Telegram posts only about the fall of “the Guidestones” (7-6-22)

These came from early this morning, and I felt are worth posting. This is a major event, in my view. Phil G said it was accomplished via a directed CERN attack by the Alliance (White Hats).

Feel free to use Higher Inner Guidance as to what applies to you.

Text only. For viewer potential interest only. The name of the poster is on the first line. Enjoy the reading. Note that I am continually posting items of interest on the posts Telegram page.

[Kp caveat: Let me be clear… I do not have any idea who these people are, whether any of their information is “real”, but some of them resonate and line up with what certain others have mentioned, here and there. And most often I DO NOT ALIGN with certain “fear porn-y” type messages.]


These are posted in (approximate) chronological order. (the name of the channel is at the top of each)


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
If Georgia guidestones being shaken in the middle of the night isn’t a prophetic sign then I don’t know what is.
The people are aware.
[Their] plans are coming to rubble.
Wait until their entire system collapses. It’ll be God who gets the glory.
Babylon is falling.


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
What caused this?
(Georgia guidestones)
Supposed footage from the explosion.
No confirmation yet.
From a private Rumble account.


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
Ok I figured out the mystery behind the Georgia Guidestone explosion. If you just look really closely right behind the light you’ll see the riddle expose itself. Wow.


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
F in chat for the evil Georgia Guidestones.
We will not miss you!
Roe V Wade falls and now this!
God wins!


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
The Guidestones have been completely leveled!
If that’s not a prophetic sign then I don’t know what is!


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
So you’re telling me that Roe V Wade fell, millions of babies were saved, your second amendment was defended, reees were heard around the world AND the long standing satanic Georgia Guidestones was toppled all in the same 30 day period but nothing is happening?
The I told you so’s will reverberate across the world. Babylon really is falling!
I love winning!


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
Guidestones fell on George W Bush’s birthday.
If this isn’t winning then I don’t know what is.


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter
For those who don’t know:
The Georgia Guidestones arrogantly displayed the cabal’s plan Satanic by proclaiming that they desired to keep the world population under 500 million.
Their plans are coming to ruin and we the people will thrive like never before.
Babylon is literally falling.
If that doesn’t deserve an amen then I don’t know what does


The Patriot Voice 🇺🇸
The Georgia Guidestones are exactly 666.78 miles away from the UN Headquarters in NYC…This is NOT a coincidence.


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