Utsava Updates 3-13-22 & 3-10-22… “March Madness is about to start!!!” & “Updates”

I’m posting highlights of these latest updates in reverse time order. I felt the “Match Madness” one was quite important to read.

Anyway, I suggest take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow that Higher Inner Discernment!

I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available for those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.


March Madness is about to start!!!

“…this is the month with… the war scenario,.. EBS/Martial law around the corner.

“We have been talking about this for a long time and things kept being delayed, but finally, as stated in my last interview with Project Camelot; there won’t be any more delays.

“…we can now predict time lines… probably beginning of next week, you will see something… to do with the banking system… that the credit and debit cards might not be working… Don’t worry, your money in the bank is save. We have said for a long time take cash out for this emergency.

“In the upcoming days you will start to notice a shift, that is due to a system change… We will have a new structure in government… Government will be ev[entually]. reduced by 90%.

“Bitcoin will be made illegal, it will be dropped pretty much to zero, we have prophesied for years. Most other coins will be banned too.

“When the stock markets starts to crash drastically you will know that you will have to watch out for the ‘buzzer’ to go off and the EBS coming. Another hint is the death of the queen… When the queen dies we know that the 10-days shutdown/EBS is coming.

“The Quantum Financial system is here, they can slow it down all they want. “Their goose is cooked.”

“The military is about to take over. What you see in Russia happening will come here soon too; including McDonalds closing, the Quantum system and Gold standards.”


“We are seeing the war scenario with Russia/Ukraine and China/Taiwan as prophesied. The stock market is on shaky ground; it is very volatile and has its ups and downs.

“There is a change in currency value in Russia and the dollar is dropping. Gas prices are through the roof; and we have 7.9% inflation. The financial markets and the economy are about to collapse.

“All of this is happening on Biden’s watch! Biden will be blamed for pretty much everything bad that has happened.

“Putin is not the enemy. The enemy we are fighting is the Deep state. It is 1776 again; we are at war, but the news media will tell you Putin is creating the war. In reality the Deep state has declared war on us, the People, for a very long time. We are fighting back and are taking our power back.

“There will be a nuclear threat-scenario played out in the public eye which causes a shut-down/EBS/emergency scenario. For those who have not done so:

“Have food at home for ten days… cash on hand… car filled up with gasoline… an emergency radio… flashlights with batteries.

“Perhaps they will say there is power outage because our power grid was attacked. Like I said a long time ago, our power grid is safe. Instead, we will switch to TESLA free energy and free internet. A short power outage will be necessary (1-3 days).”


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