Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org 3-26-19… “The Big (Exopolitics) Picture behind Trump Russia Collusion Narrative & its Collapse”

This Dr. Salla article is another one that I see as “expanding awareness of the big picture”. I’d intended to post it earlier, but anyway, here it is.

I have never been a player in the “Russia is the devil” game, particularly since Lada Ray came into my awareness. There is a much larger theme being “played out”, and msm (and many non-msm) have beat the “Russia is bad” drum into oblivion. Time for it to end, in my view.

As always with Dr. Salla’s articles, I’m posting 1/3 of the article, highlighting from the full article, and linking to the original at the end.

“With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture.

“It can be anticipated that much attention will now focus on the discredited Steele dossier and how it was illegally used by Obama administration officials to attain FISA Court warrants to conduct surveillance operations of key figures in Trump’s Presidential campaign and his incoming administration.

“While the Russia Trump collusion case can be traced to a Deep State attempt to support Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign, and even going as far as preventing Trump from being inaugurated, the ultimate purpose appears to have been an effort to sabotage any possibility that Trump would collaborate with President Vladimir Putin in solving a range of complex global issues.

“…we can begin with famed psychic Edgar Cayce who in 1935 made an extraordinary prophesy that a post-communist Russia would play a central role in liberating the planet from sinister dark forces who he called the “sons of Belial” that has oppressed humanity for centuries: In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.

“…in a series of articles (see here, here and here), I have showed how the leaders of a post-communist Russia, Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Putin and Dmitri Medvedev, have respectively played critical roles in helping release the truth to emerge about extraterrestrial visitors, and how Russia has been helped by the visitors to bridge the gap with the more technologically developed NATO nations.

“The possibility that Trump would collaborate with Putin in the disclosure of suppressed technologies, reveal the truth about extraterrestrial visitors, and join a covert global battle against the Deep State, offers a compelling explanation for why the Russia Trump collusion narrative was concocted.

“If Trump and Putin ultimately go ahead in forging a genuine US Russia alliance, this would not only liberate the planet from Deep State control, but in the process reveal many of the suppressed technologies that can transform humanity and help us become a worthy member of a galactic community.”


The Big (Exopolitics) Picture behind Trump Russia Collusion Narrative & its Collapse

With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture.

The dramatic Mueller Report that was released in summary form on March 24 made clear what President Donald Trump has been loudly proclaiming for well over two years. The Russia collusion narrative was a complete hoax that was contrived by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party to undermine Trump’s surprising 2016 electoral triumph.

In an article published by The Hill, a former bastion of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, an Emmy award winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, has made clear that Trump is owed many apologies by the mainstream media:

We in the media allowed unproven charges and false accusations to dominate the news landscape for more than two years, in a way that was wildly unbalanced and disproportionate to the evidence.

We did a poor job of tracking down leaks of false information. We failed to reasonably weigh the motives of anonymous sources and those claiming to have secret, special evidence of Trump’s “treason.”

As such, we reported a tremendous amount of false information, always to Trump’s detriment.

And when we corrected our mistakes, we often doubled down more than we apologized. We may have been technically wrong on that tiny point, we would acknowledge. But, in the same breath, we would insist that Trump was so obviously guilty of being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s puppet that the technical details hardly mattered.

So, a round of apologies seem in order.

Attkisson goes on to say that emphasis now shifts to questions over how and why this false collusion narrative emerged:

Should we try to learn more about those supposed Russian sources who provided false “intel” contained in the “dossier” against Trump, Page and others? Should we learn how these sources came to the attention of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who built the dossier and claimed that some of the sources were close to Putin?

When and where did Steele meet with these high-level Russian sources who provided the apparently false information?

Are these the people who actually took proven, concrete steps to interfere in the 2016 election and sabotage Trump’s presidency, beginning in its earliest days?

Just who conspired to put the “dossier” into the hands of the FBI? Who, within our intel community, dropped the ball on verifying the information and, instead, leaked it to the press and presented it to the FISC as if legitimate?

It can be anticipated that much attention will now focus on the discredited Steele dossier and how it was illegally used by Obama administration officials to attain FISA Court warrants to conduct surveillance operations of key figures in Trump’s Presidential campaign and his incoming administration.

The fallout is likely to be the investigation and prosecution of many former government officials, who knowingly used the discredited dossier as an “insurance policy” to advance their anti-Trump agenda.

According to anonymous group, Q Anon, which is linked to both the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, such an investigation has already been underway since November 2017 by John Huber, the US Attorney for Utah, and Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General (IG) of the Department of Justice.

Huber was granted authority by former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to use the investigative resources of Horowitz’s IG office to investigate and prosecute those involved in possible crimes that were a matter of concern for different House of Representatives and Senate committees.

Q Anon has said that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared as Huber and other prosecutors have convened grand juries to hear the evidence provided by former Obama and Trump administration officials. Current estimates are that there are over 80,000 sealed indictments, and that these will be shortly unsealed with joint military and civilian trials.

It’s worth emphasizing that Q Anon has repeatedly referred to the Deep State (aka New World Order) as a global criminal syndicate which engages in Satanic rituals involving child sacrifice, human trafficking, and sex crimes which are used to compromise many government, corporate and media figures. For example, in a November 11, 2017 post, Q Anon wrote:

Read more at Exopolitics.org…

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