Benjamin Fulford 12-6-21… “Khazarian mafia circles the wagons around the drain”

New weekly report from Ben.

“The worldwide offensive to permanently liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia is intensifying on all fronts, multiple sources agree. The biggest next move is to return Ukraine to the bosom of mother Russia, according to senior sources in the US military space command. This will deprive the Khazarian mafia of control over their ancestral homeland of Khazaria (Ukraine).

The fall of Ukraine will cut off drugs and other money laundering activities that support the fake administration of “f—” Joe Biden, the sources say.

“We are dealing with a Satanic cabal that is actively trying to kill you and your family. For example, Ursula Van Der Leyen, the unelected head of the EU commission, told the press she is in favor of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated… Another war criminal who needs to be arrested is Justin Castro, the brother murdering a Manchurian candidate who is trying to turn Canada into a Satanic totalitarian state.

“…the horror story now unfolding in Australia has its roots in the murder of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt in 1967 on the orders of David Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger, according to Australian secret service sources. MI6 confirms that Australia was secretly removed from the British Commonwealth in 1973… MI6 sources promise Australia will be liberated soon.”


Khazarian mafia circles the wagons around the drain
by Benjamin Fulford, December 6, 2021

The worldwide offensive to permanently liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia is intensifying on all fronts, multiple sources agree. The biggest next move is to return Ukraine to the bosom of mother Russia, according to senior sources in the US military space command. This will deprive the Khazarian mafia of control over their ancestral homeland of Khazaria (Ukraine).

The fall of Ukraine will cut off drugs and other money laundering activities that support the fake administration of “fuck” Joe Biden, the sources say. Remember when an Anglo Saxon says “fuck you,” it means they are ready to fight to the death. Many Americans, especially in the military and the agencies, are doing just that. And make no mistake, this is a fight to the death as any aware human now realizes.

We are dealing with a Satanic cabal that is actively trying to kill you and your family. For example, Ursula Van Der Leyen, the unelected head of the EU commission, told the press she is in favor of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated. In other words, she admits she’s a war criminal who wants to carry out medical treatment based on lies and against people’s will.

Another war criminal who needs to be arrested is Justin Castro, the brother murdering a Manchurian candidate who is trying to turn Canada into a Satanic totalitarian state. Take a look at him below trying to force vaccines on children to fight a disease his government publicly admits they cannot prove even exists.

Video Player (click to play)

The reason these people are still in power is because they are a million-member strong group of fifth columnists who control the very top levels of government in most Western countries.

For example, the horror story now unfolding in Australia has its roots in the murder of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt in 1967 on the orders of David Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger, according to Australian secret service sources. MI6 confirms that Australia was secretly removed from the British Commonwealth in 1973. That is why the Federal Reserve Board was able to fire Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2010 after he tried to stop a nuclear terror attack on Japan, the sources say. This attack then went ahead on March 11, 2011, and is known to us as the Fukushima “disaster.”

The picture below shows how the average Australian is rising up against their Satanic ruling class.


The state of Victoria saw a record demonstration of 450,000 people against the fascist “pandemic” measures while the press responded with drivel. However, state Dictator Dan Andrews has lost his SEVENTH MP in as many days, leaving his government in tatters.

MI6 sources promise Australia will be liberated soon.

There is also a move to liberate the UK. On this front, an FOI request sent on June 16th, 2021 “asking the most basic and fundamental questions about the science on which your Governments are issuing edicts to restrict the rights of the British people,” got the reply last week that “This information is not held by the House of Commons.”

MI6 sources say this response was finally allowed through because the UK military is aware the civilian government has been hijacked by gangsters and is taking corrective action.

The real battle though will be the fight to destroy Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland and Germany, CIA sources say. US Space command (formerly referred to here as Pentagon) sources say a major battle is now raging around the…

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