue reading

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Harrison Koehli, SOTT.net 11-27-15… “The Struggle for Hearts and Minds: Putin Continues to Call NATO’s Bluff”

I found this a very revealing portrait of how Russia/Putin/et al. are winning the hearts and minds of the planet. By assuming the friendship of their opponents (partners in contrast), they allow those opponents to expose themselves for who and … Continue reading

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Powerful Message from Hāwane Rios – TMT & Maunakea: Common Ground 5-27-15…

[youtube=https://youtu.be/GZFMUz5sFEU&w=550] https://youtu.be/GZFMUz5sFEU I have listened to this entire message, along with some of the other people who spoke, thanks to Big Island Video News. She, in my mind, is the ONLY one who spoke the message that needs to be … Continue reading

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