Kp Message 7-30-22… “Why I Post what I Post”…[a re-Post of a RE-Post of a re-Post]

After posting the Ismael Perez short video (Kp Substack) (via Dave Waterbury) (which I kind of “got” was a neat intro to the messages from Ismael), the phrase “all hell broke loose” might have been a great description of what came back to me, via FB and emails. “This and that and he’s full of this and so and so he’s disinfo and so on and so on.”

So I found a way through it, internally, and have just dropped it all.

In essence, I follow my own Higher Guidance. That’s what I call it. Whether it’s Galactic guidance, human guidance, guidance from the clouds, makes no difference to me. All I know is, it comes from within ME. Nothing else matters.

From this 5-9-16 Kp Blog post: “I am here to BE the I AM that I AM. I am here to BE in the flow, my flow, and to follow that flow wherever it go(es)… one moment at a time.”

So I’m reposting this repost of a repost, with some additions, below. Feel free to have fun with it!

Aloha, Kp


from Kp Message 5-9-16… “Why I Post what I Post”…[a re-Post of a RE-Post]

A while back (2-2-12), I posted this one, “Why I Post What I Post“, then later (10-21-12) I posted this RE-Post. I added a couple things to the list, and now, added a few more.

This may be a partner, of sorts, to the prior Kp Message. I’m not trying to be a “pain in okole (butt)”, but I did sense it was time to re-affirm “why I post what I post”. Now if it does feel like a “pain in the okole” to anyone, feel free to complain about it, bitch and moan about it, ignore it, or utilize it to raise your vibration!


[from the RE-Post] Some have sent emails on occasion and although I (almost) always read them, I don’t always post them. And just so everyone is clear about things, I repost this earlier post, catchingly entitled, “Why I Post what I Post“. I added a couple new ones.


Why I Post what I Post
by Kauilapele, 2-2-12

Its very simple. I post what I “feel drawn” to post.

It has nothing to do with the following:

  • Other people are posting something
  • Someone says (suggests, implies, etc., kindly or otherwise!) I should post something
  • I posted someone/something before
  • It’s on the mainstream news
  • Someone says “The Sky is Falling”
  • It would taste real good
  • It would appease certain people or groups of people
  • It requires extensive research and analysis (pardon, I am not David Wilcock or Steve Beckow and do not post the same way they do)
  • NEW Someone says, “Make this viral”
  • NEW Someone says (or implies), “Everyone else is posting this so you need to post this as well.”
  • [Added 5-9-16…]
  • Why haven’t you posted this person? They’ve got great material…
  • I have to post X number of posts per day

  • So and so 1 says this, so and so 2 says this, but so and so 3 says that? Should you really be posting so and so 3?
  • So and so has been saying so and so and it still hasn’t shown up… (implied) “Stop posting that so and so!” (implied) “Dammit!!”
  • The military is on the move and they’re arresting everyone (take your pick) a) in The White House, b) in Buckingham Palace, c) in all the Deep Underground Military Bases, d) who thinks DW is gay, e) on Mars, f) who subscribes to Gaia TV, g) who reads this blog, h) add your own
  • [Added 7-30-22…]
  • So and so 1 says the one you posted is disinfo, so and so 2 says they are compromised, so and so 2 says so and so 1 is disinfo…
  • Galactic soap operas
  • Human soap operas
  • Soap soap operas

I suppose I could say that it’s a “Higher Dimensional” thing. Or an “I’m really strange and only a strange being would ever post such things, or do such things like going to Peru, Egypt, New Madrid, Santa Fe, and sometimes drive around in my car and sleep overnight at -10 F in my car or on an island in the middle of a lake that’s 4 hours boat ride from anywhere” thing. (NEWER: “Or drive around the Turtle Island for 6 months and end up in the same place you started and all you reported on was where the best mochas were!!)

But maybe you have figured that out.

And whether you agree with my postings or not (and I don’t always “agree” with everything from others that I post), that’s what I do.

I’m grateful for all of you all over the world who read this blog, and hope it assists one or two of you. And I’m very grateful to see how many of you (how many, I’m don’t know) have started your own blogs, either to mirror some of the posts here, or to offer alternative views on things.

So that is what I have to say about that.

Aloha, Kp

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