SerialBrain2, 7-4-19… “The Amazing Secret Behind the July 4th Parade: Winning, Winning, Winning!”

Was not really feeling in the “July 4” mood (if there is such a thing), but then I saw this new SB2. More messages being sent, and apparently this year it was “safe enough” (namely, enough deep state types were cleared out) to have a parade in DC. And although I’m not any kind of “I love the military” person, this article also helps to see how a strong military can be used as a tool for peace, in the world as it currently is. Eventually, we will move beyond all of this.

An And We Know video (AWK Bitchute channel) should be expected shortly.

[Kp notes: 1) A very helpful archive of SB2 posts, with tools to interpret and follow along, is available at 2) “Maestro” refers to President Donald J. Trump.]

“…the Military Adviser of the King… [held] long working sessions with the Diplomatic Adviser… when the King needed advice to make a country comply with his demands without having to invade it militarily. Often, they advised him to organize a grand parade to which the king of the target country, as well as his family and close advisors, were graciously invited. This gave them the opportunity to judge the military superiority of their host and understand that it was wiser to try to satisfy him.

“…Iran leaders [are] defiant… because the Cabal and its Deep State traitors that shake them from the shadows think they know the capabilities of the US Military for having led it until Trump’s arrival. What a BIG MISTAKE!

“Q2640 Why did HUSSEIN attempt to destroy our military (weaken)? What was the 16-year plan to destroy America? Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov’t?

“The resurrection of our Military and its undisputed supremacy has been also recently illustrated by the US Navy…

“This Might for Peace principle is the argument we’ll oppose to those who present themselves as doves and want to cut military spending to satisfy their socialist lust while, in fact, they are preparing the Country to be invaded and disrespected in the meantime… military might… translates into diplomatic equations through symbols like peaceful and admonition parades…

“…Andrew Cuomo’s outrageous statement made in August 2018 about America never being great. I wrote about it here and essentially told you that POTUS had to cancel the parade because the 13 Illuminati bloodlines with Cuomo and their related secret societies still had some Deep State assets in control, making the parade a dangerous event with a possible high cost we would have to pay.

“…Well, 2 years later [after a deep state threat], to the day, not only the Stock Market has reached its highest point in the history of our country, but Donald J. Trump is the first sitting US President to step into North Korea and we are holding a parade today in DC to show who REALLY controls the Military!

Q1690 You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE. Q


The Amazing Secret Behind the July 4th Parade: Winning, Winning, Winning!

Question: in medieval times, when did the Military Adviser of the King have to hold long working sessions with the Diplomatic Adviser?

Answer: when the King needed advice to make a country comply with his demands without having to invade it militarily.

Often, they advised him to organize a grand parade to which the king of the target country, as well as his family and close advisors, were graciously invited. This gave them the opportunity to judge the military superiority of their host and understand that it was wiser to try to satisfy him.

Why are Iran leaders defiant? Answer: because the Cabal and its Deep State traitors that shake them from the shadows think they know the capabilities of the US Military for having led it until Trump’s arrival.


There has been a lot of water under the bridge for the US Military since Trump’s arrival. Water like… 700 Billion dollars and an upcoming 716 Billion dollars! Our Commander in Chief recently illustrated this reality in his speech at the South Korea Osan Air Base, listen very carefully: until 25:00

About the Democrats and our Military, he says: “They weren’t going to give it to you, folks. They weren’t going to. They want open borders and the hell with the military.”

You know the reason right? It’s right here:

Q2640 Why did HUSSEIN attempt to destroy our military (weaken)? What was the 16-year plan to destroy America? Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov’t?

The resurrection of our Military and its undisputed supremacy has been also recently illustrated by the US Navy, using the comms. Enjoy: Img1

As you can see, the US Navy’s message is an ADMONITION. In other words, they are hoping not to have to use the US Military might and kill people. This is what wise Military spending is all about: flowers are not intended for direct consumption but you invest in them to beautify the garden and give it a wonderful smell. Those who have solved the Rocket Man Riddle know exactly what I’m talking about… Here is the confirmation from our Commander in Chief: until 26:20

This Might for Peace principle is the argument we’ll oppose to those who present themselves as doves and want to cut military spending to satisfy their socialist lust while, in fact, they are preparing the Country to be invaded and disrespected in the meantime. Look at how the controlled Fake News was secretly enjoying China’s humiliation of HUSSEIN: video.

Look at the difference: video.

Now that we have a common understanding of military might and how it translates into diplomatic equations through symbols like peaceful and admonition parades, let’s go back in time and analyze the military parade that Trump canceled last year.

Do you remember? It coincided with Andrew Cuomo’s outrageous statement made in August 2018 about America never being great. I wrote about it here and essentially told you that POTUS had to cancel the parade because the 13 Illuminati bloodlines with Cuomo and their related secret societies still had some Deep State assets in control, making the parade a dangerous event with a possible high cost we would have to pay. At the time, the Maestro tweeted about it and promised to do something next year when the “cost comes WAY DOWN”. Read very carefully: Img2

Did you notice and give justice to this “WAY DOWN” and “jet fighters” in the tweets? Peruvian coffee for those who caught this one! It’s right here, when Trump signed the Taxpayer First Act on July 1st 2019 and took the opportunity to talk about the coming parade: until 1:30.

He said WAY DOWN twice. Coincidence? Let’s see what happens 14 minutes later: until 16:08. Got it? So that it’s clear he’s referring to his last year tweets with the announced purchase of fighter jets and the control consolidation decoded earlier, he also says this:until 19:09.

Don’t you love it when the Maestro talks about the Lima tank plant? We get Abrams and Shermans from there! Who can decode this one? Peruvian Coffee on me for those who made it to the DMZ!

Do you still think the Maestro saying WAY DOWN twice was a coincidence? Value for WAY DOWN? Yes: 105, we saw in the article about the canceled parade that it’s also the value for MASONRY. Now what are the odds the number 104 appears in the Maestro’s last tweet yesterday? Here is the explanation:Img3

There is more.

The reference to the stock market at its highest point in our history in the same tweet where the Maestro coded the secret societies’ loss of control is not fortuitous.

In this article, we solved the Happy Independence Day Riddle and, through the musical note B2= 123.47, the related Nasdaq glitch on July 3rd 2017 link and the simultaneous ICBM test in North Korea link, we decoded the following message sent to Trump by the Cabal on July 3rd 2017:

We control the stock market, we control the tech companies and the military-industrial complex, if we wanted to eliminate you, you could not escape even if you had to hide in Air Force One like Bush did on 9/11: we have the technology and the financial means to achieve military superiority and defeat you. If you doubt it, for a start, look at our ICBM test in North Korea today.

Well, 2 years later, to the day, not only the Stock Market has reached its highest point in the history of our country, but Donald J. Trump is the first sitting US President to step into North Korea and we are holding a parade today in DC to show who REALLY controls the Military!

Are you tired of winning yet?

Once again, are you tired of wining yet?

Wait until I tell you how the DMZ meeting was organized behind the scenes, by whom and why the Cabal is hysterical about it!

Q1690 You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE. Q

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