#Q #QAnon 2-26-19… Two (possibly significant) Q posts … (one related to the earlier David Wilcock synchronicity I had)

Mentioned in this earlier Kp blog post, I experienced a strong (to me, at least) synchronicity while viewing David talking about “big things coming up”, as indicated by his dream data (at 34:44 of the video), as it connected (to me) with the Q post 2903 which also refers to “BIG BIG BIG Happenings”. Now that Q post could simply be referring to the meeting of POTUS and Kim Jong Un in Vietnam, but I sense that it is more.

Will this “Big Big Big” stuff involve “shortages, etc.” of supplies, things, and/or power outages? Possibly. But I am not in, nor ever have been in, any kind of “fear” about any of this type of deal. Everyone may choose their own way of preparing for emergencies, and most people I know (including myself) keep enough basic supplies on hand to deal with a multi-day, -week, or -month, emergency scenario. Will this occur? My sense is, probably not. Each should follow their own Guidance about this.

The second Q post, 2901, to me, primarily points to the idea that we are almost at the end of all this (“THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND”).

All I will add to this is that I feel it is very important to remain in a “nose up” attitude about all this, and to keep open and willing to act on any Higher Guidance that is received. And to keep this planet and it’s inhabitants (including cats and dogs and animals and insects) in the Light of Ascension.

I’ve put these in reverse chronological order.

[2903] “[Anon] Feeling like Anons in US will be up late tonight following POTUS/Q in Vietnam. [Q] It’s going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago. [-21] Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.”

[2901] “[INTERNAL CIVIL WAR] All-out assault against the duly elected President of the United States. We have never experienced anything like this in our history.

“Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party… in full attack mode (no facts, only statements)… prevent-limit ‘sheep (you)’ from learning the TRUTH… retain-control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

“THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND. Fear of prosecution? Fear of the public learning the TRUTH? Fear of losing POWER? Bribes, blackmail, threats, etc. all being deployed.


[Primary Q site used: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//; Secondary Q site used: https://qanon.pub/; also recommended (if all other Q drops sites go down): https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#bottom; Q validations: https://www.qproofs.com/; More Q info: https://qmap.pub/]


SOURCE: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1e2b4e No.5402061

Anonymous ID: 67117c No.5401939

Feeling like Anons in US will be up late tonight following POTUS/Q in Vietnam.

It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 087672 No.5399134

All-out assault against the duly elected President of the United States.
We have never experienced anything like this in our history.
Treason & sedition at the highest levels of office throughout many departments [F + D].
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party prevent-limit ‘sheep (you)’ from learning the TRUTH.
Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party retain-control of NARRATIVE (control over you).
House D’s in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Senate D’s in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).
Fear of prosecution?
Fear of the public learning the TRUTH?
Fear of losing POWER?
Bribes, blackmail, threats, etc. all being deployed.

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