The Matrix is Unravelling, baby! 1-12-17, by Kp… “Why Donald Trump calling CNN ‘Fake News’ yesterday is such a wonderful thing!”


Trump to CNN… “Your organization is terrible”

Well, this is one that’s actually written by me, rather than a re-post of one from someone else. I got quite wonderfully amused by The Donald calling out a CNN reporter who continually (and rudely, according to Donald) interrupted as he was pointing his finger to another reporter. So I’ve written a short piece, with a whole slew of videos that give a description of how this indicates that the MSM is imploding.



Why Donald Trump calling CNN ‘Fake News’ yesterday is such a wonderful thing!

It was quite a thrill, for myself, at least, to see Donald Trump call out CNN as “fake news” yesterday. Video after video showed up with the snippet above included. As the CNN reporter said at the end, “This is not appropriate”. I totally agree… it was not appropriate, it was not “politically correct”, and that’s exactly what the MSM matrix needed… to help it fall apart.

As someone who is the FIRST candidate I have ever heard calling out the fake MSM for what they are, and doing it in front of the entire planet, for ALL of the planet to see, I 100% support his intentions to call out the swamp, and to “drain the swamp”, as many have called it.

As I view it, he is working FOR the planet, unlike Hillary, who would have continued the same old walk towards confrontation with Russia (and who knows who else). I do not necessarily agree with everything Mr. Trump or his intended administration nominees say (or Tweet), but the garbage needs to be “called out” as garbage, and he’s doing it. Finally someone is doing it… in a powerful, visible to all, way.

Time to release the garbage, toss it, or burn it, or throw it in the solar portal, but don’t keep calling it “delicious, nutritious, reliable food”.

We’ve seen some of this before, by a variety of people, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, David Icke, Jon Rappoport, and others. But never in such a “main stream out in front kind of way”. Right now, however, thanks to The Donald, the Controlled Main Stream Media (CMMM, as Preston James calls it) is falling apart, in front of our eyes… everybody’s eyes.

Personally, I’m loving it!

Now, about those videos, I’m finding it helpful to view those from several sources, including Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Next News Network, David Seaman, and a number of others. I often do not align with all their views (and/or language), but I feel more balanced “news wise”. And it’s fun.

Here’s a few that I’ve viewed. And a comment or two. Follow Guidance and the Higher Innards for what appeals to you. (David Seaman, a “younger” news video presenter, “CNN Singled Out By Donald Trump: “FAKE NEWS!””)
. (Max Keiser “FIRED UP” on RT, “American MSM ‘continue down the downward slope of irrelevancy'”)

. (Alex Jones calling out the MSM, “Trump Killed The MSM Today”)
. (Mark Dice giving his “in the smaller box at lower left” commentary, “Trump To CNN: You’re FAKE NEWS”)

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