Kp Message 10-29-19…

I’ve left the title blank for now, as not sure what I’ll write about.

It’s feeling like a challenge sometimes to deal with items my mother has taken care of most of her life… Like paying house bills, laundry, etc. I’m learning her systems and not sure how long I will be doing it.

And there’s been a few times, like yesterday (10-27) when I went to see her in the ICU and she looked very out of it (due to pain killing drugs), but did perk up when I touched her and when Dad spoke with her (via iPhone speaker). Then the nurses moved her and she screamed out in pain… That was a challenge. Hearing and seeing that. I did weep profusely when that happened. Seeing that was so hard for my Spirit.

But then today I learned that she had been moved out of the ICU to a standard room, and some things had returned to more “normal” levels.

I’m just not sure what will happen with her. I know at some level, it’s her choice. With the Guidance of her Angelic Guides, as well.

All in all I’m in uncharted waters right now, and any ideas about returning to the islands now feel like they are drifting away. They’re being replaced with how I’m going to allow this new phase of my life here… with the parents, to unfold.

Yet the crisp cold air I felt today during one of my two walks really resonated with my Inner Spirit. Part of me feels much more “alive” here than in Kona. We’re likely to have the first snow during the next couple nights.

The Light, the Inner Light, shows the way. It always has, and always will.

Blessings to all…
Aloha, Kp

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