Dave Waterbury VIDEO 7-9-21… “Juan O Savin – Entering the Final Lap” (to be viewed “In the Light”, in the absence of fear)

I’m posting this as I very much enjoyed viewing the selection of clips Dave has put together. I do not align with the idea that SHTF* must occur, particularly as outlined by Mike Adams in his portion. However…

Remember, “F” = Fan, so if we send Light to this whole situation, and not a “fan”, in other words, “BE the Light” and not a blowing fan, the process will proceed WITH the Light we align with. The vision for this planet is ours to hold. And I’m envisioning a smooth outworking of the Alliance’ plan to remove the deep state and its dark energies… whatever that “smooth outworking” may be.


…the more information you have, the better off you will be , when the sh_t hits the fan, and it looks like that is what’s going to happen… America is in a precarious position right now, but with the right preparations, we will get through this..

* Shit Hitting The Fan

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