BardsFM 3-22-21… “Juan O Savin Unplugged Parts 1 & 2” (plus transcript notes for part 2 by Kat) (and “Hold the Light space for the planet, at this moment”)

First off… let us Hold the Light space for the planet, at this moment.

These seemed “important” enough to post. My sense is that we are very, very, close to more “major activities” by the Alliance, especially with the Suez situation (see this Kp blog post; and one of the Janine videos in this Kp blog post). The phrase, “This is going to be Biblical” appears to be coming to pass (Q mentioned this several times).

I’ve placed the non-highlighted text of Kat’s part 2 transcript (where’s part 1?), for those who wish to read the high points.

Also I have downloaded the video and audio, which I’ll post later.


Kat’s transcript for Part 2 (unformatted text only) (caveat: lot’s of “red pills” in this)

Here is Part 2 of Juan O Savin’s marathon 3+ hour radio interview.

By the time you’re done reading both Parts, you should be clear about many things happening on Gaia right now.

Essentially, the war for Planet Earth is between God’s Children of Adam and Goodness, and the dev*il’s Canaanite bloodlines and ev*il; everything after that are facets from that singular struggle.

Keep these thoughts in mind as you read this next Part:

The disgusting, revolting, vomitus crimes against children are NOT committed by Human Beings. Impossible. Humans have a God Created soul and therefore could not in a million years commit these horrendous acts.

The ped/ophiles and pe/dovores on this Earth are godless, soulless, de_mons. Not of Earth, but, as Gene Decode put it, from the 2D pit. If any started out as “Human” they surrendered their soul long ago. Incredibly many gave away their Divine soul for power, money or fame and will spend eternity serving the de*vil. What a stupid bargain. Seriously.

These dia*bolic aliens have preyed on God’s Creation and Children long enough and God has had it. So now it’s back to the pit for them or worse.

Also keep in mind, the war HAS been won by God. We’re just at the end of it and the de*mons, like the Na*zis in WWII, are causing as much damage as they can on the way to their inevitable demise.

The light factor is rising every moment on Gaia and in Humanity. Our ascension is assured. All things well.

Lightworkers came here to be, hold and shine God’s light in the blackest of he*lls and we did, and now we’re returning home to Higher Light, to Rainbow Light—praise God.

With blessings unceasing,

xo, Kat


Juan O Savin Unplugged, Part 2 3-8-21

BardsFM, Bards of War

Partially Transcribed by Kat

31:12 Juan O Savin: The vote is actually quite noble… the majority of the states clearly voted decisively for President Trump.. the handful of states that were in question that flipped the votes over… that digital data that stopped the count and then put in a new set of numbers and algorithms in place to flip it over…

31:38 In that forensic analysis of the digital data, the digital attack that’s been done, shows clearly that President Trump not just won but won decisively… a mammoth win… including in those states…

31:55 So the Military has to place the lawful person who won the election in office… not do a re-vote…just recognize that true outcome of the vote… and place that person back in authority…

32:15 Does the Military do that for the whole country or just for its section?

32:20 As a first step… lawful civilian authority would be recognized by the Military as the winner of that election, which in this case was Donald Trump… and that win, with them recognizing that… they hand the reins of power…

32:42 As Mao said, “All power emanates from the barrel of a gun”… Who has the biggest gun here? Is it Police Departments, is it States even with their National Guard? Or is it the American Military? Who has the biggest gun?

32:55 Juan O Savin: When the Military doesn’t let “President Bye-din” run around of Air Force One… when the Military doesn’t let President Bye-din tell em what to do precisely even if they allow illusions of power and Military action to take place… if they’re not doing that it’s for a reason…

Image: Actor “President Bye-din” walking into faux AF1 that hasn’t finished the paint job

33:26 Juan O Savin: You know, in the last couple of days people have been commenting on the “black flag” over the White House just below the American Flag… and a number of other facilities… well the Black Flag is a Black Military POW/MIA [Prisoner of War, Missing in Action] flag from the Vietnam War era… but these things can have multiple meanings, dual meanings…

33:51 Why are they flying that flag over the White House right now? Why are they flying it at other facilities right now? It might have some extra meaning…

33:58: Juan O Savin: Who is the actual POW at the White House right now? And who is Missing in Action?

34:07 There’s some games and trolling taking place… and the Military, in its role of restoring as quickly, as safely possible, lawful civilian control FIRST within the Military House… Who is the Commander-in-Chief really supposed to be?

34:33 An enemy attacked us digitally in a digital war against America… Who do they put in office there and then what does the Military do once the true proper lawful Commander-in-Chief is in office?

34:50 Then the Military answers to the lawful Commander… What next?

34:58 Then the LAWFUL Commander says

we need to do this and this and this…

President Trump by Dan Scavino, Twitter 3-19-21

35:02 Juan O Savin: This isn’t a Military Junta of Generals running America… that’s a South America Banana Republic thing… where the only way to get lawful control of the country is for Generals to do it because the crime lords have taken over the presidencies, the pay offs… you know, it’s the Chicago mob running the country… the New York mob running the country, the New Jersey mob running the country…

35:31 Here in America we put the LAWFUL Commander in Chief into office… that’s what the Military’s role would be initially based on the Military code of justice… Restore Lawful Civilian Authority to their Command and Control position… the lawful operation of the country, the Government…

34:40 THEN to look to that lawful Commander in Chief for direction how to proceed…the Military doesn’t do the arrests at the direction of Generals except for some instant protection… They look to the President and then they do what the President’s bidding is…

36:15 Look, suppose you put Trump or any person in the President’s Office… but the courts are corrupt… Congress is corrupt, they’re captured, they’ve already demonstrated that they’re a captured operation… you couldn’t get to Justice in the Justice department… you couldn’t get to a right review of the vote and the voting machines and practices…

36:40 Juan O Savin: They wouldn’t hear the case… They wouldn’t let the states have a case heard… about the states sayin, “Hey, hey, all of us states are being run roughshod over by a couple of crooked corrupt mob states that are trying to control the whole outcome for the country…and the whole world… you’ve gotta stop this”

37:00 The court said, “Well, nah, we don’t have to and we’re not going to do that.”

37:06 Juan O Savin: You can’t get to Justice in the Justice Department, what’s left?

37:09 The President can’t turn to the courts because the courts have already shown they’re not reliable… they’re not working in the American people’s lawful interests… they won’t do their job…

37:22 The President can’t turn to Congress because Congress is dysfunctional… it’s too captured… too many of the players are compromised… so you can’t get there…

37:28 Why? How did they get compromised?

37:31 What do you think was going on at Ep/stein Island?


Kat Note: I’ve had the “Black Eye Club” explained to me but, honestly, I couldn’t believe it. I won’t repeat it because I can’t verify if it’s true. But if what I was told is true, then it’s one of the sickest, most revolting truths in the entire dia*bolic pe/do/philia sa*tanist matrix.

For the sake of verifying what Juan O Savin is saying regarding Ep/stein Island, I offer the following:

Kat Note: This is from my 8-6-20 Colleen and Charlie Freak transcript on Eps/tein Island. They put out this video at the time of Ghi/sla/ine Max/well/s arrest.

Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Ca/bal’s Evil Plan, July 9 2020

With Charles and Colleen Freak

1:00:28 Charlie: Just before we close off this section about Hollywood sh*tting its pants over the arrest of Ghisl/aine Max/well… Colleen, who was deeply emotionally moved by this list… is going to take you through some of the key names that are deep patrons of this island…

1:00:50 The people on this list are all people

who have all participated in

not only the ra/pe and tor/ture of children

but the live skinning of the children

for adre/noch/rome…

And these were people who were partaking in

the cannibalistic spirit cooking ceremonies

that were held afterwards…

1:01:22 So these people have got NO-WHERE-TO-GO…

these people have a noose waiting for them…


President Trump’s Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States, January 31, 2020


Colleen: Let’s just name a few of the names that I’m aware of: Bar/ack Oba/ma, Ben Aff/leck, Beyo/nce, Bill Cli/nton, Bill Mu/rray, Brian Affl/eck, Charlie She/en, Court/ney Love, David K/och, Will Fa/rrell, Demi Mo/ore… Right? You think back and you say, “Yeah, these people just don’t age, do they? They must have great plastic surgeons”… or… they’re on the serum… adrenochrome… WOW… so, of course, Ghi/slaine Maxwell, Gw/en Ste/fani, James Fr/anco, James G/unn…

1:04 Charlie: It’s just flat out horrific… and no, this isn’t the full list… so, just to be clear… these are people that have participated in ALL aspects of this… all the way through the cannibalism and the spirit cooking… and then they slowly tried to introduce that into more mainstream…

1:07:37 Charlie cont.: This was originally in response to the death of Steve Bi/ng… one of the worst… a big contributor to the Clint/on Foundation… a big player in the Hollywood scene… and a pedovore in Hollywood…

His girlfriend is Eliza/beth Hu/rley and they have a child together, a son, Damian… you can’t make this stuff up, folks… and they’re very famous for their parties at Steve Bi/ng’s palatial apartment in Century City because they used to have these “Come as your favorite adrenal” parties… you can do the Math here on what they were talking about…

1:08:32 Elizabeth H/urley who looks so young all the time… so her male son, who just happens to look like a girl is another one of these examples…

1:08:51 One of the things you may not be aware… one of the massive power symbols for this upside down world of the false God, Baal, is worshipping the Baphomet… [A man with the head of a goat]…

1:09:50 Charlie cont.: What we’re talking about is adherence to the Baphomet because of the great powers the Baphomet has… this obviously applies to Maxwell’s 2 children, which is Michael who became Ma/rina and then Ghis/laine who looked quite masculine and did all of the masculine things…

Colleen: Submarine pilot, helicopter pilot, the one who’s trafficking the children…

1:10:18 Charlie: What they do is, once they determine in vitro what the fetus is, then they begin to bombard the fetus with the opposing hormones… so in the case of Michael to create ‘Marina’ they began to blast estrogen and other feminine hormones into the fetus in vitro… and this is what they do… and then after birth, the same thing….

1:10:47 You see this clearly in Elizab/eth Hurl/ey’s son, Damian, who is going to become the Baphomet… he has some pretty horrific habits himself when all of that comes out…

1:11:16 Colleen: …and that’s why you’re not able to tell anymore if you’re a man or a woman… so you’re very confused… so it’s a mix-up and I imagine there are some emotional issues with all of that, a mix-up of hormones… so it’s very traumatic for these individuals who are being given all of these things… and they never had a choice… Mado/nna, Angel/ina Jol/ie are doing this to their children…

1:11:58 Charlie Freak: Once again, all of this, all of this is being done by these buffer families, and being done to these buffer families, and all of this is being done at the behest of the 13-Phoenician Bloodline families… so they can control and own… it’s all about ownership…

1:12:40 And this is all leading to GREATER CONFUSION where we really can’t tell what’s real so that helps all of their holographic imagery and all the games they play… with body doubles and triples and whatnot… there are all sorts of things going on here that are just flat-out unhealthy and designed to confuse us… more and more and more confusion…

1:13:28 Charlie: So, the last aspect to show you, over the top, the importance of Ghis/laine Max/well: One of the things Ghi/slaine is noted for is the creation of her company which is centered on “Water Island” which is right next to Epstein island, just south of the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean…

So what we’re looking at on the map here, this is an image of Eps/tein Island… over on the Western side is an approach bay for the submarines to dock… you see the mount on Epst/ein Island is the temple for the sacrifices to the false God…

Underneath the temple were the ped/oph/ile ra/pe dung/eons… but the further down you go the worse it gets… the “Black projects” and you can’t imagine what went on there… the things they did…

1:14:40 Charlie: The next image you’re looking at is the 2 islands… Eps/tein Island and Wa/ter Island which is actually owned by Joe Bide/n and the Bi/den family… the Bi/den crime family…


3-23-21 update Kat Note: The real Joe Bi/den was shot and is long gone. President Trump has publicly said so 3 times:


1:15:10 Charlie Freak: Joe Bi/den is NOT a politician… he has no interest in serving you or his constituents or anything…

1:15:15 Colleen: Ever wonder why he’s always smelling children?

1:15:10 Charlie: I’m going to tell you why… the Bi/den Crime Family is known for many things… they’re very despicable, very uncouth crime family… but they’re known for one thing more than anything else… and that is the procurement of children…

That’s why Joe Bid/en has his son involved with this gas/propane company in the Ukraine like he’s some big businessman… but those are all fronts for what they’re really doing…

He’s over there procuring children in war-torn areas…

1:16:02 Charlie: They’re helping Ge/orge S/oros — which is to create constant havoc so you constantly have children being separated from parents… then Hu/nter Biden’s job… [Colleen: What a name, right? Hunter/predator]… that’s what he is… he’s a hunter-of-children… to be extracted then for a/dren/och/rome…

1:16:26 Charlie: [The Bi/den crime family] were taking hundreds of thousands of children every single year out of Eastern Europe…

1:17:19 Charlie: So Gh/islaine Ma/xwell with all of her masculine hormones, has her pilots’ license, she flies helicopters back and forth from all these islands… but she is also one of the primary people who is taking these submarines from island to island… and these submarines are loaded with children…


3-22-21 update Kat Note: Follow up on the fate of Ghi/slai/ne Ma/xwell. After 3 attempts she is still NOT going to be released on bail. Lord.


37:32 Juan O Savin: What do you think’s been going on at the Standard Hotel and all these other places? What was Wikileaks all about?

37:44 These s*ex clubs… this perversion, this pe/doph/ilia… the Po/desta brothers… why are they so pi/ss/ed off about Assange and Wikileaks? What’s going on there?


WikiLeaks series on deals involving Hill/ary Clin/ton campaign Chairman Jo/hn Pode/sta. Mr Po/desta is a long-term associate of the Clint/ons and was President Bill Cli/nton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Pod/esta also owns the Pod/esta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank.

WikiLeaks – The Podesta Emails


37:55 Juan O Savin: Because their se*x clubs and worse were being exposed… these hidden manipulations to control our leaders in office ALL AROUND THE WORLD… ALL AROUND OUR COUNTRY..

38:14 And so, you can’t get to Justice in the Justice Dept. and you can’t get Congress to work in the interests of the American people because they’re interested in their own interest and their buddies’ interests…

38:26 Juan O Savin: Their Foreign Nationals interests… their banking City of London interests… and so what happens next?

38:34 The ONLY solution…

it’s a Military solution…

38:37 The new Commander in Chief has to turn back to the Military after being put in office and direct the Military to go make the arrests… arrest those people that are compromised… that are working with Foreign Powers and interests… that didn’t safeguard The Constitution… the contract between the American people and its Government…

39:01 Juan O Savin: And the President directs the Military… take that f*cking bunch of sh*tballs to Gitmo… lock em up and we’ll do our trials there because you can’t get to Justice in the Justice Department…


39:20 BoW: I think the public is now ready, the majority of it is ready. This time has been an important time to have people reflect very deeply and as you have said in your own interviews, we have gone through a near-death experience to this nation, which at the end I think will be an important point in our history… to hopefully never forget how easily this country can be slipped away if you don’t stay vigilant in all that we do.

39:48 Juan, you have recently released a film or been part of the release of a film, obviously that goes on top of your book, KID ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD… but this film you debuted down in Nevada, SOUND OF FREEDOM… it’s taking on the ped/ophilia issue… the child s*ex trafficking issue in particular…

40:07 And we’re seeing a resurgence of that again with the Borders opening up and the news coming of about the disaster we’re seeing with the kids… once again being amassed and then being put with “guardians” so to speak across the nation…

40:21 Talk a little about that and this film and what this means to you and what this hopefully will mean to the nation… as we move forward here to try to build an awareness which I personally think is at the center point of taking back this country…

40:32 My personal opinion is if we can’t stand up for our children and stop the sacrifice of our children, the unborn and the young, we’ve violated one of the most basic tenets that God has in our existence which is to be protectors of those that have no voice…


Alejandro Monteverde’s film, SOUND OF FREEDOM, stars Mira Sorvino and Jim Caviezel as real hero, Tim Ballard.

Ballard created Operation Underground Railroad in 2013, which is an anti-child traf/ficking organization dedicated to bringing an end to child slavery.

From the O.U.R. website: “The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early to mid 19th century. They were used by African American slaves to escape into free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. The original Underground Railroad was a group that acted and infiltrated.”


40:48 Juan O Savin: Well, if you can’t protect the innocent, if you can’t protect those that are weak in your society, and then you turn to God like he’s supposed to protect you, “Please God bless us, bless America.”

41:12 You know, I’m looking right now at that f*cking Monument, that mother f*cking Monument, right there at the center of our unholy city… the center of power in our country… I’m looking at that thing and…



41:30 That s*ex cult didn’t just show up here in America a few days ago a few years ago, a century ago… it goes all the way back into Biblical times… even into Canaan land… and Babylon before that…

41:55 What was the significance? When we think of the Holy lands… and Israel in Biblical times… oh it was so wonderful, King David was there, Holy cities and the temple and everything else…

42:13 That was the best of times and the worst of times… that was this Holy place where the seat of God, the throne of God was first in the Tent of Meeting and then the Temples that were built by Solomon and before….


Kat Note: ”According to the Hebrew Bible, the Tabernacle (meaning “residence” or “dwelling place”), also known as the Tent of the Congregation (also Tent of Meeting, etc.), was the portable earthly dwelling place of Yahweh (the God of Israel) used by the Israelites from the Exodus until the conquest of Canaan.” Wikipedia


42:33 Juan O Savin: When these Holy places were built, right there in the same land, what do we see in the Scriptures also… We see conversation about on the mountaintops, on the hills around the Holy City, around this Holy land…

42:56 The people were taking their children up to these hilltop sacrificial sites and they were making their children “to pass through the fire”… that’s a preacher in the pulpit way of saying…





it’s right there in the Bible…


“They built high places for Baal

in the Valley of Ben Hinnom

to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Moloch,

though I never commanded—

nor did it enter my mind—

that they should do such a detestable thing

and so make Judah sin.”

~ Jeremiah 32 : 35


43:34 Juan O Savin: What was going on in the land before the people of Israel came out of the Sinai Desert, went into Jericho, and then other cities in Canaan land… the land of the Children of Cain… what was going on?

43:54 They were sacrificing their children to Baal and Moloch, to sa*tan, because the de*vil required them to sacrifice their children in order to have a good harvest… to have health…




44:25 And then you look at what’s going on in America and the rest of the world… we look the other way… we even protect people that do things that we would personally find hideous, unacceptable here in America…

44:38 Like the way people in Saudi Arabia treat their women like slaves internally…

44:53 We as a country promote that… I’ve talked recently several times about the situation in Libya… King Idris was running Libya up until 1969… they had slave bazaars right there in Tripoli… you know, in the Marine Corps hymn “To the shores of Tripoli”… what was going on? Slave trading… been going on for centuries…

45:13 When Hil/lary sat there and cackled about Gaddafi… “We came, we saw, he died”… well after her cackling was done the slave bazaar that Gaddafi closed in downtown Tripoli in 1969… in 2012 was reopened… and slaves have been being traded, children, young children, women and boys… girls and boys… have been being bought and sold in a slave bazaar in Tripoli…

Libyan Slave Trade, Time . com

46:04 Juan O Savin: AND WHO ALLOWED THAT TO HAPPEN UNDER THEIR WATCH? It wasn’t just Ob/ama… it was the American people… it was your Air Force that was used to close the skies over Libya so that Gaddafi couldn’t protect himself…

47:00 We as a people have a responsibility to protect children and innocent and we as a people haven’t done that… the kids coming in from Mexico… freight containers on ships in from all over the world with children in em… and then traff/icked here in America…

47:27 Juan O Savin: Numerous guys have talked about that…

we’ve had seizures of kids discovered…

that’s not a myth…

it’s reality…

47:35 And it’s being looked the other way on by people inside of our Government… collusion here on what’s going on…

47:45 We have to stop this… and if we can’t stop the trading and the ped/oph/iling of children… with the protection, with the sins by omission, of not seeing some of this tr/affick/ing occurring in America and places under our protection…

48:08 If we can’t stop it, why would you expect God to you? You won’t act to protect the innocent… we’ve as ev*il as the land that we went in to invade…

48:26 The people in Israel went into Canaan-land, set up their religion, put all their houses up, and then within a generation, they’re doing exactly what the people were doing when they came in there… they’re sacrificing children to the de*vil…

48:40 And in America… hey Gh/isl/aine Ma/xwell, Jeffrey E/pst/ein… THOSE WERE PROTECTED OPERATIONS…

48:52 And what were they doing? Is it just the pe/do/philia of children at those locations? And the Justice Dept. looking the other way and giving Jeffrey Ep/st/ein a slap on the hand… why? Because he’s working for the Intelligence Agencies…

49:05 Those people that were being compromised when they came to the island and filmed and photographed… into the University system… yeah, professors… teachers, people running these University systems were pe/do/philes…

49:19 And they were getting caught on tape and they were being manipulated… who gets the promotion… who gets the degree… who gets to some high office in some location… the corporation, etc…

49:36 Who’s managing those people? That’s CI/A, MI6, Mos/sad, other Intelligence agencies all with the secret handshake…

49:40 Working on behalf of who? Bankers, foreign nationals, foreign governments, bloodlines… all of em involved in compromising, black/mailing, honey/potting these people…

50:01 Juan O Savin: The document that Lin Wood presented the deposition the other day… and what’s the guy say in the deposition?

50:08 That the way that they gained power

through various government agencies,

through corporate entities etc.

in that document…

50:19 They handed off children,


born to themselves or others

that they could control

by whatever means


to get higher office,

to get positions of authority

to get control over you,

the American people and out into the world…

50:40 Juan O Savin: That was a pedo/phile se*x club…

50:41 Juan O Savin: And we see this stuff going on with the Salinas family in Mexico and the people running them… their money, and controlling how America operates, how Mexico operates, how other South American countries operate…THROUGH THE TR/AFF/ICKING OF CHILDREN… ALL OVER THE WORLD…

51:02 Where we have to start to get these people under control and out of office… is this pe/doph/ile s*ex club operations going on all over the world… even the stuff that Nixo/n found and he tried to come against it… with the Houston Club and others…

51:29 These s*ex clubs

which have degenerated down

into ped/ophi/lia clubs and worse

are what is running

and has been running America

for a very long time…

51:44 The film, SOUND OF FREEDOM, is an opening salvo, a beginning point, to help wake the public up to what’s been going on, right under their noses, in plain sight, out across America and the world…

52:02 It’s a battle cry for us to regain control of our country and then go out into the world and not be our brother’s keep, but our brother’s brother…

52:14 And anybody that doesn’t think that’s how things are running or that I’m overstating it?

52:19 What’s in the middle of your f*cking city that’s in the center of your country that you’re bowing down to with all of your tax money… all of your labors that turned into cash that’s handed off to the Federal Government to run you…

52:31 And what’s at the center of that city? That f*cking monument… that’s what’s there… it is a religious symbol… in this religious city to control you and honor THEIR s*ex gods… and the control over you and your children…

52:51 GOD’S






52:56 WE WILL NOT BE YOUR SLAVES ANYMORE… that’s the way it is…

53:04 Juan O Savin: America’s coming back, we’re going to take control of our country and our government… and unfortunately the only options at this time isn’t citizen with pitchforks… it will be the Military option… AFTER LAWFUL CIVILIAN AUTHORITY IS PUT INTO POWER AS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VOTED FOR…

53:31 And then that lawful civilian authority will administer the direction that the country goes through the Military regaining control of these locations and facilities so that we can get our country back for American citizens’ benefit… not for a bunch of globalists, ped/ophiles, thugs and sa*tan worshipping thieves… the way that THEY want it to be…

55:18 Juan O Savin: With the things that are going to happen here shortly… the mainstream media as it currently exists… is trying to program people’s minds to think that what will happen, what must happen is somehow the makings of a civil war… somehow illegal or unjust… it’s the exact opposite…

55:50 It’s not illegal or unjust it is the lawful exercise of the people’s will… by the Military… protecting the people’s will and the Constitution…

56:07 To the extent that they would twist that, they become irrelevant themselves… they picked a side and it’s against the American people… and the will of the American people…

56:22 Juan O Savin: The new media, that you represent, properly explaining this, properly putting it into perspective for people… you’re valid because you represent reality and the represent the will of the American people and you represent the right of the American people to have that conversation… and make it happen…

56:38 The fact that we’re going to come after these monsters and displace them out of office and take back control of the country may not be easy… but it’s what has to be done…

57:04 In working that through, it’s not a civil war, it’s a Revolutionary War… the attack came from Foreign Shores… America had a Revolution against the Bloodlines, the King, the Brits… and that’s why The Constitution was written, this alliance, this coming together of the states, against what had become a Foreign enemy…

57:36 Washington D.C. in the way that its administering against the America people, doing the bidding of Foreign masters, promoting this false Russian collusion thing… and protecting a fake vote, a false vote, a Digital Pearl Harbor against America, has become the enemy of the American people in the way that it administers…

58:06 We’re in the middle of a Revolutionary War against foreign entities… taking over power and control of our country…

58:15 That’s America coming together against a foreign enemy…

58:22 If you hear people saying that we’re having a civil war and destroying things internally, supposedly going with pitchforks… no we’re not, this isn’t a civil war… and we’re not going to burn down our own house to save it…

58:38 We’re going to catch those monsters by the tail and we’re gonna throw em in Gitmo… we’re going to retake lawful authority of government operations in America and we’re gonna do it through a legal proper means…

58:55 Which is to get the Executive we voted for back into office… then, that Executive that we voted for is going to make the correct decisions to safely bring America back together again under lawful authority, and take it away from those who are illegal, who are unlawful, who are not the ones we voted for…

1:00:16 We’re going to support our Military… people that are in these lawful positions, to go do what they have to do… under the lawful authorities direction… as we take our country back…

1:00:20 That’s not a civil war, that’s a Revolutionary War against foreign enemies operating on U.S. soil with tr/easonous, se/ditious, tra/itorous cooperation by some Americans… who themselves have shown they don’t deserve the title “American…”

1:06:46 Juan O Savin: We have a lot of fights ahead

We’re going to get our country back

it’s going to be amazing

it’s going to be Biblical

it’s going to be unbelievable to most people

They aren’t going to believe what’s about to happen next

but that won’t be enough

because when we’re through getting control of our own house

and kicking out all the de_mons

and all the counter tops and walls

are dusted and free of all the perversion and slime and filth

1:07:19 When we’ve got our house cleaned up and organized and decorated again and we’ve brought in the Spirit of God to occupy our house again, the true God in Heaven, not the sa*tanic slime god…

1:07:32 When we’ve kicked the re_ptiles out of our country and we have our house in order…

1:07:42 Then we will turn to the world… not as our brother’s keeper, not to run the world our way… but as our brother’s brother…

1:07:59 When God came looking for Abel, Where’s our brother? And Cain says, I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?

1:08:06 It’s the wrong answer. You’re your brother’s brother… we are going to go and be our brother’s brother out to the world…

1:08:16 We’re going to stop the pe/doph/ilia… we’re going to stop the monsters, we’re going to protect the innocent, we’re going to protect the weak, we’re going to do our mission before God the way we’re supposed to do it…

1:08:28 As our brother’s brother and thereby not earn judgement from God but instead get blessing from God and go from win to win to win…

1:08:44 We are going to be winning every day… we’re doing the will of God, we’re protecting the innocent, kicking thes as*sholes into Gitmo and worse…

1:08:54 We’ll deliver ‘em to God for Him to do the judgement… but we’re going to get our country back, we’re going to get the world back, the children of Adam will prevail in the end… and you’re about to see that in your lifetime… take it to the bank…


End Kat Partial Transcription


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3 Responses to BardsFM 3-22-21… “Juan O Savin Unplugged Parts 1 & 2” (plus transcript notes for part 2 by Kat) (and “Hold the Light space for the planet, at this moment”)

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