10-19-22… “Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs the US Dollar, Bank Collapse Averted”

Okay, I’m just posting the link here. Very instructive discussion about aspects of the currency, etc. Strongly suggest listening to this one (I may format later, but right now I am energetically spent).


“World-rocking news, shared in a first interview on this subject, Report 298, and two recent State Assembly webinars by Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America: the American government has stepped forward to provide the gold to back the US dollar, a global banking and economic collapse has been averted, and US debt and Australian debt has been bought out.

“For more information on all these subjects, and to read Anna’s advice and regular updates, please visit annavonreitz.com and The American States Assembly site. To go directly to the banking and dollar/gold discussion in this podcast, please go to about one hour into the conversation.”

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