Author Archives: kauilapele2

Jetson White 7-10-22 VIDEOs… “Birthday Tribute to Nikola Tesla” & “The Trump Time Travel Miracle – 2022 Revisit”

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Tesla’s birth day is July 10. So I watched these recent videos from Jetson White. The first is a celebration of Tesla’s life and patents and contributions to our current world. The second is a revisit to the Trump Time … Continue reading

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Kp Message 7-10-22… “BEing in the Now Moment”

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The image at left is from the Hawaiian Air flight to Kona (from Honolulu), and was my first landing on the Big Island since 2019. I felt relieved to be there again, and I cried for several minutes on the … Continue reading

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Dave Waterbury VIDEO 7-7-22… “‘Q’ EXPOSED”

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This is a nice (and short) compilation of “Q indicators” put out through the last couple of years. Video by Dave Waterbury. I enjoyed it. “The startling hints, evidence and clues were right in front of everyone. Some people noticed, … Continue reading

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Videos of possible interest (which I’ve viewed recently)… 7-8-22

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These include a couple Santa Surfings, Tarot by Janines (that channel has been eliminated by YouTube), a Jetson White, and a McAllister TV. I found each to have their own “points of interest”.

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Telegram posts of possible Interest (7-1-22 to 7-6-22)

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These are a few that “struck the mark” from the last few days, in addition to “the Guidestones”. There’s a lot here, but surely some of the items will resonate! Feel free to use Higher Inner Guidance as to what … Continue reading

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Telegram posts only about the fall of “the Guidestones” (7-6-22)

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These came from early this morning, and I felt are worth posting. This is a major event, in my view. Phil G said it was accomplished via a directed CERN attack by the Alliance (White Hats). Feel free to use … Continue reading

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 7-6-22… “Current Events (intel drop) – July 6th, 2022”

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Short update, which got “canceled out” before the intel could come out. The bulk of that is in part 2, but I found part 1 very fascinating as well. I suggest listening at 1.5 – 2x speed, as Phil often … Continue reading

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Santa Surfing 7-6-22 VIDEO… “Bad Stone gets stoned! UK disaster! Trump says “Get Ready”! God wins!”

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This was a great video (my view) about a variety of items, including the new Trump 757 (AF1??) and the Georgia Guide stones being “blown away”!!. Very much enjoyed this. She’s also arranging for a “lucky winner” to win a … Continue reading

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Videos from the Hawaii (6/3 – 6/21) mission have been uploaded…

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On 6-5-22, after first time in the ocean (after 2.5 years); taken from Lahaina, Maui; Lanai in the background I’ve posted all the videos I took during the mission on my YouTube page, for those who might have interest in … Continue reading

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220704 Kp Message (#2)… “Enjoying the Rain / Thunder / Lightning show”… “Feeling like the Buddha”

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220704 Kp Driving Message… “Celebrating the ‘Higher Inner’ Dependence”

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Kp Message 7-3-22… “Energies seem to be quite INTENSE”

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The NEW Halema’uma’u, as of 6-18-22 Listened to (watched) a Tarot by Janine video where she did mention her own “challenges” with getting out of bed and/or arising after a rest. Call it whatever you’d like, but for myself, the … Continue reading

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Jason Shurka 6-30-22 VIDEO… “THE REVOLUTION OF HEALING (Part 2) | Uniting to Heal Humanity” (with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael)

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Part 2 is a follow-up to their original video (Kp blog link; Kp substack link). A lot of questions are addressed and answered here. Another very significant message for humanity, as we rise in vibration, and are willing to accept … Continue reading

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Jetson White 6-29-22 VIDEO… “4/11 Military Takeover Field Report III”

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I found this to be a very informative (to me, at least) presentation of what’s been going on in the air the past few weeks (a lot of MonkeyWerx video snippets). It certainly appears that, one step at a time, … Continue reading

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Santa Surfing 6-29 thru 7-1-22 (3) VIDEOs… “SCOTUS Updates”, “Trump cleared”, “Thank you Military”

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Usually I’ll watch a Santa update (Rumble page) each day because she gives a relatively short, and uplifting, collection of “news” (aka, “things going on”). I liked watching these three (suggest in the order posted). She’s also arranging for a … Continue reading

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Kp Note 7-2-22… “Several posts in a row that I feel are ‘important’ at this time”

That’s all I’ll mention here. Feel free to use one’s Higher Inner Discernment about what applies to you. Aloha, Kp

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Kp Message 220701… “Feeling a bit ‘Lost'”

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Right now I’m really not sure what my place is in this world. Mission to the islands has been completed, and I’m just wondering what the next phase will be. Passion for anything is just not there. The islands do … Continue reading

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Telegram posts of possible Interest (6-26-22 to 6-30-22)

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These are a few that “struck the mark” from the last few days. Feel free to use Higher Inner Guidance as to what applies. Text only, except for a few that I’ve marked with “IMAGE” (click to view). For viewer … Continue reading

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220629 Kp Driving Message 2… “The Heat leads to the Greening”

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220629 Kp Driving Message… “Releasing the Past and it’s Heaviness” Link to Tarot by Janine video mentioned here.

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Jetson White 6-26-22 VIDEO… “Patriot Underground Interview”

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This was one of the first things I watched after returning back from the islands (and decompressing). I found it a quite excellent synopsis of the principles Jetson has been discussing in his videos. YouTube video link BLURB … Continue reading

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220625 Kp Driving Message… “‘Coming back’ message; ‘Hold on’ and ‘BE where you’re at'”

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Kp Note 6-24-22… “Back home on 6-22-22”

Short note that I finally made it back to the Illinois house, on 6-22-22 at 10 PM. Felt wonderful to sleep in my own bed. In fact, I slept about 20 hours. My body was “Feeling it” and still is. … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-19-22… “Phase 3 completed… Mission Completed”

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Here’s a short summary of what was done. Well the entire mission was from 6-3. Maui from 6-3 to 6-8, peaked on the 6-6-6. Lahaina side first, Paia side next, then to top of Haleakala. Ceremonial silver coin placed at … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-12-22… “Second phase of mission is complete”

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Part of the reason “phase 2” took so long, is that shortly after I arrived here, I experienced tiredness, (probably) high temps, and just “felt like crap” (my sense is it was a cold / flu). That, I feel, was … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-7-22… “First phase of mission is complete”

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More will be unveiled about this operation after I’ve left this current location. Cannot say more for now. Much has been accomplished in (and for) the Light, and for the Planet. All is well. Release any fear. Embrace (and live … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-5-22… “Hold the Light for the Planet” (from wherever I am)

Mahalo for continuing to support this journey as we proceed onwards and upwards into the Light. The fascinating synchronicity about today, is that nine (9) years ago today was when I departed for the Turtle Island mission. We’re all connected, … Continue reading

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Kp Message 6-2-22… “Hold the Light… BE the Light…” (final blog post for awhile)

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Shortly I will be departing on a journey, for a mission, somewhere. Likely I’ll still be posting things, but all of the “regular” type posts (BF, Tarot by Janine, Santa, DW, Phil, etc.), will not be happening. Right now I’m … Continue reading

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Jason Shurka 5-27-22 VIDEO… “THE REVOLUTION OF HEALING | Advancing Beyond MedBed Technology” (with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael)

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Fabulous video. I’m posting as I feel this represents a major “next step” in humanity’s development. .

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Benjamin Fulford 5-30-22… “Fake Biden regime collapsing as Bezos bails” (RMN link)

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I’m posting the RMN link for this. It’s all laid out and ready to view. Enjoy the show(s), and feel free to Hold the Light for the planet. This will be my last BF posting until further notice. My mission … Continue reading

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