Greg Hunter with Kevin Shipp 4-27-19… VIDEO… An informative 1 hour interview

[Kp note: I removed the title words because I did not like the title.]

I’m posting this for the TOTAL content that is in this informative 1 hour interview. The title, of course, is from a very “3D only” type perspective. And the discussion of “violence is coming” is actually a very small part of the video.

Kevin Shipp is a former CIA Officer and whistleblower, so there is much data here that may illuminate many. One key quote from the article that goes with this video, is this:

Shipp predicts Trump will win re-election in 2020. Shipp says Trump won’t be voted in by just devout Republicans, but Democrats who are running from their party because of how extreme it has gotten. Shipp explains, “Yes, they are running from the Democrat Party. Support for Trump has been increasing by the millions. A lot of these Democrats are being very, very quiet right now because they know what will happen to them if they come out in support of Trump. When 2020 comes, these Democrats are going to push that button and pull that lever for Trump, and it’s going to be more shocking than 2016.”

As far as the “Arm yourself” statement, as far as I’m concerned, the only “arming” that is necessary is “Arming with the Light”. I am not a “gun (or any other type of 3D weapons) person”, and I never will be. But many of us are working throughout the planet to assist in bringing in Higher Vibration Light to the entire planet, so that the need for the use of 3D weapons will never come to pass (but if one’s own Higher Guidance says, “Buy a gun”, then feel free to follow that Guidance).

At around 40 minutes he goes into the JFK assassination.

Click for the article that goes with this video.

Published April 27, 2019
Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says,

“The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence.
As these indictments begin to come out, and as the players are called out, the violence on what I call the Dark Left, the violence is going to increase to the point where it’s going to be very, very bad.
There are going to be beatings and probably shootings, and shooting at police…
There is going to be a lot of violence coming from the Left in the next year or two. This is one of the reasons you need to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights… because of what the Left is going to do with these findings and what is going to be the death knell for the Democrat Party and the death knell for taking over our Constitution and culture.
They will exponentially bring up their violence, and Americans need to arm themselves and protect themselves against that.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp, founder of the popular website


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