Kp Message 1-23-19… “Coming back from a Mission… a note or two”

[Kp note: inadvertently posted with the incorrect date so we’ve redone it with today’s.]

This is very short…

After returning from this mission, it is like I cannot listen to or view any types of “blah blah blah” related to political / SSP / economical / what’s happening in the break down of the deep state…

I can do mechanical things, like laundry / making a smoothie / trimming lilikoi vines…

And that’s about it. I “get” that when the mission is entered into, it is all-encompassing, and it is the only thing that “matters”, and everything else that is not connected to it must be released. Something like that.

Just wanted to add this note to the “Return of the Light” mission deal.

In the end, a mocha will solve everything…

Aloha, Kp

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