Author Archives: kauilapele2

220923 Kp Driving Message… “Sun Light is changing… Following the Inner Guide”

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220921 Kp Driving Message… “Energies of Smoothing & Changes in the Path”

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Two 9-21-22 “Intel-type” VIDEOs, QNewsPatriot & Janine/Tom/Jaco… “‘World War’ Coming, New Alliances…” & “Queens Funeral, ERIC TRUMP, Sept 24-25, Oct 29 & Winter”

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I enjoyed listening to the information in these today. The second one I rather enjoyed the trio working together, each giving their own views from their perspectives. [from first video] “SGAnon discusses recent comms from <45> referring to the treason, … Continue reading

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QNewsPatriot (SG Anon) 2 VIDEOs 9-18-22, 9-15-22… “We are a GO | Public Takedown Operations Beginning” & “National Guard Coordinating w/ County/Local… | Justice is Coming”

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Very significant items pointed out by QNewsPatriot. Enjoyed listening to these. A few points that “stood out” for me: Taiwan cleanup is in progress… go-ahead given by Trump in the last rally. Black star flag used at rally means “absolute … Continue reading

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Turn The Page With Janine VIDEO 9-13-22… “Mike Penny Current Events Q&A”

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This really hit home. I’m listening now. Mike comes in at about 5 minutes. Key items: many of the “illegals” coming in are actually plain clothes military being located (usually in blue states) to carry out operations… In particular to … Continue reading

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220916 Kp Driving Message… “Closing cycles, maintaining Sovereignty”

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220914 Kp Driving Message… “Movement on many levels… Missions ongoing Planet-wide”

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220912 Kp Driving Message… “Going through it”

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220910 Kp Driving Message… “A Feeling of (and trepidation of) Change”

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Kp Message 9-12-22… “Releasing the ‘weights’ of Turtle Island… Moving to the new phase”

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I like to use this image (of Kp at Kalalau) quite a bit as it shows what I truly “feel” when I am there. And it resonates with my BEing to work with the energies at that Portal. It is … Continue reading

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Utsava Updates 9-9-22, 9-11-22… “The Queen has died… TIMELINE CONFIRMATION! DOMINO EFFECT!” & “Sneak Peek into new video-There is so much going on!”

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These two resonated with me to post, so here they are. Feel free to read, if so guided, and stay in the Higher Vibrations while you do! Take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow Higher Inner Discernment! … Continue reading

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This may be a “BOOM week”… 2 VIDEOs (9-10-22) from Juan O Savin SITREP & SG Anon (QNewsPatriot) (“The Queen is Dead | BOOM Week in Full Swing | Darkness to Light”)

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I felt like wearing red and black surf shorts today (normally I wear blue), with the “sense” that the colors reflected something about the energies currently ongoing / manifesting / erupting. Then after returning to the house I was guided … Continue reading

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Well, this was started in July, but I’ll put it out now, in this spare moment. Mahalo to all who continue to follow this BEing… I’m grateful for your Light, Love, and support. Aloha Kp

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Key moment, “Passing of the Queen” pt 2 of 2… Tarot by Janine VIDEO (with Tom Numbers) 9-8-22… “Death Of Queen Elizabeth”

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The video below goes into great detail about items related to the Queen’s passing. Full of data, this one is. This is indeed a key moment in planetary liberation. One may subscribe to her videos now on ($4.95/month). . … Continue reading

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Key moment, “Passing of the Queen” pt 1 of 2… Phil Godlewski VIDEO 9-8-22… “Queen – September 8th, 2022”

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The passing of the Queen is a key moment, as many items now may fall into place for the planet. Phil goes through many of these, and that he noted this in an April, 2022 video. And after the passing, … Continue reading

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Two Videos encapsulating the Kp Hawaii Mission of 8/20-9/2/22 (in 6 minutes)

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I posted a couple videos along the way during the mission (video 1, video 2), but I have no idea when I’ll put up all the other ones. So these two are a “quick” summary that I recorded two days … Continue reading

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Kp Message 9-1-22… “Third phase finished… Mission Accomplished”

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Not going to say very much here. But phase 1 was completed in Big Island on the 8-26-22, phase 2 was completed with Haleakala on Maui, and phase three was completed at both Kalalau and Waimea Canyon. The new Sun … Continue reading

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QNewsPatriot 8-12-22… “Current Chem-Trails are Antidotes for C19 Vaccines”

I feel this is indeed happening. Check the video. QNewsPatriot (on Rumble) I feel is worth paying attention to. Use one’s own discernment whether to watch our not.

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220829 Kp Driving Message… “Observations about Haleakala”

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Kp Message 8-29-22.. “Energies at Haleakala… “free and fluid”

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Energies at Haleakala are quite a bit more “free and fluid” than the last time I was here. The Mission has directed me to Haleakala for this next phase. The view here is from Haleakala, towards Ma’alea. The cloud ships … Continue reading

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220828 Kp Message… “Finishing first phase”

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I’ve been Big Island since 8-20-22. There have been various aspects of this journey, but primary was to connect with the final 8-8 of this year, 8-26-22. Ceremony was conducted (with Beverly) on the 8-26-22 at the Coffee Shack, which … Continue reading

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220824 Kp Driving Message… “BEing ‘in place’ & Following ‘the Callings’ for this time”

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220818 Kp Driving Messages (all 4 of them)

I’m doing this all in one post, as I will be likely posting nothing for the next few days. Here they are. . .

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220818 Kp Driving Message… “The PG & the TbyJ communications”

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Phil Godlewski VIDEO 8-17-22… “The Media – August 17th, 2022” (and notes from “Chip”)

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I felt this Phil was a very excellent and information-filled update. Chip’s extensive notes are included, below the video (for those who would rather read than listen to 1.5 hours of Phil). I suggest listening at 1.5 – 2x speed, … Continue reading

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220816 Kp Driving Message 3… “Importance of the ‘Higher Intent'”

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220816 Kp Driving Message 2… “Many of us are ‘Frontliners'”

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220816 Kp Driving Message 1… “Peace”

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220815 Kp (not) Driving Message 2… “Releasing the Frantic-ness”

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220815 Kp Driving Message 1… “Things popping up, for release and Discernment”

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