Kp Message 12-11-20… “The Long-ness of Certain Days”

Sometimes the plan I have seen “laid out before me” changes… in an instant.

My massage was at 11:30 (about 45 miles away), and then my intention was to go to a coffee shop (a new one, for me) and do a mission in connection with the town where I was going, and with the Mississippi. It was to be in Iowa.

However, as I was enjoying the slightly rainy (and eventually to become snowy) drive through harvested corn and soybean fields, on a fairly non-major type of country road, all of a sudden I heard a “snap” and the power steering went out, and pretty soon the engine temperature rose… rapidly. A few bells were ringing in the car. I was near a small (apparently not used) gravel driveway, so I pulled into there.

I realized I would need to call for a tow back to the service place I use (that’s why it’s kind of helpful to have auto insurance), and so I did. The truck arrived about 20 minutes later. The fellow and his son pulled the car up on the bed, and we were off. As he pulled it onto the bed, he noticed that a belt was dragging on the ground. There was my problem.

So off we went… on a 90 minute drive to the service station.

Part of the deal, I felt, was that I was there to share with the towing guys about living in Hawaii. The tow driver spent some time in the navy, part of it in Hawaii. Eventually we compared notes on masks, what was going on with the election, and the fact that his son was wearing a camo-type Trump hat. I knew I was in capable hands. Very 3D, but an interesting connection.

A prime point for myself, however, was that “the mission” had to wait, and there is likely some critical reason for it. Perhaps it was a sign that I am to stay in pretty much one location, for now. I’m not going to try to figure it all out, but I am very much at peace with this entire day. I’m now off to bed. The body feels very drained.

Aloha to all,

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