SerialBrain2 11-14-19… “Rosenstein, Kelly and Tillerson started the coup. Adam is only trying to finish it” (highlights) & AndWeKnow VIDEO

Excellent (in my view) newer article by SB2.

I’m posting the link and a few highlights. I’ll post some decode images shortly.

The Maestro’s Beautiful Chess Combination for the Whistleblower

“…Nikki Haley’s explosive revelation… that John Kelly and Rex Tillerson tried to recruit her to undermine POTUS… Kelly and Rex Tillerson were trying to save HUSSEIN’s Iran deal and were therefore working to preserve the classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria that we went through in previous decodes… [She] also revealed that Tillerson went behind POTUS’ back to release half of the aid to Palestine.

“…the Palestinian issue is a hoax, a MOS/C_A/MI-6 deception created to justify US aid that never reaches the Palestinian populations and that is diverted to finance black ops in order to maintain conflict zones for the facilitation of child trafficking and other criminal activities.

“…how in the world did Germany, after losing WW1, with a country in ruins and a destroyed economy become the world’s biggest military threat 15 years later? Where did the money come from? If this success story was real, shouldn’t this economic model be the find of the century? They’ll never tell you what really happened in the schools they control. The truth is Hitler was financed by a network of US businessmen activated by the Cabal. One of them was Prescott Bush, GW Bush’s grandfather: video

“What are we currently witnessing? Watch: video… a Dems kangaroo court in Congress targeting the President of the United States with fabricated claims and with the complicity of the Fake News. Before that, he was targeted by 18 angry democrats piled up in Mueller’s Special Counsel and tasked to find something, anything to remove him from office. Before that, they targeted Candidate Trump with FISA and other illegal means to prevent him from winning the elections.

“Now question: if they are doing this to Donald J. Trump, a billionaire who became POTUS, what do you think they have in store for you?!”


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Nikki Haley:
The tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice – Brendan Pelsue:
Trump Claims He Would Win IQ Test Against Tillerson:
Kelly says he would serve HRC:
Late Night shows make fun of Trump about Chief of Staff position:
Trump says 19 minutes after inauguration they wanted to impeach:
The Washington Post Article:
Music by David Mason – Epic Cinematic Style Intro:

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