Kp Radio Hawaii 1-1-22… “We’re going Inward, and Forward, and Upward”

Theme of the show: “All is well, as we Follow the Higher Inner Guidance”

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Talked about (among other things):

  • 2022 = 222 = Angel Numbers = “Trust that everything is working out exactly as it’s supposed to, with Divine blessings for everyone involved. Let go and have faith.”*
  • Allow the process of the “Awakening of humanity” to go forward. Stay out of the way.
  • Releasing the “Gotta do’s”. Follow the Higher Inner Guidance
  • Forget following of the outer voices.
  • Guiding principle: “Take the best (that which resonates) and leave the rest”.
  • I have no idea what this new year (number 2022) will bring. I do NOT play the New Year, Christmas, Easter, etc., games. For myself, it is very very shallow.
  • I do enjoy the numbers.
  • No idea what “the year” bring. It will bring what we each “want” it (deep within) to bring.
  • What to “pay attention to” is within… What resonates? Within? “Follow the Higher Inner Guidance”… that is where I always need to go.
  • I am not a “comforter”. Sometimes feel desire to blurt it out.
  • We’re very much in the Light. People are waking up.
  • We’re going “Inward, and Forward, and Upward”.
  • *Virtue, Doreen. Angel Numbers 101 (p. 63). Hay House. Kindle Edition.

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[Kp music note: the intro and ending music is from “Kaulana na Pua” by Makaha Sons. A translation to English may be found here. (“Famous are the children of Hawaiʻi… Ever loyal to the land”)]
[Another beautiful, with stunning visuals, version is at this link.]

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