Edge of Wonder 4-19-19… “Jordan Sather… How Q is Kicking the Deep State in the Caballs… [Part 1]”

This is a very nicely crafted piece by EoW. This was “filmed” in Kona (probably at Joan Ocean’s Sky Ranch), and goes into some of the details about Q, other things going on, and how Jordan has come here to assist in “saving the world” (just as all those who are reading this are!).

The best part of this was that they are having fun with it…!!!

Published April 19, 2019
Why is the mainstream media so bent on calling Q a conspiracy? After the big nothing burger of the #Mueller report came out, the report is showing that the #MSM was the conspirators this entire time. Many people are now starting to re-think the mainstream narrative and are starting to ask who is Q and why does it have such a massive following?

On this episode of Edge of Wonder in our Cosmic Waves Hawaii series, we talk with Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion on who Q is and why the #DeepState have been leading attacks against the followers of Q using the Mainstream Media.

We will also discuss if Q is really part of President Trump’s team and why the MSM have yet to ask him the big question: Are Q and Trump connected?

Jordan’s YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVTRzCXvIbdK0Y1ZxD-BlA
Twitter: @Jordan_Sather_
Website: https://www.jordansather.com/

*Special thanks to Cameraman Dan & Superfly Jimbo for the awesome camera work and lighting skillz

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