Kp Message 8-20-21… “Presence of Galactics… very strong these last few days”

Presence of Galactics I’ve been feeling very strongly these last few days. I’m not going to “label” them, like what star system they’re from, but somehow I’ve “got” that the number of them, and the Intensity of their Energetic involvement is very high… Higher than ever before in this Solar System type array.

Feels like it has something to do with “support for the incoming New Paradigm” as the old control matrix falls.

I’m feeling strong presence of Andromedans…They’re here particularly for healing of individual minds and souls, as individuals wake up to the control matrix they’ve been immersed in for millenia.

Whatever is occurring, we’re being ushered through this phase as we wake up, and stand up to go through it, and embrace a new way of BEing.

I’m hearing a message to watch the sky and watch the water.

Let’s see where and how this goes!

Aloha, Kp

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