Dimensions of Disclosure 2019, Joan Wheaton’s Notes from 8-23-19, MIKE BARA (#DoD2019)

Again, courtesy of Joan Wheaton, here are notes from Mike Bara’s 8-23-19 presentation.

[HIGHLIGHTS ADDED] I’m posting her notes as is, without highlights (at this time; maybe will add later).

“……the Overstock CEO was recruited to set up a fake Russian collusion narrative; a seditious plot to overthrow the government. They enlisted foreign governments in this spying, so it wouldn’t be illegal. Now, some of these governments are turning around and beginning to work with the Alliance.

“…the current astro-chart for the US is basically the same as during the American Revolution; the global sovereignty movement is taking place now like it was back then…

“…during the finale of the fireworks display at the Capitol this year, a fireworks formation that everyone took to say ‘USA’ actually said USR (United States REPUBLIC); again, a visual was shown to illustrate this…”


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HIGHLIGHTS from my handwritten NOTES…

MIKE BARA at ‘Dimensions of Disclosure’, 8/23/19…this represents a small portion of a longer talk…the visuals on this one were especially good (a lot of reincarnation ‘doubles’ were depicted, which was fascinating)…

“Why does Trump want Greenland? There could be an ancient civilization underneath, as it’s just as old as Antarctica is. It could contain rare-earth minerals…

…the Overstock CEO was recruited to set up a fake Russian collusion narrative; a seditious plot to overthrow the government. They enlisted foreign governments in this spying, so it wouldn’t be illegal. Now, some of these governments are turning around and beginning to work with the Alliance.

Einstein’s Tortion Teaser allows spin-force to drive space-time…

…no-one really knows the physics behind why planes can fly…

…at 19.5 degrees latitude there are disturbances on all of the planets…this is where the higher-dimensional energies come through into the physical…

…the planets with the most spin-energy (Jupiter and Saturn) are the ones that are driving the Sun…when the Sun is in certain positions, it calms down (when in an astrological trine with these planets it helps radio propagation, and when in a square it hinders it)…the positions of the planets do affect radio waves (which are electromagnetic waves)…EVERYTHING is affected by the position of the planets…

…the current astro-chart for the US is basically the same as during the American Revolution; the global sovereignty movement is taking place now like it was back then…

Q is a worldwide, global sovereignty phenomenon…Q is military insider intelligence…Trump was probably the reincarnation of Ceasar (Ceaser represented a change in the order of things, just like Trump does); he may also have been General Patton (a comparison visual was shown for the two of them and they look the same)…

…during the finale of the fireworks display at the Capitol this year, a fireworks formation that everyone took to say ‘USA’ actually said USR (United States REPUBLIC); again, a visual was shown to illustrate this…”


Livecast is (was) available here. I’m not sure if it’s still available, but one can try.
Livestream Tickets may be purchased here.
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